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Breaking: PTI holds important party session in wake of revelations of alleged murder by Usman Buzdar

PTI stands for moral, social and economic justice. Surely people wouldn't want PTI to bring forward leaders who are themselves involved in various crimes
I don't understand if this individual like Showbaaz Dracula who should be allowed to roam around freely with murder of innocents, PTI should have crossed checked this invidual before making the announcement for CM slot, anyway its good his revelations have to light before being appointed as CM punjab.
Another U Turn around the corner bringing down Imran Khan and PTIs credibility
What is wrong with you guys? Nothing wrong with making U-turns. Tell me that in your life you must have made a mistake while driving and found yourself going down the wrong road. What did you do? Continue going down the wrong darned road so as to avoid making a U-turn? Is that what you did? This is nonsense.

I would rather have a government which makes mistakes and then has the character to own up to the mistake and remedy that mistake. Rather then take the entire nation down the "wrong road" but not change direction lest it have to make a "U-turn"? Is that sensible?

And don't tell me governments don't make mistakes. No leader, no government is gifted with a god like ability to not make mistakes. The defining characteristics of good government is it learns and corrects mistakes rather then sodding keep going along with the mistake because of some exalted sense of pride.
I don't understand if this individual like Showbaaz Dracula who should be allowed to roam around freely with murder of innocents, PTI should have crossed checked this invidual before making the announcement for CM slot, anyway its good his revelations have to light before being appointed as CM punjab.
In Norway we have something called "Plettfri vandel". I think Sweden has something similar @war&peace
Anyway what it means is that you have to submit documentation from courts and police before applying any job, private or government, that prove your criminal record is clean. Had Imran Khan asked something similar from all candidates, PTI wouldn't have been in this mess.
What is wrong with you guys? Nothing wrong with making U-turns. Tell me that in your life you must have made a mistake while driving and found yourself going down the wrong road. What did you do? Continue going down the wrong darned road so as to avoid making a U-turn? Is that what you did? This is nonsense.

I would rather have a government which makes mistakes and then has the character to own up to the mistake and remedy that mistake. Rather then take the entire nation down the "wrong road" but not change direction lest it have to make a "U-turn"? Is that sensible?

And don't tell me governments don't make mistakes. No leader, no government is gifted with a god like ability to not make mistakes. The defining characteristics of good government is it learns and corrects mistakes rather then sodding keep going along with the mistake because of some exalted sense of pride.
One word, Idiots, First they want them to rectify their mistakes and once they do, It's a u-turn.
This is rural


This is urban


Support rural denounce the media propaganda

Support the poor Pakistan
Woh toh theek hai but saaf bando lay kar aoa na. Get a rural CM we will accept but atleast he should be clean.

competent, clean past and the one understanding the dynamics of both urban & rural life.

living in poor area without electricity in home is no qualification -
(btw he has electricity in his home in multan)
One word, Idiots, First they want them to rectify their mistakes and once they do, It's a u-turn.
This is first time PTI has got to rule at the centre. Even before the first day is out people are up in arms. PPP and PML-N have ruled Pakistan for decades. Yes decades. Please go out and look at your country. What state is it in? Give PTI 5 years and then judge them. Right now I expect the new government to go through steep learning curve. Let things calm down before bringing out the knives.
Nothing wrong with making U-turns.
I never said U Turn is something awfully bad. Only it brings down partys and it's leaders credibility. I remember during elections there were many such U turns with candidates given tickets way in advanced, then withdrawn days before polling day, causing chaos in those constituencies.
What I was trying to say is that Imran Khan and his team should do homework and make good non controversial delicisions to begin with. Instead of waiting for the public uproar to arrive at better decision
leaders credibility
Credibility is open term. Running a country is complex. Mistakes will be made. But they must be corrected. The proof in the pudding is what state the country is in 5 years. If they make U-turns ever week but in 5 years Pakistan is in better position then now who cares about U-turns. PML-N or PPP can brag that they never made a single U-turn in their decades of rule but the go have a look at state Pakistan is in.
Cities have been imposed on rural Punjab for 35 years they need freedom from discrimination. Media wants to bring their favorite but we need to raise the oppressed.
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