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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

The region did not need this escalation.

It is a highly provocative and irresponsible act of murder by the United States.

Mr. Suleimani may have been a controversial figure but international norms are to be respected by everyone equally.

Nazi India threatens to annex her smaller neighbours but restraint is being shown by Pakistan to avert a greater human tragedy.

Highly deplorable act if i may term it as such by Trump.

Do you need to bring India into this discussion? Now, do you like to derail this thread with your troll comments as this issue is nothing to with India nor how Pakistan is dealing with India
But it is the message it sends and how it will be taken. How do you think the rest of PMU, Hezbollah fighters, commanders, and even Nasrallah feels now that Soleimani is martyred? The illusion of "if we side with Iran we are invincible" is gone

Dude what are you talking about. Were you born yesterday?

Who existed before Nasrallah? ANOTHER HZ commander. When that commander assassinated did HZ collapse? No it grew stronger.

There are several generals in Quds force. US just identified the one in charge of Yemen operations. Solemani was in charge of entire Quds force since ‘98.

Generals retire, die, move on, etc. US military didn’t disappear when Mattis and Peterus retired.
The issue wasn't security, the issue was reliance on the belief that US is a rational actor. For years since the Surge, Muhandis and Soleimani met without any additional security. The security was assumed base on rationale that US wouldn't dare to attack Iranian Iraq personal especially when Iraqi government endorses them. That rationale became obsolete when Trump came to power. Trump is an irrational entity, the sooner people start to recognize his mental health problems, the more prepared they will be. Trump doesn't understand politics, geopolitics or strategy. He is driven by impulses and election, he has been diagnosed by several psychologist as mentally unfit so normal realist approach is not applicable to this man.

Yeah the Iranians need to be more prepared against Trump and his impulses. Maybe the Iranian leader can say more crap about him on his twitter to make sure Trump backs down.
Dude what are you talking about. Were you born yesterday?

Who existed before Nasrallah? ANOTHER HZ commander. When that commander assassinated did HZ collapse? No it grew stronger.

There are several generals in Quds force. US just identified the one in charge of Yemen operations. Solemani was in charge of entire Quds force since ‘98.

Generals retire, die, move on, etc. US military didn’t disappear when Mattis and Peterus retired.

The question is what happens from this point forward. Iran lost IRGC generals in the past but this one is different.

Soleimani was more than just the big guy, he was a symbol for Iran and sepah.
I've heard that argument before, and I'll tell you right now that its BS. That argument is usually said by people who dont understand how geopolitics and national interests work.
You may be right since I don't know how geopolimics work and I certainly have no idea what national interests are. But I read somewhere that that's how Nazism and eventually communism were defeated. But that may just be a rumor started by people who don't know what the interest rates are....
stop typing in caps lock you maymoon. We can read without it just fine.

Let’s be real. Solemani’s time was up for a LONG time. No other state actor has been responsible for more US soldier deaths since 1980’s and lived.

The only thing that stopped Solemani from being targeted was Prior US presidents and military brass that didn’t want to disturb the peace and raise the risk of huge escalation.

Trump and Neo-hawks are implementing the last gasp Neo Imperialist strategy.

The thinking is if Neo-Nazi’s in Washington can implement every one of their wet dream desires then Iran will SURELY be stopped.

1) If we sanction Iran oil ——done
2) If we sanction Iran oil to zero ——done
3) If we designate IRGC a terrorist organization —-done
4) If we sanction Iran’s other industries —-done
5) if we respond by killing Iranian officials —-done
6) if we end waivers on iran nuclear projects —- done

What Iran MUST show the world is that Neo-Nazi strategy is flawed and results in a more aggressive Iran. Anything to a contrary will mean that Neo-Hawks will celebrate and say their strategy works and it will be the template to dealing with Iran for millennia.

As I said the door to negotiations is now forever closed. Iran is better off pulling out of NPT and becoming a nuclear power.

That will be the nail in the coffin for Republicans and Neo-Hawks because they will forever be known as the party that let Iran get the nuclear bomb and that is the WORST EMBARRASSMENT a president and administration can endure.
stop typing in caps lock you maymoon. We can read without it just fine.

Let’s be real. Solemani’s time was up for a LONG time. No other state actor has been responsible for more US soldier deaths since 1980’s and lived.

The only thing that stopped Solemani from being targeted was Prior US presidents and military brass that didn’t want to disturb the peace and raise the risk of huge escalation.

Trump and Neo-hawks are implementing the last gasp Neo Imperialist strategy.

The thinking is if Neo-Nazi’s in Washington can implement every one of their wet dream desires then Iran will SURELY be stopped.

1) If we sanction Iran oil ——done
2) If we sanction Iran oil to zero ——done
3) If we designate IRGC a terrorist organization —-done
4) If we sanction Iran’s other industries —-done
5) if we respond by killing Iranian officials —-done
6) if we end waivers on iran nuclear projects —- done

What Iran MUST show the world is that Neo-Nazi strategy is flawed and results in a more aggressive Iran. Anything to a contrary will mean that Neo-Hawks will celebrate and say their strategy works and it will be the template to dealing with Iran for millennia.

As I said the door to negotiations is now forever closed. Iran is better off pulling out of NPT and becoming a nuclear power.

That will be the nail in the coffin for Republicans and Neo-Hawks because they will forever be known as the party that let Iran get the nuclear bomb and that is the WORST EMBARRASSMENT a president and administration can endure.

In terms of Nukes I totally agree with that assessment and I believe the Supreme Leader should have instead simply issued a fatwa against their use against civilians and left it at that..... Iran should have kicked out the IAEA and started a covert nuclear weapons program the moment U.S. left the JCPOA and Iran should have also left the NPT the moment Iran's oil was sanctioned.
If stocking nuke can deter others from using Nukes against us then they will be well worth it. Plus, we are already getting punished for them anyways so we might as well do the deed......
The question is what happens from this point forward. Iran lost IRGC generals in the past but this one is different.

Soleimani was more than just the big guy, he was a symbol for Iran and sepah.

As a Symbol he is now IMMORTAL

You think Shahid Tehrani Maghadam or Shahd Babai or Shahid Sattari ....... are no longer symbols for us??? In our culture they are now Immortal!!!!
It is important to mention Muhandis, he was a major resistance figure.

I had a similar experience today. I thought something like this would happen soon.
به خدا قسم می خورم......وقتی دیشب می خواستم بخوابم دل شوره داشتم......به دلم بد افتاده بود که برای آقا اتفاقی می افته......که الان می بینم سرباز آقا به شهادت رسیده
As a Symbol he is now IMMORTAL

You think Shahid Tehrani Maghadam or Shahd Babai or Shahid Sattari ....... are no longer symbols for us??? In our culture they are now Immortal!!!!

In our yes, but not in the proxy groups he was in charge of.
I wonder why the news become so big, I doubt this US strike will lead to any war between the two nations. News about Turkish troops deployment approval by parliament is more bigger in weight than this new development. The reason it gets huge coverage by CNN is because this action is made by their own country.

If Iran is rational they should not do any revenge what so ever. This current US administration is a hard core Tea Party movement believer which is clear how it scrap the deal made by Obama over Iran nuclear and set up embassy in Jerusalem.

Having a war with Iran will be a present for this US administration so better not giving what they really want by acting foolishly.
without any exageration, the assasination of Soleimani was nothing less than an official American declaration of war on Iran, it's similar to how in ancient times when one country sends a minister or messenger etc.. to a second country, if that second country beheads the messenger & sends his head back to his country in a basket then that is a declaration of war, & this is what happened here, this is far much bigger than just Soleimani, the Americans are not idiots, they knew that Soleimani was part of the top Iranian leadership yet they killed him

if what happened doesn't convince the top Iranian leadership that they need to get nuclear ICBMs ASAP then it's only a matter of time before the state of Iran ceases to exist, the reason for aquiring nukes is not because of emotional reaction.. but it is a matter of survival, remember the US was the only country that actually used nukes in combat, & it's entirely in the realm of possibility that the US would just nuke Tehran, if WWII Japan had nukes the US wouldn't have dared to nuke them.

what Iran needs to do now is contact North Korea immediatley & ask the North Koreans to give Iran all the help they need to produce Nuclear ICBMs ASAP & also buy some nuclear ICBMs from NK, money is of no importance, even if Iran has to direct 50% of it's GDP for the nukes then so be it, ofcourse all of this should be done in secret & Iran should not declare their intent to have nukes till they actually have them.

as for avenging Soleimani.. this can wait, revenge should not be the top priority now, once Trumps current term (or second term if he is re-elected) ends, then will be the time for revenge, you know how? assasinate one of Trump's relatives.
I wonder why the news become so big, I doubt this US strike will lead to any war between the two nations. News about Turkish troops deployment approval by parliament is more bigger in weight than this new development. The reason it gets huge coverage by CNN is because this action is made by their own country.

If Iran is rational they should not do any revenge what so ever. This current US administration is a hard core Tea Party movement believer which is clear how it scrap the deal made by Obama over Iran nuclear and set up embassy in Jerusalem.

Having a war with Iran will be a present for this US administration so better not giving what they really want by acting foolishly.

This wasn't just some random Iranian general, he was Khamenie's right hand man and most important asset for Iran's extra-terroritorial operations.

Such an act will warrant a severe response as inaction will only work to Iran's detriment.

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