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Breaking News Versions on Oil Discovery within week

Recently they develop and using an technique in US to recover shale oils hugely successful exxon is also one of big player in it forgetting the science behind it but was breaking with high pressure and merging the all in one u can google it for better understanding
@Khafee aur office babu??""tujhe ham valī samajhte jo na bāda-ḳhvār hotā"""" khud har post main kuch tidbit's drop kar hi daity hain hazrat
The wild card here in this speculation is the size of the field and whats technically recoverable may be very different numbers. The field could be 80 Billion barrels but maybe only 30 Billion barrels are technically recoverable with current tech (all speculative numbers).

I recall reading a EIA report that Pakistan had like 227 billion barrels shale oil (it was a huge number) but only 9 Billion barrels were technically recoverable. Lets hope the Americans come up with some better tech to extract more oil from our shale reserves.
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Good and perhaps new information related to oil discovery in Karachi if it's true.

oil has been a curse to all Middle Eastern societies. in any case pakistan could use some breathing room
Oh man I can literally smell someone burning :flame:; first according to you Pakistan seeking loans is begging, and now an oil discovery is a curse!!! :omghaha:

Here is a glimpse of the cursed ME due to oil discovery: :dance3:

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My dad is a geologist in united states offshore rig named lucky star of brtish petroleum company they are drilling in south of texas deep inside the ocean gulf.

He says if what exxonmobil or Italians are saying is true then pakistani oil reserves could be more than reserves of Russia or united states but less than Iraq or iran. So according to him chances are Pakistan could make top 6 in best case or top 9 in moderate case of worlds biggest oil reserve place.

It all depends on the Will of Allah and if He (Allah) sees us pakistanis worth this blessing or not.

Looking at myself and my fellow pakistaniz and our actions im not sure if Allah will find us Worthy of this Blessing.
But when i see what pakistanis need and when i Know Allah is the Best of Provider and care taker of His Belivers then this Blessing seems very possible.

It depends on Allah if He Sees us Pakistani people as worthy. We are not very educated or dedicated to Him but surely, i don't know what Allah knows.

This will also prove worth of us Pakistanis in the eyes of Allah.

We have a good and honest leader imran khan so perhaps we pakistaniz are changing and becoming better.
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Cant agree with you more honestly i dont care about any politician in Pakistan or in world but when i see those peoples around me even with facing so many hardship their smile,hospitality,positivity ......so many qualities thats why keep an eye on that for last 2 months on daily basis Allah bus in sab ka bhalaa karayy Ameen.Can u do us an favor ask your father why specifically he said """6""" not 5 not 7 but """6"" ????as that second time in 24 hours i heard that and by training i don't believe on coincidences
My dad is a geologist in united states offshore rig named lucky star of brtish petroleum company they are drilling in south of texas deep inside the ocean gulf.

He says if what exxonmobil or Italians are saying is true then pakistani oil reserves could be more than reserves of Russia or united states but less than Iraq or iran. So according to him chances are Pakistan could make top 6 in best case or top 9 in moderate case of worlds biggest oil reserve place.

It all depends on the Will of Allah and if He (Allah) sees us pakistanis worth this blessing or not.

Looking at myself and my fellow pakistaniz and our actions im not sure if Allah will find us Worthy of his Blessing.
But when i see what pakistanis need and when i Know Allah is the Best of Provider and care taker of his Belivers then this Blessing seems very possible.

It depends on Allah if He Sees us Pakistani people as worthy. We are not very educated or dedicated to Him but surely i don't know what Allah knows.

This will also proove worth of us Pakistanis in the eyes of Allah.

We have a good and honest leader imran khan so perhaps we pakistaniz are changing and becoming better.
Cant agree with you more honestly i dont care about any politician in Pakistan or in world but when i see those peoples around me even with facing so many hardship their smile,hospitality,positivity ......so many qualities thats why keep an eye on that for last 2 months on daily basis Allah bus in sab ka bhalaa karayy Ameen.Can u do us an favor ask your father why specifically he said """6""" not 5 not 7 but """6"" ????as that second time in 24 hours i heard that and by training i don't believe on coincidences
Thats the question i asked him too, he said the gas is at the top and then comes liquid raw oil muddy.

He says the fact that they had to stop drilling for 3 weeks because of high pressure shows there is much more gas than they expected and stopped drilling possibily for safety reasons as my dad has seen rigs exploding and everyone can easily die and rigs damadged etc

If gas is alot more than oil would be less. The estimate italian geologist are talking about puts this specific region in numbers lower than what iraq has. But more than what kuwait has.

This is also an estmate given by usgs ( united states geological services) back in 2011. But no one was given permission to drill bt that time governments. Politics etc

My dad threw alot of numbers at me while explaining. Its a huge oppertunity for us All. Depends if we find something or not. Once my dad says he insisted on a his personal hunch to drill 500 meters more into the sea , costing the company thousands of dollars and because of his insistance oil was found by that rig.

Sometimes they stop drilling after 5000 meters my dad took it 5900 meters deep. On his personal risk.

Depends on knowledge of geologists rigs being used worth of the people and among All, Will of God The Almighty. Pray for pakistan and its poor people perhaps we will see a better pakistan sooner than we thought.

Best rig in the world is being used settalite guidance available , latest technologies being used . now lets see if we deserve it as a nation or not.
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I think the sea based oil reserves are less profitable than land based like in arab world as extraction cost is higher when oil is extracted from sea so we cannot become much rich like arabs and I doubt that u.s companies will allow us to benefit from this as arab countries are under influence of u.s but here we are ally of china and it is not in u.s interest that our economy becomes strong as we ae nuclear power unlike arab world so we should keep eye on these oil companies behavior and terms and conditions of oil production
Thats the question i asked him too, he said the gas is at the top and then comes liquid raw oil muddy.

He says the fact that they had to stop drilling for 3 weeks because of high pressure shows there is much more gas than they expected and stopped drilling possibily for safety reasons as my dad has seen rigs exploding and everyone can easily die and rigs damadged etc

If gas is alot more than oil would be less. The estimate italian geologist are talking about puts this specific region in numbers lower than what iraq has. But more than what kuwait has.

This is also an estmate given by usgs ( united states geological services) back in 2011. But no one was given permission to drill bt that time governments. Politics etc

My dad threw alot of numbers at me while explaining. Its a huge oppertunity for us All. Depends if we find something or not. Once my dad says he insisted on a his personal hunch to drill 500 meters more into the sea , costing the company thousands of dollars and because of his insistance oil was found by that rig.

Sometimes they stop drilling after 5000 meters my dad took it 5900 meters deep. On his personal risk.

Depends on knowledge of geologists rigs being used worth of the people and among All, Will of God The Almighty. Pray for pakistan and its poor people perhaps we will see a better pakistan sooner than we thought.

Best rig in the world is being used settalite guidance available , latest technologies being used . now lets see if we deserve it as a nation or not.

For a conventional oil pool with an associated gas gap means it is an undersaturated oil pool. Pakistan will have to produce the oil zone and not the gas cap. Because by producing the free gas you deplete the primary recovery drive mechanism and risk stranding resources.

The "muddy oil" you quote is not muddy because there is mud in the reservoir... It is muddy initially because it oil mixed with your drilling fluid.... It's the initial flow back.

Your dad should also know that you don't book recoverable reserves based upon a single wildcat well. This will take over 5 years to establish what the "true" reserves are once you have enough delineation wells. Commercial reserves are classified as Proved; Probable; and Possible.

Please don't tell people Pakistan will be placed on the list 4,5,6 etc. based upon this one well. It will take much more time to establish that.

I'm sure your dad knows this too.
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