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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

It is important to mention Muhandis, he was a major resistance figure.
R.I.P Sardar.
He finally got what he always wanted.
Trump confirmed that it was intended.

For some reason I woke up in the middle of the night when it happened and checked my phone. Then the news was just a convoi hit at Bagdad airport :(

I had a similar experience today. I thought something like this would happen soon.
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Both parties are not justified in my opinion. Funny enough both love stroking their ego, pretty bad how far this can go.

The only people I feel sorry for are the civilians. The price of a Muslim life has been so devalued by the world proxy war in Syria, the insane slaughter brought on by Daesh, etc. And yes, I have an American flag on my avatar. But I am very aware that it was Paul Bremmer disbanding the military and deba'athification that lead to all of this.
Wait a minute I thought every PMU was an Iranian. :confused:

Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis was born in Iraq as an Iraqi citizen. He has ties to both Baghdad and Tehran.

The Western media reports the PMU like they are some band of Iranian outlaws in Iraq unwanted by Baghdad. They even tried to change the name of the PMU to some other name like they do with their terror groups of ISIS and Al Qaeda.

So much for any truth in Western media.
R.I.P He got what he always wanted but I don't think americans are gonna like what they are gonna get...
He is not the first one whom got martyred and surly not the last one ...

Serious question.....we know Iran has the ability to respond, they have greatly improved their warfighting capabilities. But what do you think the US will do when it is their turn?
You just gave an absolute retarded answer it's like saying saudi Arabia should unite with Israel???? Saudi Arabia and Iran are both ruled by not so visionary leaders they need to stop this violence between muslims off middle east

You arguably share more with each other than we Arabs do with Iran. Your hostility is a recent thing and religiously motivated and since 1947 about land dispute (Kashmir). Ours is a millennia old rivalry. Religion is of no importance here. 20 million or so of your countrymen (if not more), including many users here, have origins in today's India as well. I even read that your current leader Imran Khan is half Mujahir.

We don't even neighbor them unlike you and India.

The only entity in that country that I for instance fell close to are the Arabs of Iran but I don't consider them Iranians but Arabs.

Why should we ally with a hostile regime that has caused nothing but harm? Give me one good reason. The religion card won't work, 90% of all Arabs are Sunni Muslims and we share nothing in common with the Wilayat al-Faqih sect that runs Iran where some Grand Ayatollah that falsely claims Arab ancestry is some infallible holy figure and where distorted Islamic history is celebrated. I have nothing in common with such a thing. You can ally with them for all I care, just don't ask us to ally with them.

And yes, I rather ally with Israel (Palestine) as 20-25% of the population is Arab and 2/3 of all Israeli Jews are Arab Jews. Only thing that causes hostility is land dispute. Prophet Muhammad (saws) had dealings with Jews (many positive) and we all know the dealings we had with the fire-worshipping Farsis back then who have always been historical enemies even though they are largely Arabized and most of their pre-Islamic civilization is actually stolen from our pre-Islamic Semitic civilization which @dani92 can expand on as I don't bother.
Great news!

Kill the Islamists! Coexistence with them is not possible. They must be exterminated. A short while ago another one of the filthy pigs was arrested in Sweden more than 30 years after taking part in the prison massacres of thousands of mostly young and teenage Iranians in 1988.

The time will come when they are hunted down by the Iranian people around world and hung from lamposts in Iranians cities.
Wait a minute I thought every PMU was an Iranian. :confused:

Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis was born in Iraq as an Iraqi citizen. He has ties to both Baghdad and Tehran.

The Western media reports the PMU like they are some band of Iranian outlaws in Iraq unwanted by Baghdad. They even tried to change the name of the PMU to some other name like they do with their terror groups of ISIS and Al Qaeda.

So much for any truth in Western media.

We failed to mention Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.
They aren't behind killings to begin with ulike dictators, ultra nationalists, and some generals
What killings are Pakistani generals behind? The Liberandu hatred of the Pakistan Army stems from their hatred of the existence of Pakistan - they’d much rather Pakistan merge with India in some way. It isn’t Pakistan that is occupying millions of Kashmiris and committing atrocities, yet Liberandus call for US sanctions and in some cases even military action against Pakistan.

The trash and poisonous filth here are the so called ‘liberals‘ who are willing to see millions suffer and/or die for the sake of their ‘India-Pakistan Bhai bhai’ BS.
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