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Breaking: Pakistan, Iran to set up joint 'rapid reaction force' for border security

we have an issue with our foreign ministry, something fishy.why they issue such statements when two countries come close in bilateral relation . in 2016 when President Rouhani visited Pakistan and our foreign ministry issued statement of Yadav to make Iran president visit fail.

now IK is visiting Iran and our foreign minister issuing this statement to IK visit of Iran fail. What a Childish mindset are sitting and making our bad foreign diplomacy
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Why their soldiers wear sunglasses? I have seen it in a few pictures of their parade as well. Its awkward.
Yeah that's weird...may be they didn't sleep at night ... or are drunk.. I never saw any other force wearing sunglasses in the parade.

we have an issue with our foreign ministry, seems like they are working for CIA, Mossad, and RAW, why they issue such statements when two countries come close in bilateral relation . in 2016 when President Rouhani visited Pakistan and our foreign ministry issued statement of Yadav to make Iran president visit fail.

now IK is visiting Iran and our foreign minister issuing this statement to IK visit of Iran fail. What a Childish mindset are sitting and making our bad foreign diplomacy
even child can analyze and reach to the conclusion that our foreign ministry is defective and working for CIA and Mossad.
They did an excellent job. My respect for SMQ increased manyfold. And bullshitting against them.
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Yeah that's pathetic...may be they didn't sleep at night ... or are drunk.. I never saw any other force wearing sunglasses in the parade.

They did an excellent job. My respect for SMQ increased manyfold. And bullshitting against them.
I am not saying against him and even he was not holding foreign office in 2016. but seems like few from his office are defective and always bring issues when two countries binding their strong ties. why?
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I am not saying against him and even he was not holding foreign office in 2016. but seems like few from his office working for CIA and Mossad and always bring issues when two countries binding their strong ties. why?
Why? because Iranian land was used against Pakistan rather now we know that it was IRGCs people who were involved and that's why IRGC commander was sacked. FO set the mood.
Why? because Iranian land was used against Pakistan rather now we know that it was IRGCs people who were involved and that's why IRGC commander was sacked. FO set the mood.
this type of statement can be issued any time after IK visit, why in the middle of IK visit foreign ministry issuing such statements. This same thing repeated in 2016 when Iranian president visited Pakistan, Yadav was in our custody longer than three months but our Foreign office issued a statement during his visit.
this type of statement can be issued any time after IK visit, why in middle of IK visit foreign ministry issuing such statements
bro, this is a very fine policy, it keeps both sides focussed and not forget what is the main purpose of the visit. Still Iran needs to do a lot. All the culprits should be punished.
Monday, 22 April, 2019 - 11:00

A handout picture provided by the Iranian presidency shows Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (L) and Pakistani PM Imran Khan reviewing the honor guard in Tehran on Monday. (AFP)

Asharq Al-Awsat

Pakistan and Iran will form a rapid response force to combat militant activity on their shared border.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani made the announcement Monday during a televised press conference in Tehran with Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan.

“We agreed to increase the security cooperation of the two countries, our border forces, our intelligence forces,” Rouhani said. “And also to form a joint quick reaction force on the border of the two countries for fighting terrorism.”

Khan said that militant activity at the border could be a source of tension.

“The most important reason why I’m here, Mr. President, is because I felt that the issue of terrorism was going to ... increase differences between our countries,” Khan said during the joint press conference. “So it was very important for me to come here and come with our security chief that we resolve this issue.”

Khan had arrived in Iran on Sunday to discuss security and regional issues, Iranian state TV reported, a day after Islamabad urged Tehran to act against militants behind killings in Pakistan’s Baluchistan province.

Relations between Iran and Pakistan have been strained in recent months, with both sides accusing each other of not doing enough to stamp out militants allegedly sheltering across the border.

A new umbrella group representing various insurgent groups operating in Baluchistan claimed responsibility for an attack on Thursday when 14 passengers were killed after being kidnapped from buses in the province, which borders Iran.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said on Saturday the training and logistical camps of the new alliance that carried out the attack were based inside Iran and called on Iran to take action against the insurgents.

Tehran has stepped up security along its long border with Pakistan after a suicide bomber killed 27 members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards in mid-February in southeastern Iran, with Iranian officials saying the attackers were based inside Pakistan.

I wonder if by creating a joint force will make it hard for us to protest in case something happen again which is very likely due to Iran/India nexus. IMHO we should force Iran to take actions, by creating a joint force may create implications for us.
I wonder if by creating a joint force will make it hard for us to protest in case something happen again which is very likely due to Iran/India nexus. IMHO we should force Iran to take actions, by creating a joint force may create implications for us.
Damned if we do and damned if we dont

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