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Breaking Point: USA Manipulated into backing overthrow of Imran Khan government

The crooks are our own Military

They have been manipulating people since 1947 to control

Wake up People

They have been brain washing generations by controlling the History reports inside country and manipulating books to make them look like Hero

1947-1967 Ayub
  • Ayub was power hungry destroyed country by laying hurdles in path of constitution formation, same hurdles in path of people responsible for removing Army Perks or Agricultural Taxes
  • Stopped Fatima Jinnah from winning election and rigged rules to come as winner
  • Rattled up war with India in 1965

1967-1971 Yahya
  • Did not allowed Honorable Mujeeb Sahib chance to be Prime Minister
  • Migration started out of Pakistan to Canada / UK , as currency was stronger people could move to far places
  • The guy was drunk at time of fall of East Pakistan

1977-1986 Zia
  • Threw Pakistan into 25 year war , and inherited 8 million Afghan refugee
  • Nurtured Nawaz Sharif
  • Migration started out to Middle East , middle east was developing cities

1999-2007 Musharraf (Good guy respect him, but f up in end)
  • Respectable work - Kicked out PML and PPP
  • Many good Deeds done
  • Reverse Migration started many educated people came back but WOT started
  • Allowed criminal elements from PML and PPP to return to Pakistan (Big mistake died overseas as a result of this mistake away from honorable death in Pakistan)

2022-Present Bajwa -Gaddar-e-Azam

  • Imran Khan tried to bring back Pakistani back to Pakistan
  • Bajwa the Gaddar Toppled a stable Imran Khan Government and setup a lawless care taker group

You are free to study each of these eras but I am convinced 100% This Army's Doctrine is the problem

It is not the Human but the Doctrine being passed from 1857 Manual to Pakistani Army inner circles
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USA wanted this.

A country as important in region as Pakistan is completely disabled. There's no voice for Kashmir. There's no role we are playing in Afghanistan. The dividends we could have had with Saudi Iran rapprochement, we couldn't have because we have no leadership.

This is by design. Our military always serves the interest of Americans. Take a look at each martial law period. Each military general served American interest in the region keeping Pakistan's interest subservient. At the end of each military rule, Pakistan was worse off than a decade before it.

Americans wanted China's close allies in the region to be muted. This is to set up India against China. Next stop is Bangladesh. That's the country where they have concerns about democracy. But in Pakistan, they're supporting martial law. Because they know our generals are cowards and are American lapdogs. They will deliver per promise.
The nasty army has been confined. The country is as poor as dirt and ready to default. All of their plans have backfired. The generals think they are smart. In reality the generals are as dumb as a rock.
The nasty army has been confined. The country is as poor as dirt and ready to default. All of their plans have backfired. The generals think they are smart. In reality the generals are as dumb as a rock.
You're right. They're cornered. If we are brave and stand with Imran, we will win inshallah. The generals are cowards. They only think about their retirement or extension. That's cowardice.

This is the first time in our history, we know who the villains are.
Before Adil Raja’s YouTube channel got banned he had an interview with Waqas Ahmed in which Waqas listed in great detail Bajwa’s effort to sell the anti-Imran policy to the US.

Bajwa met Husain Haqqani in Dubai where he hired Haqqani as his rep in Washington DC. Bajwa gave Haqqani money to hire a lobby firm in Washington to convince the Biden administration that Imran Khan was anti-America and they should allow Bajwa to overthrow IK.

Waqas knows Haqqani personally and confirmed that Haqqani was going around bragging privately about his dealings with Bajwa. Publicly he denied it, of course.

The result of that lobbying was the letter that Donald Lu issued.

I’m coming around to the belief that it is the whiskey generals of the British Indian Army that invite US interference in Pakistan. They’re fanatically attached to the US and UK and can’t see life without their masters.
Imran Khan was seriously the best thing since Zia haqq in our foreign policy and we did secure our borders with him at our helm.

Now that being said he deserved to be overthrown because he believed in democrazy whole hearted which backfired on him. There is nothing called democratic countries or law and orders etc etc. He believed in that mambo-jambo and it lead to his political demise..

But nonetheless his term was honestly second best in Pakistan's history and he has done his job and is no longer needed. We just need to roll the dice and also get rid of PDM that is the most important thing
saying US was manipulated is just diplomatic/politically correct way to say US manipulated the situation
Your Country (My country ) was founded by Civilian , a average educated man Mohammad Ali Jinnah , and many other people were civilian people who struggled politically and large group of like minded people who were well educated too even Bangali political thinkers

  • Not Fauji
  • Not by Buying selling Askari plot
  • Not by Buying votes from candidates
  • Not by Manipulating votes

Pakistan was founded for people of Pakistan

Not Military Control Freaks

No one was coming in Vigo to kidnap Mohammad Ali Jinnah

The Evidence of their (Army's) Hunger for POWER is evidence from foundation of Pakistan

They did not even allowed formation of Constitution in early years untill Ayub Came to power
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Before Adil Raja’s YouTube channel got banned he had an interview with Waqas Ahmed in which Waqas listed in great detail Bajwa’s effort to sell the anti-Imran policy to the US.

Bajwa met Husain Haqqani in Dubai where he hired Haqqani as his rep in Washington DC. Bajwa gave Haqqani money to hire a lobby firm in Washington to convince the Biden administration that Imran Khan was anti-America and they should allow Bajwa to overthrow IK.

Waqas knows Haqqani personally and confirmed that Haqqani was going around bragging privately about his dealings with Bajwa. Publicly he denied it, of course.

The result of that lobbying was the letter that Donald Lu issued.

I’m coming around to the belief that it is the whiskey generals of the British Indian Army that invite US interference in Pakistan. They’re fanatically attached to the US and UK and can’t see life without their masters.

Let's just call it as it is. Bajwa was an American/NATO asset.
Not just Bajwa, but most of the current senior officers too.

The entire officer class needs to be retrained.

If there was a university where normal students went but when they graduated they were all gay, then we would want to look at their curriculum to see what they were teaching.

Similarly, when young men join the military they are normal people but as they rise in the officer class they all become colonial sepoys of the British Indian Army. They start drinking whiskey, playing golf and become dedicated to UK and US. Their allegiance to Pakistan is weakened and they start looking down on civilians. They become greedy for plots and illegitimate wealth. They invest in business and real estate but Pakistan’s economy becomes of no concern to them. Their Islamic affiliation becomes weak and they become little more than hypocritical munafiqeen. They start thinking that they’re not subject to any law.

A future government needs to establish re-education camps and send the whole officer class for retraining. They need to be taught to obey the law and be patriotic to Pakistan.

Maybe we can get help from China to establish the reeducation camps.
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