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BREAKING : REFUSED by hotels and lodges, PAK family spends the night on a Mumbai footpath

Mind you this family should feel lucky having returned safely considering what happened to the Pakistanis on-board the Samjhota Express.

First of all Samjhota express incident was a total security failure. This has nothing to do with the topic and out of context. If I ask you what about the attack on the Sri Lankans,what about the beheading of 30 International mountain climbers in Gilgit.
In short if any Lankans visits Pakistan and goes back to his country Sri Lanka in one piece,he should be considered lucky.
Am I right or wrong.
How many international sports team have visited Pakistan in the last decade.
I blame them, wtf were they doing in India in the first place?
To be honest, I find it hard to believe that these people arrived without hotel bookings, and even if they did (which is highly unlikely), they must've been poor, which is why they must've tried to get a room at a rubbish lodge somewhere around JJ, Masjid Bunder, or Bombay Central, and most lodge owners are super strict and extremely vigilant after 26/11, still, it's no excuse for harrowing poor tourists visiting with legit visas, and I feel like crap right now. If they'd tried at a decent hotel, I'm sure they would've gotten a room for the night.

Yea we hear all about Muslims being refused houses in certain areas.....hang your head in shame rather than acting snow white.

I hate to be a party pooper, but have you heard about how Hindus aren't allowed to buy houses in certain parts of the city, and also how both Hindus and Muslims aren't allowed to buy/rent in certain Christian parts of the city, and so on ...?
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Well I did take it back.

You are far too young for such perversities to make you day. Be cynical when you grow up, not before.

But at the same time, don't be an emotional fool while dealing with pakistanis. They are and will continue to remain people who recruit, train and send terrorists into India with the full or partial support of the local population and elected govt.
hmm.. thanks for your Reply. i am not being a EF sir, i have no love for anybody except Indians. i am just following my Guru's Teaching
So when I visit Pakistan should I expect being gifted a Bomb Vest, being trained in terror camps, younger boys from our tour group wisked away for Bachha Bazi, attending lecture about doings and cheerleading China as a part of your live like local theme??

Im sure you can get bombs & can train at RSS terror camps in India.
Boys im sure are picked up in India easily .
Attending lecture on doings im sorry i dont understand & cheer leading China i think you can ask Pooja below for advise.


Cheers :cheers:
Perhaps the secular folks in our country will now think - We shamed the Mumbaikars so much over the ink incident. But they still remain so .... :mad:
They won't...you know why? 99% of hotels in Bhendi Bazar (not Bhenzi as quoted in the article) belongs to 'seculars'. People familiar with the demography of that part of Mumbai will know what I mean.:lol:

"I asked the family to wait near a hotel at Bhenzi Bazaar and began searching for a hotel or lodge. Till the evening I visited around a dozen lodges, but everyone refused to admit us since we are from Pakistan," said a bitter Shakeel Ahmed.
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Go spread the world in your nation that terrorists are not welcome in India. All the best and god speed.
If you have an inch of self respect, you would leave Pakistan defence forum immediately.
Serves the family right though, they got to witness incredible india.
If it must be spelt out to you lot, then well, here it is ...

Most of you should quit giving this a religious angle because you look quite daft not knowing the situation on the ground. All lodges in the Bhendi Bazar area (including the ones that might've refused the tourists a room) belong to Muslims.
If you have an inch of self respect, you would leave Pakistan defence forum immediately

He has no self respect. Neither an ounce or an inch. So he would stay here talking all big and strong hiding behind a keyboard.
He's right on that. The muslim guy among the rapists was the youngest and inserted an iron rod into her which caused severe internal injury and killed her. But then the entire group was full of crazies . I hope they are killed .

i too hope they are killed, especially their lawyer, m.l. sharma, who has made quite anti-human statements.

this is just a technical point i make - i was unable to find the name of the youngest criminal... do you have a article that names his name??

Though I don't believe this love jihad stuff the way RSS tries to blow it out of proportion,but then wahabbi seminaries are known for this in UK and the biggest target are sikh girls for love jihad in UK.

the british cases i believe are more to do with south asians hating the native white britishers... these so-called muslims who had been targeting british white females, since in south asian traditional culture it is the female who unfortunately has to uphold something nonsense called "honor of society", these south asian "muslim" gangsters see british ladies as the means to inflict dishonor upon the general native british society... if you enquire these particular "muslim" criminals about their ideology, they would support other wrongs things too - isil, the phenomenon of the 300,000+ mosques in india ( largest number in the world ), support for cia's anti-assad war in syria, support for the anti-gaddafi factions, anti-nasser thought, anti-socialism etc... these criminals are the result of british government, for it own benefits in foreign lands, giving space in britain for reactionary preachers like abu hamza and anjem choudry... these fake-muslims/criminals/terrorists are really the backfiring of british government policies... it is sad that innocent british females got sucked in... i hope that these gangs are demolished.

now, each south asian community in britain seems to have its own criminal characteristics - the tamils have among them violent gangs, the gujaratis support vhp and were responsible for the "ganesha drinks milk" mania in 1995, the sikhs have "honor killing" and so on.

In India I don't think this thing is that popular like UK,with exception of Kerala where I have heard of such fatwas in seminaries .

i don't know if anyone has actually read literature from seminaries that calls for "love jihad"... i would say the reactionaries among muslims would not be the type to establish romance with any female, non-muslim or muslim.
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