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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

Well some of my Country men have very little memories and tend to forget things Very Quickly and want to side with Iran.
Let me jog up your memory a little.

Stay the **** out of it let yanks arabs and persians kill each other.
This isn't about whether the Iranians are pro-Pakistan or not, it is about the fact that a US military escalation with Iran has the potential for severe blowback on Pakistan given we're an Iranian neighbor. The Iranians are very likely to use their proxies in Pakistan (and elsewhere in the region) to attack US interests. And even if attacks on US interests in Pakistan are traced back to Iran, the negative fall out on Pakistan will still be significant and reverse all the gains Pakistan has made in terms of attracting tourists and foreign investors. Any escalation in conflict will likely also impact oil prices significantly which will also in turn have a significant negative impact on a Pakistani economy still struggling to balance itself.
imagine if Imran Khan would send his top military commander to another country, and the next day he would get assasinated & Modi would say "ha in your face, we killed him", this is what just happened between Iran & the US.
those who think this was not an American declaration of war are the real idiots, it's not about wether Iran has the capacity for war or not, but it's about wether the US has the capacity for that, the US has it & they already declared it.

Pakistani general Musharraf stayed inside Indian occupied Kashmir during an ongoing skirmish /mini war for an entire night.
USA is trying to appease Iran that they are a good negotiator so they should negotiate USA out of this situation.

The gist of the tweet is different though. Trump is saying that Iran fooled Obama via negotiations but is also a failure whenever push came to shove. It is a direct threat to not escalate, not a veiled attempt at negotiation. ;)
That is the logic of a stupid man. That’s why you got whooped by Israel so many times. You are unable to control your emotions.
I was just putting his "Grandeur" in front of his eyes...
Ofc emotional answers are stupid...

Just look at how many USA interest is around us . imagination is the limit .
But "Actions" is your limit...
America has lost every war it has initiated overseas be it the vietnamese conflict Afghanistan and middle east only reason why Americans still celebrate their invasion off sovereign nations is killing their local population nothing more
What is your criteria of victory in a war? Fulfillment of military and/or political objectives is a reasonable criteria, and US have done well in this aspect.

Nevertheless, war(s) are destructive political developments in general, and can have unforeseen cascading effects - blurring notions of victory and defeat for distant observers. Few countries can barely afford warfare in modern times, let alone achieve victory in one.

You should begin to Arabize Arabs before you go internationally. Iraq is like wilayat Iran....:-)

They are using Iraq as testbed for ther proxy war and you can do nothing...

Iraq especially our government needs severe arabization. Our government had executed many ba'ath era generals which itself is illegal

Kurdish ministers everywhere spreading their cancer. It is understanding why so many of them joined Isis.
It's like shah of Khwarezmia killing mongolians envoys In 1200s. I think Americans have just opened the gates of hell.

lol it's more like a thirsty indian molesting a tourist. There will be no consequences
I was shoked, heartbroken and sad as I saw the news on twitter, I was awake as it happened

I had deepest respect for him, the strategic mastermind who was standing bravely against the zionist cancer in the middle east.

Rest in peace hero, your death is the beginning of theyr end

This isn't about whether the Iranians are pro-Pakistan or not, it is about the fact that a US military escalation with Iran has the potential for severe blowback on Pakistan given we're an Iranian neighbor. The Iranians are very likely to use their proxies in Pakistan (and elsewhere in the region) to attack US interests. And even if attacks on US interests in Pakistan are traced back to Iran, the negative fall out on Pakistan will still be significant and reverse all the gains Pakistan has made in terms of attracting tourists and foreign investors. Any escalation in conflict will likely also impact oil prices significantly which will also in turn have a significant negative impact on a Pakistani economy still struggling to balance itself.
The wider picture which everyone is missing is that the target was and still is CPEC. By getting Iran into a mess, they sabotage CPEC (wider mission is containing China's threat).
People have been hyping up the consequences so much, hope it will live up to its hype

Whatever are the consequences for USA, the move has united Iran and like in Kashmir, everyone has seen a direction to follow. Not a good news for USA.
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