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Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

I know, because you don't have a choice but to engage in asymmetrical warfare because you'll be forced to by Iran. The question is, to what extend will you be able to excel at it. Your country does not exactly have the best track record in such warfare.

Hmmml...not since the defeat of the British Empire. Usually since then we have superior military might. But at the same time we have done guerrilla warfare. Usually it be sending in Army Special Forces in to interact with the locals to get things started. Just like the beginning of the invasion of Afghanistan and overthrowing the Taliban in short amount of time. Same thing happened in Gulf War 2. As well as previous conflicts in distant past. Combine with conventional means like destroying the enemy's air force and navy as well as ground.

No one in their right mind should have asked for that, Iran should only peruse 5th gen plane technology. But regardless, Iran is not planning on going airforce vs airforce agains the US. Never fight the enemy on their terms.

This F-35 is an untested plane, let's not over-hype it.

Iran should sell their planes and ships and have their personnel don civilian clothing.
Hmmml...not since the defeat of the British Empire. Usually since then we have superior military might. But at the same time we have done guerrilla warfare. Usually it be sending in Army Special Forces in to interact with the locals to get things started. Just like the beginning of the invasion of Afghanistan and overthrowing the Taliban in short amount of time. Same thing happened in Gulf War 2. As well as previous conflicts in distant past. Combine with conventional means like destroying the enemy's air force and navy as well as ground.

Look, I don't see what's to be gained from us discussing these things on forums like this. At the end of the day, only an actual conflict will show us the reality.
I’m so glad your here Armchair General with your decades in military experience.

No BM uses radars to guide it. So nice job showing your ineptitude. With the Armaco attack, Iran showed it can use drones and cruise missiles to avoid radar coverage and strike specific parts of the plants with precision.

And there is no “search and destroy” component needed for a carrier group. They are already being tracked 24/7 (ones near Iran). It’s not like Iran needs to go “omg where is the carrier group let’s find it”.

These arm chair general analysis are getting really old. Especially when someone thinks an OTH can be taken out by “gps guided missile”.

It’s funny Everything Iran has can be taken out by a simple missile or plane, but nothing the US has can be done by the same. Love these analysis’.
They need more than over the horizon radars to locate and attack a moving target. They’d just be firing those BMs at the ocean if not provided with better intelligence. And no, Iran is not tracking a carrier 24/7 in the Indian Ocean in a wartime scenario. Anything iranian would be several hundred kilometers away from the carrier.
Iran should sell their planes and ships and have their personnel don civilian clothing.

Rest assured, you'll be fighting Iranians in uniforms. Your kind targets civilians anyway, so wearing their clothes would not make much of a difference anyway.
I guess they have. But I dont think they’d be able to hit a moving target over the horizon in the Indian Ocean not even knowing exactly where the target is before launching it.

You should go learn math. It would take a PG missile less than 7 mins from launch to hit a ship. A carrier cannot move even 3 miles in 7 mins.

Depending on which PG type is used one can use its EO seeker to locate the carrier on re entry and confirm it’s shape based on onboard computer database. Then it adjusts and strikes.

If Hormuz PG missile is being used then it moves toward radiation. All these ships give off radiation in forms of radar and electronics. So it will go to the closet warship giving off the strongest radiation.

So that is how Iran will hit a carrier group on top of kilo submarines that will fire Jask CMs. Assuming the carrier groups stay in the Indian Ocean. If they come into PG, it will be a slaughter. They likely won’t come into PG till Iranian capability has been degraded sufficiently as to not pose a risk to naval fleet.

Iran may even use the naval version of a Sejil BM which has range of 3000KM. It’s sea based targeting guidance system is classified.

But again all this speculation is stupid. It doesn’t matter. Who cares. Let’s speculate when there is actual full blown war.
Look, I don't see what's to be gained from us discussing these things on forums like this. At the end of the day, only an actual conflict will show us the reality.

Umm these are like something we seen and done in the past. Use of special forces is what was by design to do. Donning civilian clothing, sabotage, assassinations, etc.

Rest assured, you'll be fighting Iranians in uniforms. Your kind targets civilians anyway, so wearing their clothes would not make much of a difference anyway.

Really? So why are all the civilians in Iraq still alive and not dead?
They need more than over the horizon radars to locate and attack a moving target. They’d just be firing those BMs at the ocean if not provided with better intelligence. And no, Iran is not tracking a carrier 24/7 in the Indian Ocean in a wartime scenario. Anything iranian would be several hundred kilometers away from the carrier.

Assuming Iran doesn’t have access to Russia/Chinese satellites (I believe they do). It is super easy to locate a carrier group.

Indian Ocean is one of the most HEAVILY trafficked ocean in the world. All you need is a dude on a tanker to spot the carrier group. Once the carrier group is spotted, math tells you how fast it can travel.

Iran has drones and other resources to find and keep tabs on carrier group.

And Iran already has the carrier group tracked it doesn’t need to wait till war time to find it. Once found it is impossible for a carrier group to “lose” the person tracking they are massive in size and can only travel at a certain speed. It’s not like you are trying to a hide a car.

The carrier group gives off massive radiation and can be picked up by many radars. Then it becomes as simple as honing a satellite/drone on the location pinpointing coordinates doing some math and firing a missile.
Assuming Iran doesn’t have access to Russia/Chinese satellites (I believe they do). It is super easy to locate a carrier group.

Indian Ocean is one of the most HEAVILY trafficked ocean in the world. All you need is a dude on a tanker to spot the carrier group. Once the carrier group is spotted, math tells you how fast it can travel.

Iran has drones and other resources to find and keep tabs on carrier group.

And Iran already has the carrier group tracked it doesn’t need to wait till war time to find it. Once found it is impossible for a carrier group to “lose” the person tracking they are massive in size and can only travel at a certain speed. It’s not like you are trying to a hide a car.

The carrier group gives off massive radiation and can be picked up by many radars. Then it becomes as simple as honing a satellite/drone on the location pinpointing coordinates doing some math and firing a missile.

I have a feeling you're wasting your time here. Remember that proverb :" You cannot awaken someone who is pretending to be sleeping"

We didn't kill a million. Thats between mostly Iraqis infighting. Trust me, if we want to kill all Iraqis, its within our means.

We're taking the discussion of topic. How's the mood in the US regarding this potential Iran-US conflict?
I have a feeling you're wasting your time here. Remember that proverb :" You cannot awaken someone who is pretending to be sleeping"

We're taking the discussion of topic. How's the mood in the US regarding this potential Iran-US conflict?

Divisive. Tired of war, but don't like our embassy being attacked. You know how it is.
You should go learn math. It would take a PG missile less than 7 mins from launch to hit a ship. A carrier cannot move even 3 miles in 7 mins.

Depending on which PG type is used one can use its EO seeker to locate the carrier on re entry and confirm it’s shape based on onboard computer database. Then it adjusts and strikes.

If Hormuz PG missile is being used then it moves toward radiation. All these ships give off radiation in forms of radar and electronics. So it will go to the closet warship giving off the strongest radiation.

So that is how Iran will hit a carrier group on top of kilo submarines that will fire Jask CMs. Assuming the carrier groups stay in the Indian Ocean. If they come into PG, it will be a slaughter. They likely won’t come into PG till Iranian capability has been degraded sufficiently as to not pose a risk to naval fleet.

Iran may even use the naval version of a Sejil BM which has range of 3000KM. It’s sea based targeting guidance system is classified.

But again all this speculation is stupid. It doesn’t matter. Who cares. Let’s speculate when there is actual full blown war.
I agree its mostly speculation. But my point is that they’ll have to locate the carrier and penetrate the layer defence before those seekers would be of any use.
Destroying IADs is their specialty. Think about it. They were trained to fight against the Russians who are experts on this.

i get that but still you cant say they are not good when you get close its not radars any more there optics can lock on target there is no ditching cameras and there will be our air force, there will be numerous hunter drone flying looking for every thing that moves and air defenses shooting at every thing they see its nightmare for every plane and what happens when a fighter is going for target then the jet it self get trapped by a more powerful air defense system that has more range up to mach 12 speed? then it has to drop every thing it has just to not be heavy so it can run away if it lucky it can break the missile lock and services





i get that but still you cant say they are not good when you get close its not radars any more there optics can lock on target there is no ditching cameras and there will be our air force, there will be numerous hunter drone flying looking for every thing that moves and air defenses shooting at every thing they see its nightmare for every plane and what happens when a fighter is going for target then the jet it self get trapped by a more powerful air defense system that has more range up to mach 12 speed? then it has to drop every thing it has just to not be heavy so it can run away if it lucky it can break the missile lock and services






I wouldn't rely on optics to find distant targets if I were you.
I guess they have. But I dont think they’d be able to hit a moving target over the horizon in the Indian Ocean not even knowing exactly where the target is before launching it.

drones will do that job they fly at long distance and tell the missile where the target is going



I wouldn't rely on optics to find distant targets if I were you.

we found RQ 170 with optics and it was flying in high altitudes, we all have seen a war no jet flies at high altitudes in war time they fly low, a lot of times they can be seen even with smart phone cameras
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