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Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

Posting pictures of F-35 in Utah. He thinks this thread is mosaic of US AirPower. Why not post bombers located in Alaska while we are at it.

All this spam in threads

These photos demonstrate F-35 readiness to deploy in the event of a crisis. Many F-35s will be deployed to the ME if war breaks out. It’s absolutely relevant, and not a coincidence they demonstrated it while tensions with Iran are high.
These photos demonstrate F-35 readiness to deploy in the event of a crisis. Many F-35s will be deployed to the ME if war breaks out. It’s absolutely relevant, and not a coincidence they demonstrated it while tensions with Iran are high.

if you showed F-15 , I would be more worried ...

Potential US forces in the region
and Iran will launch ballistic missiles with cluster munitions at air bases where US forces will be deployed

And don't forget about oil infrastructure of Arabian peninsula----it will be destroyed and US economy will suffer trillions of dollars of losses due to high oil prices

Trump doesn't want that
View attachment 598393

Potential US forces in the region

12 Burke’s and 4 Ticonderogas come out to around 1,600 VLS cells. 1,200-1,300 of those cells will be loaded with defensive missiles. And many of those cells can be quad packed with ESSMs. So the US Navy will have well in excess of a 1,000 missiles to defend the fleet.
12 Burke’s and 4 Ticonderogas come out to around 1,600 VLS cells. 1,200-1,300 of those cells will be loaded with defensive missiles. And many of those cells can be quad packed with ESSMs. So the US Navy will have well in excess of a 1,000 missiles to defend the fleet.

LOL, you have no idea what you are facing.
12 Burke’s and 4 Ticonderogas come out to around 1,600 VLS cells. 1,200-1,300 of those cells will be loaded with defensive missiles. And many of those cells can be quad packed with ESSMs. So the US Navy will have well in excess of a 1,000 missiles to defend the fleet.
But can they deal with Khalije Fars anti-ship ballistic missile? It comes from the top so most of your defensive missiles will be useless.
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