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RIP Shaheed

Meanwhile in Afghanistan



Extreme limits of stupidity....
Don't even know that how to respect a country and its flag....

Let's find a peaceful way to resolve this!
They don't want peace....!!
India joining Afghanistan will be a nightmare for them. They won't dare come anywhere near. Them coming into Afghanistan will be heaven sent from Pakistan's viewpoint

Why don't we forcefully deport all afghanis to India?
It will show the true face of India towards their brother Afghanistan...
Why are we so weak and pessimist??
Unfortunately the civilian govt is the most corrupt and incompetent in the history of Pakistan. Right now, the so called PM is running away of Isb like a girl .

Look man, keep your little lying rants away from this topic. We all know who all have been corrupt. I can put a list on here for you with names and amounts stolen by many big deals in Pakistan. Don't get hurt and report "ban" if I did that.

The current government is not even close to being the most corrupt government. I am not saying it because I know or like someone. I just know the truth about your system and your people too much. Let's stay focused on the topic. If I put a list of people and names on here, you'd be shocked who you've been following, and who else became a billionaire across every major institution of Pakistan including. So let's not derail the thread.

The most corrupt are the useless ones who yell, scream and kick and call others "thieves", and when their names come out, they act like a mad dog with a heavy foot on their tail. And then, all the "thief calling" starts to fade away.

Phase 1

The future , buffer zone for clearance of Terrorist and their Sympathizers

Phase 2
Creation of Prison in small region called Hyrat , put all ISIS , Taliban s** bags here and also put Indian spies there as well

Phase 3
Creation of 1 Political Democratic Party of Afghanistan selected by Pakistan
Peaceful Afghan issued travel document , Militants sent to Prison for rehabilitation
Hunt down of Taliban in core

Phase 4
Member of Parliment
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Allah help us all, Afghan are playing in hands of India and US. Pakistan should try to avoid looking aggressor to Afghan masses which their media may have been already portraying Pakistan.

US and India is trapping Pakistan in this new trap. Pakistan should bring China into picture to have investment in Afghanistan to mitigate Indian and US influence there.
Provide anything Pakistan need. I hope situation will not escalate, it depends on Afghan.
There will be no over reaction. Pak's goal is to secure the border to insulate ourselves from next door and that will be done. Beyond that terrorist safe havens need to be hit as well.
Until few years ago USA and Coalition owned Afghanistan.
They allowed India to setup shop there, and start activities.

USA is there only to counter and cause mischief for China; they will not allow china to exploit minerals etc from Afghanistan.

Current annoyance is with Pakistan for giving China route to warm waters, to Middle east and Africa.
that is where the consumers are.

1) Pakistan's failure in many aspects is because you guys never know the right thing and whatever the prepped media is told, you hear it and make up your mind. Its how it works everywhere else.

2) The US didn't "allow" India shops. The Afghans LOVE India. And as a natural cause, the US would welcome India because the Afghans love them and that makes it much easier for the US to remain limited and not tick off nationalist Afghans as they look at US as the foreign power sitting in their country.

What Pakistan needs to figure out is that how come Pakistan has kept, fed and provided safety to 3 million Afghans for 30 years, and they hate you guys so much that its not even funny. What caused it????

3) Yes, the US is there to counter China. But that's just how it is. Pakistan was in many Arab countries too......did that mean anything? This is just global politics.......what's the point you were trying to make?? Pakistan and the US can still work together. Granted Pakistan does the RIGHT diplomacy which your generals don't want to learn. Civilian in Suits, Civilian in Suits and Civilian in Suits!! No military uniform going to American democratically elected leaders. Not even a Senator!!!! Its that simple. But instead of learning the lesson, the Generals ignore it. When you speak to someone and want something from them, its a give and take relationship. But the first thing, is to have that relationship to be able to talk to the other party. The Americans see generals and that's it. They are turned off and if they sit, its forced upon them for their benefits. This one thing alone can do wonders for the Pakistani diplomacy if you adapt it.

4) If you use common sense, you'll find out that the US has been very concerned and upfront about the threat of terrorism from Pakistani soil. In that regards, the US and the entire globe (minus India), knows that a strong Pakistan is in the world's best interest. The US isn't on Mars, its on the planet Earth. Meaning they understand that Pakistan needs a way to grow. If CPEC is it, than so be it. But, someone from the Pakistani side, IN American way of dealing with them, has to make them understand. Again, your uniform goes there and they shut down as they want to ONLY deal with a democratically elected officials. Just the way of doing business. Its like, they want you to pay for American weapons in Dollar, and you keep offering them Saudi Riyal. Would that make a deal? No, because the basic requirements aren't being met.

I know this for a fact, if Gen. Raheen hadn't come after NS's trip, the F-16's were a go. His trip and insisting on meeting Obama and other senior officials ticked off the American leadership a LOT. Just like when you go to Medical school, you learn about diseases and how to cure them, dealing with the US (foreign diplomacy) has its own way of doing business. And that is based on Civilian elected leaders on each side. This is the minimum requirement of two to go along. Hope this made sense. I keep saying this, deal with the Americans the right way and reap the benefits long term. They are good people when you deal with them in how they want to communicate. China's $ 46 billion investment is being touted as "it'll change Pakistan", the US's system is over $ 18 trillion strong. Investing $ 50-100 billion is a joke for the American companies. But, for Pakistan, a $ 50 -100 billion would mean her GDP would climb in less than 10 years to top 12th spot on the global economic map. This is how real this can be, but you just need to know how to deal with them.
We will deport All Afghans (Militants) to India if they love them so much how about that ? We will give them 1 way ticket to India (The militant ones)

Modi can create an Ashram and breast feed them from his own hairy bosom for all I care

India can spend 10-20 Billion/Year in welfare check works with me and then can play games in India with Hindu Extremist for land

What Afghan (Militant , fake army) need to figure out is , shut up and fall back !!! and lay the weapons down

We had enough of this Humanitarian bull crap we fed these suckkers for 20-30 years from our economy lost 300-400 billion they need to pay us back for damage if they can't the Province is our to take as compensation for unpaid dues

Since they already are living in stone age , there is no point them to bomb them into stone age, we will bomb the shit out of Karzai and his Sympathizers into Volcanic earth days

Afghanistan morning for next 52 years

We will keep the peaceful people , give them shelter as a extra province
The militans and armed ones will be sent to prison or deported to India

I suggest INDIA create room for 5-6 Million Militants in case there is large number of Militant minded people who want to live in India
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I thought the checkpoints belonged (really) to Pakistan anyway ....BTW, the Afghani-American father of our Orlando shooter wants to abolish the Durand line. Shouldn't be a border there anyway!
Afghanistan is a screwed up country. The Durand Line is there to stay, so they can continue to kill each other on the other side.
NoDurand Line wurand line, we will now take it all

This snake will not die if it will left to live in a nice DEN call Afghanistan it will continue to pop up now and then commit Terrorist act and then disappear

The snake if left alive will continue to spawn TERRORIST , they will join Al qaida or ISIS and be a zombie soldier for them

This drama is going on for like 30 years , 30 years of Stupidity of allowing the Terrorist to roam this so call Void Country called Afghanistan with no law

INDIA make room for REFUGEE you will have to spend 20-30 Billion per year to give them all the LOVE
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Afghans are enticing Pakistan and 3 more nations are involved. India want to encircle Pakistan through Afghanistan and Iran is helping Indians. The idea is to escalate this so much that Afghanistan may ask India's help formally so India can get into Afghanistan. This is a dangerous situation. Let us hope China realizes this all and plays a significant role. Another objective is to distract Pakistan from CPEC and fail the project and third object is to protect terrorists who operate against Pakistan

Maybe WS2D rocket launcher with 400 KM range can do the job.
Eventually these tensions would have to be defused and the captured Afghan post returned.
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