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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

Be quiet.. you couldn't even take a some rag tag international rebels without taking thousands of deaths and needing the help of Russian Air force.

You and your filthy islamists are good at raping, murdering and stealing from the helpless. You have no honor. Your ideology is the scum of the earth.

Another neo nazi German. Yay.

Tell that to the wannabe Arab Mullah's that have been ruling Iran since 1979. The same lot that falsely claim Arab ancestry, uses those black tires on their heads and obsess about Arab events 24/7 and think that they have any relevancy in the Arab world and that we welcome them and their idiotic/cancerous meddling. They have not been doing anything but spreading cancer. So what unity are you blabbering about?

The same entity that openly celebrates the killer of Umar ibn Al-Khattab (ra) and distorts Islamic history 24/7?

Anyway I don't care about that tiny entity, KSA alone is almost twice as big, and Yemen alone will have more people in 2050, as long as their Mullah regime is not engage in hostile acts against Arab nations. A simple thing, really. If they want peace, the ball is in their court.

In fact our leaders are so retarded, that they host the largest Iranian diaspora in the UAE while they should all be kicked out ideally and instead fellow Arabs should be welcomed.

Unfortunately many retards in power.

1. Islamic practices aren't arab exclusive.

2. You guys have it easy. And if you were to disconnect America from it, there might be ease in reaching to a conclusion. That's all you folks nees to do.
Be quiet.. you couldn't even take a some rag tag international rebels without taking thousands of deaths and needing the help of Russian Air force.

You and your filthy islamists are good at raping, murdering and stealing from the helpless. You have no honor. Your ideology is the scum of the earth.
Thanks for proving me right ...
Why not leave the middle east?

It's like Iran setting up shop in Mexico.

Why exactly can't they have their own variant of a Monroe doctrine?

I agree it is time we leave the middle east. But last time we did, Daesh took over and killed countless kafirs. Yes, Daesh was our fault. But they caused us Iraq to allow us back to clean them up, alongside Iranian PMUs.
Americans are always ready for a defeat why continue to mess around in middle east leaving is your best option
I agree it is time we leave the middle east. But last time we did, Daesh took over and killed countless kafirs. Yes, Daesh was our fault. But they caused us Iraq to allow us back to clean them up, alongside Iranian PMUs.
@ OCguy doesn't matter how US will respond if Iran responds and US does after that this tit for tat will throw the already fragile region into disarray. Because any small attack on US forces would be pinned to Iran and then open another can of worms until it reaches a point none can control or get back down from.

In meantime make sure you and family pay taxes, while wealthy like me shelter it away using proper means -- cause in the end it's you who will be left holding the bag of debt. All our wars of IOUs for last 18+ years.

I'm not sure you know how wealthy I am, but that is a different point. The point that I am making is, that there will be no "tit for tat". If American troops are killed, the next move by the US is to end the Iranian regime.
Helicopters hovering above airport attacked his car.

Hmm , Most likely Apache .. they were there to protect US embassy , but someone might tip him off .. if he was on Official visit than the blame is on Iraq, but if he was there in secret than definitely someone pass the intel and his locations to Americans .
This changes things,theres going to have to be some serious payback now there cant not be,damn!.This is what happens when you put a chump in charge.
I`d always seen soleimani as a potential future iranian president,now sadly that future will never come to pass.
RIP General Soleimani.
The trash and poisonous filth here are the so called ‘liberals‘ who are willing to see millions suffer and/or die for the sake of their ‘India-Pakistan Bhai bhai’ BS.

They are not liberal. They are RSS Nazi Fascists recruit through mass propaganda of the RSS machine aka Bollywood.

There must be strict laws against them. They encourage genocide of Muslims
Another neo nazi German. Yay.

1. Islamic practices aren't arab exclusive.

2. You guys have it easy. And if you were to disconnect America from it, there might be ease in reaching to a conclusion. That's all you folks nees to do.

So Islamic practices is FALSELY claiming Arab (Hijazi - ironically modern-day Saudi Arabian) ancestry, obsessing/meddling in Arab affairs 24/7 and hostile behavior 24/7?

What don't you understand? There has been hostility/rivalry for millennia. Millenia before the US even existed as a country.

Hell needs to freeze before we will ever trust them and consider them as allies/friends, I can tell you that. I think it is mutual.

Anyway as I wrote, I don't care about that tiny entity, KSA alone is almost twice as big, and Yemen alone will have more people in 2050, as long as their Mullah regime is not engage in hostile acts against Arab nations. A simple thing, really. If they want peace, the ball is in their court.

So as I said, if you want us to create some imaginary alliance, you can do the same thing with India before preaching. You are not from the region and don't know its history and mechanism.
Americans are always ready for a defeat why continue to mess around in middle east leaving is your best option

The US has only been defeated by itself, politically and strategically. Nobody other than Russia and China have the ability to threaten the US, and in that case, we all die anyway.
Americans cannot fight a war on their own they always need coalition for support without it Americans dream off conquering Iran is just a dream and I dont think any country wants to help Americans in invading Iran apart from Saudi Arabia and UAE
I'm not sure you know how wealthy I am, but that is a different point. The point that I am making is, that there will be no "tit for tat". If American troops are killed, the next move by the US is to end the Iranian regime.
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