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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

Don't you think that's always been the case?

I'm shocked and surprised that Russia has missiles pointing towards the U.S. Shocked and surprised!

Watch from 1.46 to know why Solemani was killed.

Thats BS! Considering he was hanging with the leader of the militia that attacked the embassy? Why was the Prime Minister of Iraq not there to meet him about some peace initiative?
I'm shocked and surprised that Russia has missiles pointing towards the U.S. Shocked and surprised!

Thats BS! Considering he was hanging with the leader of the militia that attacked the embassy? Why was the Prime Minister of Iraq not there to meet him about some peace initiative?

LOL. The militia that attacked embassy was not militia. They were people who placed 24 bodies in grave due to USA bombing and then after placing those bodies they walked towards embassy to protest. Question no.1 why did USA bombed militia fighting isis in first place. You want me to not believe Iraqi PM and I should believe you?
The militia you are talking here is Iraqi nationals and under Iraqi govt.
LOL. The militia that attacked embassy was not militia. They were people who placed 24 bodies in grave due to USA bombing and then after placing those bodies they walked towards embassy to protest. Question no.1 why did USA bombed militia fighting isis in first place. You want me to not believe Iraqi PM and I should believe you?
The militia you are talking here is Iraqi nationals and under Iraqi govt.

Yeah they bombed the militia out of jealousy...

Think back what happened prior to that.
I'm shocked and surprised that Russia has missiles pointing towards the U.S. Shocked and surprised!

LOL. I meant today, there are rumors they placed hypersonic missile pointing towards US. Think its just a coincidence?
I know what happened prior to that the contractor got killed. Who was the contractor? Care to post his name if there was any contractor killed.

Its not just the contractor. Its U.S. military personnel wounded besides the contractor. But since the U.S. military has been under attack for the last few weeks, guess Trump think enough was enough.
Its not just the contractor. Its U.S. military personnel wounded besides the contractor. But since the U.S. military has been under attack for the last few weeks, guess Trump think enough was enough.
I think you have not read fully what I wrote. What was the name of the contractor if there was any?
Trump Jr.
See you don't have a name for the contractor so what did militia killed? Thin air? My friend these events are beyond your understanding. White house is jumping statements from reasons to justification in all directions. They them self don't know why they did it. So how can you tell me why they did it. Trump is retarded and you cannot explain me the reason of a mad man. White house is in panic. It is very visible on Pompeo's face.
Anti-Zionist Neturei Karta attend Soleimani's funeral
ZAKA chairman blasts Neturei Karta members who attended funeral of Quds Force commander.

Arutz Sheva Staff, 07/01/20 04:42


Funeral of Qassem Soleimani
ZAKA chairman Yehuda Meshi Zahav blasted a delegation of Neturei Karta members who attended the funeral of Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Iranian Quds Force, who was eliminated by the United States in an air strike in Baghdad last week.

Neturei Karta is a radical anti-Zionist group known for its staunch opposition to the existence of the State of Israel.

"A delegation from Neturei Karta participates in Iran in the funeral of one of Israel's greatest enemies of our generation, Qassem Soleimani, a vicious and cruel murderer who was responsible for the murder of thousands of men, women and children, both Jews and non-Jews," wrote Meshi Zahav.

"And they have made a statement on Twitter: ‘We are with our people in Iran. We visited the martyrs of the Iranian state and showed that we are with them, we share in the pain of the Iranian people. We, the Jews of the Torah, pray that Zionist Israel will collapse as soon as possible," he added.

Meshi Zahav described the Neturei Karta as an “Erev Rav” who mingled with the people of Israel and as “traitors” who would historically be remembered as a disgrace.

Neturei Karta has drawn criticism over its support for the Iranian government. In 2018, members of the group met with Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, condemning the State of Israel while lauding the Iranian government’s policy vis-à-vis its Jewish minority.

In 2006, then-Israeli Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger called for the excommunication of Neturei Karta members, after the group sent a delegation to Tehran for government-sponsored International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust. The event drew a number of prominent Holocaust deniers from across the globe, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.

Activists of the Neturei Karta organization in Canada regularly participate in anti-Israel demonstrations alongside extreme leftists and Islamic activists. They bring with them signs calling for the destruction of the State of Israel and the establishment of a Palestinian state throughout the Land of Israel.
So? What you and your 5 buddies made so excited? It was always Israel's policy, we are not involved in other's issues. For example when US attacked Saddam or Afghanistan or whatever. China for example has similar policies.

Unlike your regime who tries to shove its dirty nose everywhere.



US National Security Advisor John Bolton's Message To Ayatollah Of Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed his desire to go to war with Iran, and said he was meeting with dozens of foreign envoys, including those from the Arab world, in order to push the initiative forward.

The United States has rallied countries from across the world, especially from Europe and the Middle East, to attend a summit in Warsaw in a bid to form a united front against revolutionary Shiite Muslim Iran. In a video posted Wednesday to his office's Twitter account, Netanyahu said he had just had an "excellent meeting" in the Polish capital with Oman's foreign minister, with whom he "discussed additional steps we can take together with the countries of the region in order to advance common interests."

"From here I am going to a meeting with 60 foreign ministers and envoys of countries from around the world against Iran," the Israeli head of state continued, according to the account's English-language translation of his Hebrew remarks.

"What is important about this meeting. and it is not in secret, because there are many of those—is that this is an open meeting with representatives of leading Arab countries, that are sitting down together with Israel in order to advance the common interest of war with Iran," he added.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks with press following a meeting with Oman’s top diplomat, in Warsaw, Poland, on February 13. Israel has attempted to break its traditional feud with Arab states in order to unite in the face of what it perceives as threats from Iran.ISRAELI GOVERNMENT PRESS OFFICE/SOCIAL MEDIA
The English-language tweets were soon deleted and re-uploaded with the phrase "combating Iran" replacing "war with Iran." The video with English subtitles was also removed.

Just before heading to the Warsaw conference, Netanyahu revealed on Tuesday that Israeli forces were behind the shelling of an observation post in Syria's southwestern Al-Quneitra province. The attack was the latest in a once-secretive, years-long campaign to target alleged Iranian and Iran-backed forces battling a 2011 rebel and jihadi uprising on behalf of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Israel has argued that Iran was attempting to set up forward bases through its elite Revolutionary Guards' Quds Force. While the U.S. has tacitly endorsed such operations, Israeli strikes have antagonized Iranian officials, who have threatened retaliation and have also angered Assad's other major ally, Russia, which has recently called for an end to such maneuvers.

While a number of Arab League states have begun to repair relations with Damascus, they have done so in the interest of pushing back against Tehran's growing influence in the region, which includes friendly political forces in the capitals of Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen. In the Arab world, Saudi Arabia has led the charge against Iran, and Israel has often appealed to the kingdom to join forces against the Islamic Republic, though no high-level contacts have been publicly revealed.

Netanyahu has, however, traveled to Oman in a rare visit to one of the few Arab states that maintain ties with Israel. Upon the majority-Jewish state's establishment in 1948 and the mass exodus of Palestinians that followed, Arab powers went to war with Israel, which would go on to clash with a coalition of hostile neighbors at least twice more in the 20th century before focusing on the threat posed by Iran and its own regional partners, such as the Lebanese Shiite Muslim Hezbollah movement.

Israel and Saudi Arabia were among the few international voices supporting President Donald Trump's exit from a 2015 nuclear deal that they alleged had allowed Iran to use funds unfrozen by its agreeing to curb nuclear activities to support militant groups abroad and develop ballistic missiles, which Iranian leaders have threatened to use against Israel and U.S. bases should a conflict break out. Fellow signatories China, France, Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom have vowed to continue trading with Iran despite new U.S. sanctions.

The White House stepped up its campaign against Iran ahead of the Warsaw summit as Trump and national security adviser John Bolton attacked Tehran's leaders on social media with #40YearsofFailure hashtags mocking ongoing celebrations commemorating four decades since the 1979 Islamic Revolution that ousted a West-backed monarchy. Iranian officials have what they consider to be a conspiracy to overthrow their government.

As international representatives met in Warsaw, a suicide bombing Revolutionary Guards blamed on "terrorists" and "agents of intelligence services" struck a bus carrying members of the Iranian force, killing up to 27 and wounding 10 more, in the southeast Sistan-Baluchistan province of Iran.

This story has been updated to include the fact that the official Israeli prime minister's office account deleted its original tweets and uploaded new ones without the phrase "war with Iran."
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