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Breaking News Versions on Oil Discovery within week

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has hinted at finding ‘massive’ oil reserves in recent off-shore drilling off the coast of Karachi.

“Pakistan will not need to import oil after reserves are found near Karachi’s seas,” said Imran while talking to media at Prime Minister House in Islamabad on Monday.



People have been wildly speculating the size of the new found oil & gas reservoir, so here is my guesstimate: Approx 20bn to 27bn barrels.

Plus there is good news of multiple new gas fields, Thar coal has started producing electricity. All these indicators point to a change in destiny. All of this could have happened in the previous two Govt's tenure, but it didn't. I have said this before Allah works in mysterious ways, we cannot fathom the depth of his wisdom.

Pakistan needs to focus on limiting corruption, and investing in Health, Education, housing, and Defence.
Congratulations! May Allah give you the wisdom to use this new found wealth wisely.

Best Regards
Paksitan Zindabad, Pakistan Paindabad :pakistan:
if its 20 billion barrels oil than its mean it can fulfill our needs for 123 years as follow
Pakistan daily oil need =450,000
Pakistan monthly oil need= 450,000*30= 13500,000
Pakistan Annual oil need= 13500,000*12= 162,000,000
so Reserve will fulfill our needs = 20,000,000,000/162,000,000= 123 Years

ALLAH kere yeh Sub Such ho. Amin Ya Rubul Alameen
if its 20 billion barrels oil than its mean it can fulfill our needs for 123 years as follow
Pakistan daily oil need =450,000
Pakistan monthly oil need= 450,000*30= 13500,000
Pakistan Annual oil need= 13500,000*12= 162,000,000
so Reserve will fulfill our needs = 20,000,000,000/162,000,000= 123 Years

ALLAH kere yeh Sub Such ho. Amin Ya Rubul Alameen
You didn't leave the space for other company share plus export of oil.
Thanx Allah we got forces who give shut up call to politicians when they crossed the line (which they always do ) and took matters in their hand.We are thats why different than other countries as never have any institute to trust except forces even with all fights with them,criticizing and in many cases justified but unlike politicians we trust they are and always will be in Pakistan btw @Khafee u reading those reports in office time?? :azn:

Yes and No

I have people reading them for me in office time, and giving me one page synopsis. :D

if its 20 billion barrels oil than its mean it can fulfill our needs for 123 years as follow
Pakistan daily oil need =450,000
Pakistan monthly oil need= 450,000*30= 13500,000
Pakistan Annual oil need= 13500,000*12= 162,000,000
so Reserve will fulfill our needs = 20,000,000,000/162,000,000= 123 Years

ALLAH kere yeh Sub Such ho. Amin Ya Rubul Alameen
You need to factor in, increase in demand as well. It won't remain stagnant at 450k bpd
You didn't leave the space for other company share plus export of oil.
as per my info, Xmobil will get 25% profit from these reserves. they can get while supplying in Pakistan. secondly we are growing economy like USA, we should not export even a one liter oil from our reserves

Yes and No

I have people reading them for me in office time, and giving me one page synopsis. :D

You need to factor in, increase in demand as well. It won't remain stagnant at 450k bpd
with demand we will able to discover new reserves IN SHA ALLAH. But lets suppose other factors will reduce some years, but how much 20 30 40?????. 123 is too big.. Even its enough to change our life if reserves lasted for 50 years
If there is oil what should Pakistan and supposing they decide to export it what measures should be taken to make sure they don't bend over for petro-dollar?
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Not consider it one dimensional depends as see even if my figures correct u get around 9-11 year free lease (dont know about gas yet ) also on point the company will start finding in new areas as its consider dead investment u put money on chances mostly even with all exp,science behind u its still 50-50 chance game
with demand we will able to discover new reserves IN SHA ALLAH. But lets suppose other factors will reduce some years, but how much 20 30 40?????. 123 is too big.. Even its enough to change our life if reserves lasted for 50 years

@Khafee aisa raha tu tond nikal aaye gi do some workout even just paper pushing :) one serious question 25% is normal practice in oil industry ???
The wild card here in this speculation is the size of the field and whats technically recoverable may be very different numbers. The field could be 80 Billion barrels but maybe only 30 Billion barrels are technically recoverable with current tech (all speculative numbers).

I recall reading a EIA report that Pakistan had like 227 billion barrels shale oil (it was a huge number) but only 9 Billion barrels were technically recoverable. Lets hope the Americans come up with some better tech to extract more oil from our shale reserves.
as per my info, Xmobil will get 25% profit from these reserves. they can get while supplying in Pakistan. secondly we are growing economy like USA, we should not export even a one liter oil from our reserves

with demand we will able to discover new reserves IN SHA ALLAH. But lets suppose other factors will reduce some years, but how much 20 30 40?????. 123 is too big.. Even its enough to change our life if reserves lasted for 50 years

It doesn't matter 123 years or all. Venezuela is huge in oil but just check the what their situation is right now.
Will Pakistanis turn into the modern day Arab?

Arragontc and gutless?

I hope not...that will be the biggest shame.
So what will be the next step will PPP zardari will have any share in this as they are not going anywhere for next 10-20 years from sindh.
It doesn't matter 123 years or all. Venezuela is huge in oil but just check the what their situation is right now.
Venezuela unable to develop anything , but our economy has strong industrial base although currently its in not good condition, we have enough educated man power, although our literacy rate is just 58%, but thanks to large population of 21 crore, we have enough professional who can handle this reserves with much better ability than the Venezuela.

Will Pakistanis turn into the modern day Arab?

Arragontc and gutless?

I hope not...that will be the biggest shame.
we have large population, we are 21 cror and saudia population is 3 cror, we are 7 times bigger than saudia. I think we have to do lot of hardwork to reach at that level of development and IN SHA ALLAH we will achieve if we remain humble
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Dont count the chickens before they are hatched..
Even if the reserves are found, it will at least take 3 to 4 years for them to be available
We need to get rid of the menace of circular debts and white elephant enterprises for us to get a gud deal on future projects in various sectors generally and petrochemical sector specifically
Nothing will change substantially for the country e en if we find 2 reserves till we plug the leak of the resources by revisiting anti corruption laws, government service structure and its checks and balances and lastly the judicial system.
If there is oil what should Pakistan and supposing they decide to export it what measures should be taken to make sure they don't bend over for petro-dollar?
The Chinese market is very thirsty.. think Yen instead ..
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