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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

That's serious violation of sovereignty of Iraq.

As for Qassem Sulemani, he was by-product of Iranian systems and he will be replaced by his Junior.
The US has only been defeated by itself, politically and strategically. Nobody other than Russia and China have the ability to threaten the US, and in that case, we all die anyway.
America has lost every war it has initiated overseas be it the vietnamese conflict Afghanistan and middle east only reason why Americans still celebrate their invasion off sovereign nations is killing their local population nothing more
Hmm , Most likely Apache .. they were there to protect US embassy , but someone might tip him off .. if he was on Official visit than the blame is on Iraq, but if he was there in secret than definitely someone pass the intel and his locations to Americans .
Apparently it was not a secret trip. In a way I feel he wanted this to happen. He was reaching 70 soon and he didn't want to die in bed. He probably ignored all security measures.

This changes things,theres going to have to be some serious payback now there cant not be,damn!.This is what happens when you put a chump in charge.
I`d always seen soleimani as a potential future iranian president,now sadly that future will never come to pass.
RIP General Soleimani.
On the contrary, Iran's reaction has been very calm so far. Not even a single word of threat from IRGC.
Americans cannot fight a war on their own they always need coalition for support without it Americans dream off conquering Iran is just a dream and I dont think any country wants to help Americans in invading Iran apart from Saudi Arabia and UAE

We don't want to invade Iran. Turn off the state propaganda. We are extremely friendly with the non-extremist Iranian people. Whoever told you that we want to invade Iran....question their motives.
What killings are Pakistani generals behind? The Liberandu hatred of the Pakistan Army stems from their hatred of the existence of Pakistan - they’d much rather Pakistan merge with India in some way. It isn’t Pakistan that is occupying millions of Kashmiris and committing atrocities, yet Liberandus call for US sanctions and in some cases even military action against Pakistan.

The trash and poisonous filth here are the so called ‘liberals‘ who are willing to see millions suffer and/or die for the sake of their ‘India-Pakistan Bhai bhai’ BS.

It's a dark world, you apparently haven't jumped down the rabbit hole. I implore you to watch Asad Durrani's interviews, the things he has admitted.

1. Plan to flatten the entirety of Kabul, for the sake of putting your own leader.
2. Smuggling drugs for revenue for operations.
3. Politically manufacturing 1990 elections.
4. Saying that children in 2014 massacre in school were "collateral damage."

You have to understand the mindset here. Some generals have no shame, or morals.

Secondly. Liberal or not, Pakistani don't hate their Army. What we do hate though...

1. Political engineering.
2. The bad role in Afghan war.
3. Dictatorship.
4. Brutal powered crackdowns to suppress voices and human rights at times.
5. Support to armed militias on western border at one point in time, you know this is true.

And so the list goes on.

And at times when they're so powerful that you can do nothing about it, you sort of hope someone else will take appropriate action.

Look at what India is doing in Kashmir. Imran Khan everyday wants the world to "take action." Why? Because we can't do anything about it.

Learn to look from different perspectives, and don't worship a dunya'vi entity like a saint. It will do you good.

ma bayad inja ro velesh Konim ma irani forum darim onja mitonim sohbat konim.

Rohat Shod My brave warrior. Now you can rest.


So Islamic practices is FALSELY claiming Arab (Hijazi - ironically modern-day Saudi Arabian) ancestry, obsessing/meddling in Arab affairs 24/7 and hostile behavior 24/7?

What don't you understand? There has been hostility/rivalry for millennia. Millenia before the US even existed as a country.

Hell needs to freeze before we will ever trust them and consider them as allies/friends, I can tell you that. I think it is mutual.

Anyway as I wrote, I don't care about that tiny entity, KSA alone is almost twice as big, and Yemen alone will have more people in 2050, as long as their Mullah regime is not engage in hostile acts against Arab nations. A simple thing, really. If they want peace, the ball is in their court.

So as I said, if you want us to create some imaginary alliance, you can do the same thing with India before preaching. You are not from the region and don't know its history and mechanism.

There is a big ground in Sinai called megido. Gather there to settle your petty neighbourly issues.
Iran's Qassem Soleimani killed in US air raid at Baghdad airport
Pre-dawn raid also killed Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in a major escalation of regional tensions.

23 minutes ago


Two unnamed US officials told Reuters news agency that the US carried out the air attack that killed Soleimani [File: Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader via AP]
General Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and architect of its regional security apparatus, has been killed following a US air raid at Baghdad's international airport on Friday.

The Pentagon confirmed the death of Soleimani in Iraq, saying the attack was carried out at the direction of US President Donald Trump and was aimed at deterring future attacks allegedly being planned by Iran.

Iraqi officials and the state television reported that aside from Soleimani, Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis was also killed in the pre-dawn raid.

Iran's IRGC as well as Iraq's Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) umbrella grouping of Iran-backed militias, also confirmed the deaths of Soleimani and al-Muhandis.

Sources from the PMF earlier told Al Jazeera that the rockets destroyed two vehicles carrying "high-profile guests", who had arrived at the Baghdad airport and were being escorted by militia members. Earlier reports said five other people were killed in the raid.

Al Jazeera's Osama Bin Javaid, reporting from Baghdad, said the deaths are a significant turning point in Iraq and the entire Middle East.

He said the region has already been "on edge" since the US attack on PMF forces near Iraq's border with Syria, and the raid on the US Embassy in Baghdad on Tuesday.

"This is a major blow on the relationship between the United States and the Iraqi government," bin Javaid said. "It is a very precarious situation on which this significant development is taking place."

The White House



At the direction of the President, the U.S. military has taken decisive defensive action to protect U.S. personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a US-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.


8:10 AM - Jan 3, 2020
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Trump posted an image of the American flag on social media following the news of Soleimani's death.

US Senator Lindsey Graham, an ally of Trump, said the death of Soleimani is a "major blow to Iranian regime that has American blood on its hands."

Meanwhile, US Senator Chris Murphy, an opposition member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, warned that the incident could set off "a potential massive regional war".

In an interview with Al Jazeera, former US Assistant Secretary of Defense Lawrence Korb said "there is no doubt" that the US wanted to target Soleimani "for a while".

Korb predicted that Iran could retaliate by launching "asymmetric type of attacks" that do not risk an all-out confrontation with the US.


Iraqi officials and the state television reported that aside from Soleimani, Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis was also killed in the pre-dawn raid [Ahmad al-Rubaye/AFP]
In Tehran, Soleimani's death sent shockwaves among residents, who were awake when the news was announced, according to Al Jazeera's Dorsa Jabbari, who is reporting from the Iranian capital.

"With the news of his assassination, there is a tremendous amount of shock and anger that could follow, not only in Iran but across the Middle East," she said.

"His name is synonymous to Iranian national pride, no matter how he has been labelled outside of the country," Jabbari said, adding that hymns of mourning are being played on Iranian radio to mark Soleimani's death.

Witnesses near Baghdad airport earlier told Al Jazeera that they heard sounds of sirens and helicopters in the air following the attack that killed Soleimani and al-Muhandis.

The area of the incident has been cordoned off, authorities told Al Jazeera, but the international airport remains in operation.

The incident took place near the base of the US-led coalition forces.

The attack occurred amid tensions with the US after an Iran-backed militia and other protesters breached the United States's Embassy in Baghdad.

The attack at the embassy on New Year's Eve was in response to a deadly US air attack that killed 25 forces of the PMF, also known as the Hashd al-Shaabi group.


State Propaganda by whom the British government you must be in outer space. The American government is extremely racist they do not want Israel to be surrounded by Iran and its proxies and do not want a stronger military power in the middle east than Israel and what a better way to achieve that by invading the middle east at the height off development and inciting sectarian violence across middle east and in this whole plan I must say Saudis played a tremendous role
We don't want to invade Iran. Turn off the state propaganda. We are extremely friendly with the non-extremist Iranian people. Whoever told you that we want to invade Iran....question their motives.
Strange development.

What was Iranian General doing in Iraq? Was he there in official capacity as in official visit?
American fools, as usual, another masterstroke of doom in the middle east by them, idiots, I swear. If they think this will stem the attacks on American interests then they all need to go back to war college. I can't believe this blunder, only Trump. This will cause them to lose another trillion. Hot damn, cowboys and idiots, always get the U.S. in hot water.....buckle up buckaroos....here comes the punch.
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