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Breaking: Search Operation at 90

It seems only if they counter MQM all the problems of Karachi will be solved.
What I understand is what ever is happening here is not good for the city in long term. They are alienating a certain community. If someone point towards the criminal and other elements then I am totally agree they exist but its all seems one sided :).

A few days back my brother with some relative has been looted at gunpoint and snatchers were not Urdu speakers (I am deliberately not mentioning it). Its an alarming situation if authorities didn't learn a lesson from their past adventures. This can stay for a while but can't be forever.

It all looks one sided because MQM are the only one's taking stuff to the media and shouting 'mediaaaa triaaayellll'. Similar stuff has been happening against the terrorist outfits in Karachi and we all saw what Zardari did a few weeks back.

But I agree to a certain extent that the 'perception' is that it is one-sided whereas its not.
True. But everyone else (not associated with MQM bore the blunt of operation too and you can guess who) and the result: today the political party doesn't need to ask for votes, even the very firm opposers of its policies and the chief find themselves compelled to vote for them since they remember the treatment meted out to the ethnic group during Operation Cleanup. Neither Rawalpindi nor Islamabad ever had anyone far sighted, objective and rational, in my opinion, hence the FUBAR state of Pakistan.

Read: The conflict between the MQM and the Pakistani state dates back to 1992's "Operation Clean-up," a government- initiated military operation, ostensibly aimed at cracking down on all "terrorist" and "criminal" elements in Sind, but which effectively became a witch hunt against the MQM. The MQM's charismatic albeit autocratic leader, Altaf Hussain, was forced into exile, and the party which had dominated Karachi politics since its founding in 1984 was forced underground. While sporadic ethnic and sectarian violence had been a permanent feature of the Karachi landscape since 1992, the intensity and organized nature of the 1995 round of conflict was entirely different. Analysts began to compare the situation in Karachi to the insurrection in Kashmir as the death toll during the months of June and July peaked at over 600 people, marking only the beginning of months of carnage that were to follow.

In its attempts to exterminate the militant core of the MQM, the state resorted to a calculated policy of collective punishment — massive pre-dawn "siege-and-search" operations and house-to-house searches that led to the illegal arrest and detentions of over 75,000 men between the ages of 12 and 50. Most of these men, often innocent relatives or friends of MQM activists, were blindfolded with their own shirts, paraded down to the local police station, and tortured or beaten until their families paid an extraction fee for their release. The state's counterinsurgency measures also included outright murder — in the daily newspaper reports of the deaths of MQM militants, "killed in police encounters" became an accepted euphemism for blatant extra-judicial killings. As Karachi's citizens endured conditions of unprecedented terror and harassment, the growing economic crisis was aggravated by MQM's calls for general strikes — 25 in 1995 alone — paralyzing the city at a cost of one billion rupees a day.

In the months that followed, the MQM Party was crushed — its workers arrested or forced underground, their families brutalized. An army press campaign against the MQM "exposed" MQM torture chambers, and stories of rape and extortion flooded the front pages. That half of these stories were true made the exaggerated and fabricated claims all the more believable. Despite military backing the dissident group, known as the "real" or Haqiqi faction of the MQM, failed to gain any following at all. Since the Muhajir community as a whole bore the brunt of a program of systematic intimidation and harassment by the state, even those Muhajirs who had previously not supported the MQM, or did not believed in the politicization of their Muhajir identity, now felt that they had no choice but to support Altaf's MQM. The Battlefields of Karachi: Ethnicity, Violence and the State

You want people to remember Pakistan army and Punjab rangers with respect even after what they did? They won't, its latched too deep in their memory. Make sense of it, like psychology's idea of its all in the childhood, much of what you see now in severe opposition to law enforcers (even they do good) comes from that time period. Mistakes made by excessive (and illegal) use of power aren't rectified by further use of force, the top brass doesn't seem to understand that.

P.S If you want to know whether peace was restored after that operation, look at what kept happening in Karachi in 1995-96.

Shame on MQMers for trying to create an artificial race to bank votes and play victimization card. A Mohajir simply means someone who migrated, just as people came from East Punjab, Kashmir, etc. During partition, it was millions of people from these regions who were slaughtered to death and sacrificed everything they owned to make Pakistan. Still you see one remains a disputed, divided territory and suffering under the hands of Indian Military.

Lets talk facts. The truth is Urdu Speaking community came during peaceful times from Indian Bihar and UP when opportunities arose and some came even as late as the 80s. Our Sindi brothers and sisters who invited you to their land became minority in Karachi, lost their golden economic prosperity, and became bullied with racial slurs. The MQM which became known as the 'Mohajir Quami Movement' was a typical mafia who began replacing educated people from PIA, Steel Mills, KMC, etc with their party workers and began the culture of target killings. It is also pertinent to note here that Shia-Sunni division never existed in the past and it had to see it on the day when people from Lucknow landed and brought their centuries old traditions and culture. Our Sindis were so peace loving people that they even protected their Hindu brothers and sisters from your organized criminal gangs. You speak of the 90s and the operation, well you should know there is a limit to something. We will not forget what were inside the Boris (bags).

I see you mention Bengalis here and there. I'm not going to defend what the military had done, however, I'm just going to remind you one of the the very reasons for their split was, language and culture. Bengalis were denied the right to speak their language in East Pakistan and were forced to speak Urdu, a language which is NOT native even in the Provinces of West Pakistan. In short what you should know is that you had your freedom. Most of the bureaucrats between the 60s-80s, army chiefs between 80s-2007, control of Sind government from 80s to 2013 all have been yours and this is a systematic invasion.
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It all looks one sided because MQM are the only one's taking stuff to the media and shouting 'mediaaaa triaaayellll'. Similar stuff has been happening against the terrorist outfits in Karachi and we all saw what Zardari did a few weeks back.

But I agree to a certain extent that the 'perception' is that it is one-sided whereas its not.

Great then it should be taking place under a Sulaimani Curtain so its invisible.

Yaar come on people live here can see every thing feel every thing. That is true that MQM are no angels they are maha harami but don't forget the other side they have taken out organs of alive people and sold them what has been done against them nothing ??? We can clearly see that MQMers are unable to wiggle their tails any more its rolled towards their tummy I can see I can feel clearly but what about the others who are on a spree killing and looting ??? what about them ??? thats brings in the feeling, not what is happening against MQM but selective action causing all that. And I can see clearly they are doing the same what they have done in 90's but in 90's the activists involved were more educated and today their are more ghunda and badmash type and I believe next time it will become even worse.

I believe only 3 things can change this scenario, Better Policing, Clean Education institutions (Specially from Jammat-e-Islami and is types not allowed for any establishment pet) and Educating our youth, Nothing more required then what I have mentioned that would be the best operation to defeat the Killers and Criminals. No one can finish them force fully let them do what they are doing and later they will come back even more harder because public sentiment is changing in the favour of MQM and that is something is not good for Urdu speaking community.
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Shit's getting serious!

Anyways, this time not all of the place was shut down. Targeted op at one hall and the Rabita Committee incharge taken into custody.
Interesting. Any reason for the raid. Any details as to what Ranger's came across this time? @notorious_eagle ?
No one should be speaking against this operation.
Rangers have their reason too. MQM harboring terrorists, such as those who were caught in earlier raid. Ranger's in only cleaning up Karachi. No one is against MQM. everyone is against those militant's within MQM.
Anyone who speaks against Ranger's is directly speaking against Pakistan Army. Good to see Ranger's doing their job cleaning up this city.
They weren't left with a choice, since MQM had decided not to cooperate. Expecting something big after eid.
I think Rangers will look to end this for good in coming time. AH will be left with no choice. Most probably handed over to Pakistan. Speaking against the state and Pakistan army these people have no shame.
Proud of Rangers. #standbehindRangers

LOL. Bhai:rofl:
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Tujay kyu nei utha kay lay gi rangers. :tsk:

they are most welcomed , but unfortunately nor i am worker of MQM .. or involved in any sort of Criminal activity ... aur na hi mai 90 pe rehta hun :D
PDF pe kafi log khush hun gay ager ranger mujhe utha le gi :D
Interesting. Any reason for the raid. Any details as to what Ranger's came across this time? @notorious_eagle ?
No one should be speaking against this operation.
Rangers have their reason too. MQM harboring terrorists, such as those who were caught in earlier raid. Ranger's in only cleaning up Karachi. No one is against MQM. everyone is against those militant's within MQM.
Anyone who speaks against Ranger's is directly speaking against Pakistan Army. Good to see Ranger's doing their job cleaning up this city.
They weren't left with a choice, since MQM had decided not to cooperate. Expecting something big after eid.
I think Rangers will look to end this for good in coming time. AH will be left with no choice. Most probably handed over to Pakistan. Speaking against the state and Pakistan army these people have no shame.
Proud of Rangers. #standbehindRangers

LOL. Bhai:rofl:

For supporting and facilitating hate speech against the state.
For supporting and facilitating hate speech against the state.
Good. Need to get hold of AH too. Really can't understand as to how people can defend him after witnessing his abusive tone toward's Pakistan army and Pakistan rangers.
Try resisting the snatching, next time you are in the situation and we will no longer have to read nonsense!

why try to be Bruce lee in front of gun ??? life is more important than your gadgets boyyy :whistle:
I don't mind taking on TK's but recently brother of my close friend has been died in such an incident and he was an educated person a teacher and a working person. The one who killed him during snatching is a useless mole of society and guess he was not Urdu Speaker.

so you interviewed the snatcher is he urdu speaking or punjabi speaking ???
Not extortion ... Charity funding record ... Nowadays rangers are in full swing to stop charity funding to MQM ... They are tolerating if someone is going by himself to pay them .......

Bhatta collection by TTP, no matter under which guise they do it, is banned.

Same way Bhatta collection by MQM, under the disguise of a welfare organization must be banned. Funding of terrorists must stop!
problem of karachi is people of karachi who them selves are divided into urdu punjabi pashtoo sindhi speaking by following their dumb *** leaders
Whenever MQM has been put into such situation they went BACK FOOT for the time and let other perform whatever they like and when people came to know the REALITY they themselves brought MQM Back to its feet. Same is Happening here and this time PTI would be the one which would going to suffer like MQM Haqiqi in 1990s.

This time not gonna happen.

Last time Musaharraf saved Altaf's fat a$$, this time no one gonna save that fat toad. And besides he is very sick as well, perhaps going to die like a cockroach in few years time in London due to excessive alcoholism.

PS.: Apologies for the harsh words for that toad, but the kind of language he is using against the state and our institutions he fully deserves it. Few examples are right here on this thread.
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