without any exageration, the assasination of Soleimani was nothing less than an official American declaration of war on Iran, it's similar to how in ancient times when one country sends a minister or messenger etc.. to a second country, if that second country beheads the messenger & sends his head back to his country in a basket then that is a declaration of war, & this is what happened here, this is far much bigger than just Soleimani, the Americans are not idiots, they knew that Soleimani was part of the top Iranian leadership yet they killed him
if what happened doesn't convince the top Iranian leadership that they need to get nuclear ICBMs ASAP then it's only a matter of time before the state of Iran ceases to exist, the reason for aquiring nukes is not because of emotional reaction.. but it is a matter of survival, remember the US was the only country that actually used nukes in combat, & it's entirely in the realm of possibility that the US would just nuke Tehran, if WWII Japan had nukes the US wouldn't have dared to nuke them.
what Iran needs to do now is contact North Korea immediatley & ask the North Koreans to give Iran all the help they need to produce Nuclear ICBMs ASAP & also buy some nuclear ICBMs from NK, money is of no importance, even if Iran has to direct 50% of it's GDP for the nukes then so be it, ofcourse all of this should be done in secret & Iran should not declare their intent to have nukes till they actually have them.
as for avenging Soleimani.. this can wait, revenge should not be the top priority now, once Trumps current term (or second term if he is re-elected) ends, then will be the time for revenge, you know how? assasinate one of Trump's relatives.