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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

Newyork times reporter:

French Le Figaro reporter:
World's biggest gathering after Ayatullah khomeini's death

Al-Arabi reporter:

It's like doomsday

Vali Nasr, former Dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies:
The longer we wait the bigger the response will be. Whether Iran wants it or not, they have to respond in a huge and disproportionate matter. A couple dead Soldiers or a couple destroyed bases is not going to do it. The hardcore supporters, for instance Hezbollah in Lebanon says they are waiting for orders to avenge his death and would gladly become martyrs avenging him. In Iran everyone wants revenge. The militants he trained in Iraq wants revenge.

If IRGC don't do something big and unlike anything we have ever seen before, they will lose support of not only regular people like me and other Iranians, but also important followers like Hezbollah fighters. Wether they want it or not, they have to deliver something huge

Ask a Pakistani if India kills a top popular Pakistani general, the Pakistanis have two options in retaliation:

(1) assassinate an Indian general and have a war of attrition between India and Pakistan where Pakistan could lose
(2) every Hindu Indian leaves Kashmir and the rest of South Asia. Muslims get the whole of South Asia with Jain and Christians and Sikhs. The Hindus move to the Sahara

Which choice would Pakistan rather have the 'weak choice' of getting rid of Hindu racists, or the 'strong response' of war and revenge.

I'd take the US leaving Iraq and Syria; and Iran has best friends in a free Syria, free Lebanon and free Iraq. You win without firing a shot. Is not that better. You enemy has total defeat, and you don't even fire a shot. They retreat from a place they never intended to retreat from.
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The entire Iranian population can attend his funeral for I care. Absolutely irrelevant. What is Iran going to do about it?

And who here exactly gives a toss about what you think? Your country is burning, you better worry about that.

From the Pharaoh to Nazis many dreamed about it. You are not the first not the last, but definitely most coward and pathetic.

And have you wondered why so many people "dream" about it?

From videos I've seen, it looks like there were probably more than a million people in the streets?
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