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Breaking News Versions on Oil Discovery within week


Until confirmation we have zero
Reports are very encouraging by the way. It is confirmed that there is huge oil reserve there, but how much?? No one knows. Ik wouldn't have said that he will give good news in 3 weeks.. it means he knows.. but he only wants to confirm the number...

We need investment in human resource. We need to develop a knowledge based economy with universal education and one syllabus for the whole country so that we become one strong nation.
Yeah... For the next 15 years... Education, education and education.. health, health and health....
Hazrat u start too as well ? :) thats not fair even your guess based on some reports love to read some of it :lol: ok here is my number 1.5-1.7 billion barrels

I pray that I'm wrong and it exceeds 27bn barrels of sweet crude.

N.B.: Sweet crude is just my wishful thinking, I don't know what the sulfur content or density is.
Reserves being discovered doesn’t mean production in continuous. Wells will be dug after proper sample reports return from Milan Italy in May 2019. Pressure kick recorded indicates gas reserves rather than oil.
Imagine our last 40 years of dirt cheap gas, how much did we progressed ? When gas was enough for next 20 years in 1993 benazir and Nawaz were putting oil powered energy stations. When natural gas could’ve used in urea fertiliser production a back bone for an agricultural economy, we were burning it at homes while protesting against wheat shortages.
Yes it is a blessing but don’t assume it will change everything as our problems are different and we don’t understand them sadly.
Sawal gol kar gaye hazrat waisy jab khud mod hu tu bary hints dy daity hain :) inshaallah Khafee but not only the oil Allah make our officials to use it with wisdom as u know SOmetime Allah test us by giving all sometime by taking everything both are ""AZMAISH """ pray Allah help always be with us
I pray that I'm wrong and it exceeds 27bn barrels of sweet crude.
Sawal gol kar gaye hazrat waisy jab khud mod hu tu bary hints dy daity hain :) inshaallah Khafee but not only the oil Allah make our officials to use it with wisdom as u know SOmetime Allah test us by giving all sometime by taking everything both are ""AZMAISH """ pray Allah help always be with us

Very true!
MIne too as very early reports they are confident about gas as well and u know these days markets its worth more than ever
I pray that I'm wrong and it exceeds 27bn barrels of sweet crude.

N.B.: Sweet crude is just my wishful thinking, I don't know what the sulfur content or density is.
Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has hinted at finding ‘massive’ oil reserves in recent off-shore drilling off the coast of Karachi.

“Pakistan will not need to import oil after reserves are found near Karachi’s seas,” said Imran while talking to media at Prime Minister House in Islamabad on Monday.



People have been wildly speculating the size of the new found oil & gas reservoir, so here is my guesstimate: Approx 20bn to 27bn barrels.

Plus there is good news of multiple new gas fields, Thar coal has started producing electricity. All these indicators point to a change in destiny. All of this could have happened in the previous two Govt's tenure, but it didn't. I have said this before Allah works in mysterious ways, we cannot fathom the depth of his wisdom.

Pakistan needs to focus on limiting corruption, and investing in Health, Education, housing, and Defence.

Congratulations! May Allah give you the wisdom to use this new found wealth wisely.

Best Regards
Paksitan Zindabad, Pakistan Paindabad :pakistan:


It is not in the Pakistanis character to control corruption---. IK does not have the courage for severe punishments to stop corruption---.
Thanx Allah we got forces who give shut up call to politicians when they crossed the line (which they always do ) and took matters in their hand.We are thats why different than other countries as never have any institute to trust except forces even with all fights with them,criticizing and in many cases justified but unlike politicians we trust they are and always will be in Pakistan btw @Khafee u reading those reports in office time?? :azn:

There is a very good reason why it didn't happen in the previous two governments. It has been a systematic and well planned journey.

First, they got the extension to our economic zone through meticulous survey.

Then, they were resurrecting the Navy and turning it into a force capable of defending the rigs, increasing investor confidence. Now that the Navy has proven itself with multiple submarine detections and holding off Indian aggression, they can move forth.

Another angle is the strategic reset of ties with America. The purely military relationship has been turned into an economic one. I personally think, ties could not be reset when people at the helm had been beggars pleading the Americans to secure their governments. The result would have been similar to Nigeria.
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