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Breaking News - PTI Leader - Fawad Chaudhry Arrested

حافظ چہرہ ہے اس بدمعاشیہ مافیا فوج کا اور کچھ بھی نہیں سب بکواس تھی جو ہمیں 77 سال سے پڑھائی سکھائی گئی ۔ انڈیا جو کہتا ہے وہ سچ ہے اس فوج کا
@Imran Khan اب پتا چلا کہ اصل میں بے غیرت تو آپ خود تھے

I mean even I disapprove of many policies of the army , but I would never stoop this low. Only followers of Altaf bhai or Imran bhai would stoop this low.
اور آپ تو ماشاءاللہ سے دونوں ہیں
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Patwaris do not have a conscience. These idiots will keep following the likes of corrupt Sharif family and their ilk.

You’re asking the wrong people.
Exactly, I am waiting for his confirmation before I respond.

I do not know tagged people stand in which category according to OP, He started the post by addressing Patwaris and than start asking questions to Youthias...lol I need to know my placement before I act.
Didn't know that MUNSHI is a gali and a threat at the same time.

Munshi Sikandar, muqaddar ka bandar
munshi is not. nothing wrong with that even.

But educate yourself. The threat was in other parts of speech. It included families.

Most patwaris (of any party) just fall for every propaganda. But one should strive to be better, no? Imean just for one's own sake. Where's the fun in being a propaganda driven patwari?

Exactly, I am waiting for his confirmation before I respond.

I do not know tagged people stand in which category according to OP, He started the post by addressing Patwaris and than start asking questions to Youthias...lol I need to know my placement before I act.
I cleared that point in post #132 and again in post #202. Feel free to respond.

BTW regardless of who is patwari....respond to the points in the post.
So you and @Mirzali Khan want to say that TTP is ghairatmand?
Yes for their beliefs, however twisted those might be...but they are standing up for them.

However the rest of the lot can't even stand up for their legit grievances and are letting the powers that be crush them without even putting up a lousy protest.
It is you who should go and listen to it again. Do you understand Urdu?

BTW same judge from same lahore high court after listening to arguments has said that fawad chaudhry arrest and transfer was legal.

So is the court haraami also?It was not haraami when it gave an order you liked, was it?
So tell us, Was it not harami in the afternoon but became haraami in the evening? How does that science work? Why don't you enlighten us all on that? :cheesy:

Bottom line is you should condemn fawad chaudhry for his statement. Stop calling black as white and white as black based on party affiliation. For once stick to the truth even if it goes against you favourite party.
Confirmed, Dreamer is a Patwari, same like me.
They are arresting one after another. Judiciary, PDM and of course the army are all part of this.
And I have. What else do you want me to do? Write it on a stamp paper and fax it to you?
wouldn't mind the fax if you can manage it. :p:
But seriously i already said it was nice of you to acknowledge it. Only one who did it so far. Thanks.

All evidence thus far points to the opposite, so I don't have high hopes.

He should not have, but you tell me, how in the world is this treason?
It's not treason. Two wrongs don't make one right and I agree with that.
But the case is بغاوت which isn't translated to treason, but revolt. The prosecution does have an argument for that. Let the courts rule if that argument is right or wrong.
Let's not kid ourselves, this was no crime. Wrong? Yes. Uncalled for? Yes. Crime? No.
I think also a crime. My opinion. But at least my opinion is not partisan. You are also entitled to your opinion as long as it is also not coloured by partisanship. That is all I ask.
Read the FIR. It mentions that Fawad Ch called election commission a munshi of the government. How the heck is that a crime? Please tell me.
Kindly read the FIR again.... that is not the accusation. You have to read it carefully.
Nothing wrong with munshi....but that is not what the case is on. Don't fall for PTI propaganda like all the patwaris here. PTI is trying very hard and over flowing social media with this "munshi" non sense. They want to make the case about it. Why do they want that?? Think! Think!
Understand now?
Yeah buddy let's not detract from the topic and create a strawman here. Thanks.
You introduced that. I just replied to your point. Fine with me if you don't want to discuss it.
The people are more than content with what is happening, and this is what the people deserve. As long as people keep making justifications for this sort of behavior by the state, at any point in time under whatever government, this will keep on happening.
Arresting someone without showing an FIR, taking them away in the middle of the night, filing frivolous FIR's, this is par for the course in this Islamic Republic of North Korea, and people are more than happy with it, as evident here.
people have always been happy as long as it happens with their opponents. Has been evident to me for a lifetime.
This country and this system and all those who participate in it are a joke, and so are we as a nation.
Agreed since you said 'All'.
Pick and choose double standards is what i'm against.
How does this...

...warrant a treason charge? And how is calling someone a munshi a crime?
Explained Above.
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People called me dumb and stupid when I said PTI Protests will fail ..time and again I was proven right

Elections will be delayed till 2025 and it will be easy win for PDM in 2025..

If IK creates too much problem he will be killed off(first he will striked off)

I am certain if Imran khan was still in power, bajwa would have been adored as messiah.
But educate yourself. The threat was in other parts of speech. It included families.
What was the threat? That he would kill the family members? Or that it would be difficult for the family members like how people treat sharif chors abroad?

There's one person waiting to be heard. He received three bullets and wasn't given the right to file an FIR as per his own wish. No one he named was arrested, or even investigated to validate the claims. But today, the application of laws was so fast that even Western countries can take it as an example.

Pakistan is a banana republic, and I am ashamed to say that... because I was born there. If I was given a choice, I would've selected even Afghanistan as my birth country. People there do have self respect.
Yes for their beliefs, however twisted those might be...but they are standing up for them.

However the rest of the lot can't even stand up for their legit grievances and are letting the powers that be crush them without even putting up a lousy protest.

Yeah whatever man

TTP is terrorist or ghairatmand. It can't be both
I am certain if Imran khan was still in power, bajwa would have been adored as messiah.
And deservedly so with decades of precedence and institutional memoery he would have resisted the temptation and incentive to let an elected government completely it's tenure.
Uzair Baloch getting a free pass, and fawad chaudhry and his brother getting a physical remand within 48 hours is a reflection of the state of affairs around Pakistani people. They are like a herd of sheep being prepared for slaughter yet they follow the instructions of the same dog that would do anything for its owner. We can say that I'm our case, owner is the US, public is sheep, and guard dogs are??
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