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Breaking : PM Imran to show 'threat letter' to senior journalists, allies today

Bro, people like yourself who thought that it is Army's job to support a politician are one of the major problems. The day you understand that Army has nothing to do with politics will be the day you would be on the right path.

Quick question: can you recall the name of Ireland's army chief without searching for it? You catch my drift now?
Army has nothing to do with politics.

WOW WOW WOW. This is why I have said in another thread you are from chu chu land or you are an establishment stooge.
None. Provided they win elections fair & square. I know that there are no short-cuts. If people vote for them then they get to rule. The alternative is rule by generals & we've seen how that goes.

Whataboutery, much?

Besides, SS has a track record. You?
Logic lol. Have issues with overseas voting but no issues with overseas ruling you. lmao. Also, if you think elections are totally free and fair here, you are ignoring ground realities again. And to add to it, Imran Khan has already won an election and you are advocating his ouster? Hypocrisy?
Army se IK govt ki bheek mat mangtay
Army sa to koi bheek nahi mang raha lakin yeh sub ko pata chal gaya ha ka dollars ka aga zameer kon bach raha ha or external powers ka aga kon gir gara raha ha for power.
My mom just asked me: "Is there a way for us to tell IK that we are with him and that he can stop fighting so hard? It is painful to watch him struggle like this."

I agree Amma. I feel this pain too. I can not express my resentment, disappointment and betrayal from fauj in words. There aren't any. And amongst all this, when everyone would have given up, IK still stands. Not for himself, for his country. I am speechless. I can't respect anyone more right now.

Go home IK. Get some rest. You deserve it. Let this country rot. It also deserves it. I need to bring my parents with me here in Ireland and we too can forever close this chapter of Pakistan.

Imran Khan awakened the gherat inside Pakistanis.

The showdown has just begun.

IK will not give up that easily and so is the supporter.

Pakistanis are jazbati qoum by nature. A single spark is needed in right direction.

Koi bhi foreign puppet nahi bachay ga phir

Waiting for the voting results patiently.
See it would have been ok if fauj was actually neutral and not actively siding with PDM. Here it fauj is with PDM! They did this!
Ah, you are much slower than I thought.

Who told you that army is with PDM? You are prisoner of your PTI bubble & it is making you see things.

Fact is that multiple generals, from Shuja Pasha onwards had bet on IK & promoted him actively (against the law & against their oath). 2018 elections were managed with the process going into high gear in 2017. So, you do not get to cry about army being this or that because you have been supporting a dispensation that was shoved down out throats by a few generals. Now that the support is gone & the regime is crumbling, you can not run around pointing fingers. Look at yourself first.
Besides, SS has a track record. You?
Track record of corruption and thievery and people like you are taught that corruption and rishwat khori is fine so why would you call spade a spade. You wont.
Calm down man you’re losing your mind over Niazi like he was selected to remain in power for infinity. State is above some individual. His performance is Zero, even KPK rejected him massively in local bodies & by-elections.

This is the kind of logic that rubs me the wrong way. I am not a PTI supporter but what did you Pakis think, that Imran Khan was going to be like some sort of messiah and everything was going to turn to roses and gold over night? Especially after decades of institutionalized corruption.

IK is not going to remain in power for infinity but look at the alternatives. You’re bringing back the same people that fukt the country in the first place.

This is the definition of insanity. Pakis are either epically retarded or just bat shit crazy.
Imran Khan awakened the gherat inside Pakistanis.

The showdown has just begun.

IK will not give up that easily and so is the supporter.

Pakistanis are jazbati qoum by nature. A single spark is needed in right direction.

Koi bhi foreign puppet nahi bachay ga phir

Waiting for the voting results patiently.
Let us hope Pakistanis don't look back
Ye itnay hi matlabi hai bhai. They are threatening him with Secret Communications Act. They are very very scared that IK would make a move on DHA and fauji businesses. Also understand that most fauji generals have their kids, families and post-retirement lives in the UK/US. All of that is threatened by IK's independent and sovereign Pakistan. The signaling is very clear from the fauj. They will not accept IK as the PM anymore.

I am ashamed I defended and argued for this fauj. I am ashamed I felt proud of this fauj. This fauj is the real criminal. The real curse plaguing Pakistan.
Army is not criminal but it is some bad generals that brings bad name to the establishment. With the right man in charge, the process goes smoothly. Pakistan is missing former General Raheel who was best man for the job retired too early which made in-roads for earlier interference in the name of character-certificate and selective accountability which won’t work in the long run and can be self-destructive.

Ironically, Imran khan was part of that setup which is now backfiring now just as I suspected. I warned about this backfiring during 2014 where dharnas was long held and spread throughout the nation to test the pressure of the government.

Regardless of the foreign policy, this kind of “game of thrones” game will ruin Pakistan for good.
Pakistani people have a choice.

Either come to the streets and make IK your Erdogan or sit in your homes and make him your Morsi.

Afterwards you can all enjoy the fruits of Pakistani version of Sisi.
Its over, IK is done. STOP complaining.

Had this forum been policed a bit better, it would not have gone over completely to PTI supporters.

Just look at the mess now. Damn it.
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