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Ya, I saw what happened How does that prove that they are not there...if anything they are there and every much in force
....you want me to add i little bit of an insult like calling you dog that will be hunted down for supporting a military dictatorship in pakistan.

listen man, I said they will hunt you down like a dog, learn some English.

It means they are the hounds and you are the rabbit.

I don't see any insult, in fact you are the one who has been insulting.
Ya, I saw what happened How does that prove that they are not there...if anything they are there and every much in force

Nope. It doesn't prove they are there in force. It proves only that there are SOME extremists and the Pak government has taken care of them. Extremists, kidnappers, exist everywhere, even in Bharat, but generally noone cares or they go unpunished.
State Bank to set up unit to combat terror finance

By By our correspondent

ARACHI: The State Bank of Pakistan announced on Tuesday it would establish a Financial Monitoring Unit (FMU) to “develop strategies and formulate policies to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.”

The Banking Policy and Regulation Department of the central bank said in circular No 7 of 2007 the unit would receive, analyze and disseminate suspicious transactions.

It would also maintain a database of suspicious transactions, coordinate with banks on implementation of anti-money laundering standards and educate reporting entities in detection of suspicious transactions and to provide them typologies reports based on money-laundering, terrorist financing methods and trends.

It would establish and maintain working relationship with domestic law-enforcement agencies, supervisory and regulatory bodies, reporting entities and assist reporting entities and law-enforcing agencies in formulation of training programmes.

It would also interact with stakeholders on AML issues and create awareness among the public at large on money-laundering and terrorist-financing issues.

The State Bank said it was taking these measures to safeguard the interest of depositors from risks arising out of money-laundering and terrorist financing.

The State Bank of Pakistan said the unit would be headed by a director.

The central bank said the scope of the Financial Monitoring Unit would be further enhanced once the legislation on anti-money laundering was passed.

The circular directed all banks to report suspicious transactions to the unit as required under prudential regulation M-5.

The SBP said failure to report suspicious transactions or any violation of the instructions would attract punitive action under the relevant provisions of the Banking Companies Ordinance of 1962.
Commandos clear Lal Masjid of all militants

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
19:25 IST

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Islamabad: Pakistani commandos cleared the Lal Masjid complex of all militants on Wednesday, ending a fierce eight-day siege and street battles which left more than 80 dead.

"The first phase of the operation is over. There are no more militants left inside," Army spokesman Maj. Gen. Waheed Arshad said in a telephone interview. He said that the compound was still being combed for mines, booby traps and other weaponry.

Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz told reporters that no bodies of women and children had been found inside the sprawling complex and said the probability such bodies would be found during the clearing operation was low.

"The major group of women was all together and came out all together," he said, referring to 27 women and three children who emerged from the mosque Tuesday. "The operation is over. Everybody who was inside is out,'' Aziz said.

More than 50 militants and 10 soldiers were killed and 33 wounded during the final, 35-hour assault by the elite Special Services Group which began in the early hours of Tuesday, the army said. The dead including the mosque's pro-Taliban cleric Abdul Rashid Ghazi.

The commandos went in after unsuccessful attempts to get the mosque's militants to surrender to a weeklong siege mounted by the government following deadly street clashes with armed supporters of the mosque on July 3.

The extremists had been using the mosque as a base to send out radicalised students to enforce their version of Islamic morality, including abducting alleged prostitutes and trying to 're-educate' them at the compound. More than 80 people have been killed overall since the violence began.

Arshad said three of the remaining die-hard defenders had been killed overnight, while the government side sustained some wounded as late as midmorning. The final hours of the operation inside the compound, which included the mosque and a women's religious school, involved troops moving room to room in basements, blowing up foxholes where militants had been entrenched, an army officer said.

Arshad said the media would be taken on a tour of the complex, located in the heart of the Pakistani capital, but probably not until Thursday.

Ghazi's body was found in the basement of the religious school after a fierce gunbattle involving militants, senior Interior Ministry official Brig. Javed Iqbal Cheema said.

Arshad said three of the remaining die-hard defenders had been killed overnight, while the government side sustained some wounded as late as midmorning. The final hours of the operation inside the compound, which included the mosque and a women's religious school, involved troops moving room to room in basements, blowing up foxholes where militants had been entrenched, an army officer said.

Arshad said the media would be taken on a tour of the complex, located in the heart of the Pakistani capital, but probably not until Thursday.

Ghazi's body was found in the basement of the religious school after a fierce gunbattle involving militants, senior Interior Ministry official Brig. Javed Iqbal Cheema said.
Am i also wrong in saying that everytime a high US offical arrives in pakistan mushy launches an anti taliban/militant operation,or is that also part of some contract?

This had nothing to do with the US Dabong. Lets not try to connect dots where it does not make sense to do so.

The operation was launched because of the hard headedness of the people inside. There are many reports that everytime an offer was made to late Ghazi saheb, he would ask for time to consider the offer (even when it was a matter of simple yes/no and many deadlines had already passed). There is an indication that there were elements more imposing than Ghazi saheb inside.

You only need to read what Maula Edhi had to say about the Maulana and his team:

Edhi’s plea to madressahs — pursue peace, shun arms

By Qudssia Akhlaque

ISLAMABAD, July 10: Having been part of the late-night negotiations between the authorities and Maulana Abdul Rasheed Ghazi to avert bloodshed at the Lal Masjid-Jamia Hafsa compound, Pakistan’s leading social worker Maulana Abdul Sattar Edhi told Dawn after the launch of pre-dawn ‘operation Silence’ on Tuesday that he had known all along that the obstinate ‘Maulvi’ would not listen.

“I knew from the first day that ‘Maulvi’ does not listen,” said Mr Edhi remorsefully amid the roaring sound of combat operation, eight hours after all attempts to peacefully resolve the Lal Masjid crisis failed.

“This is all a consequence of (Ghazi’s) stubbornness,” is how he summed it up as he looked on helplessly and desolately.

His message for the people of Pakistan, particularly to thousands of Madaris throughout the country was: “Pursue peace, be humane and shun arms and militancy.”

With a distant look in his eyes, the 84-year-old frail Edhi, whose feet were swollen, observed: “Aagar mein bhee ziddi hota tu kamyab na hota” (If I was also stubborn I would not have succeeded).

Edhi had 60 ambulances parked in the area as he sat under a green leafy tree with the sun pouring down on the capital’s curfew-hit G-6 sector. Clad in his typical tatty militia outfit and cap, he recalled his three-minute telephonic conversation with Rasheed Ghazi at about 10.30pm on Monday, during which he pleaded for a compromise.

“I advised him against blackmail and reminded him that Islam does not allow killing of innocent people in the name of jihad,” Edhi recounted. But he said the Maulana’s response was: “Yeh Allah ki marzi hai (This is God’s will)” and then disconnected the phone. Edhi tried calling him again but gave up when there was no response even after four attempts.

Edhi believed that the government had shown flexibility and had even respected his call for a ceasefire on Monday afternoon. “The government was willing for a compromise but unfortunately Maulana Abdul Rashid was not forthcoming,” he noted.

Edhi said he knew the operation was inevitable when told by the authorities to go and rest at 11.00pm. Edhi received the next call at 3.30am and he rushed to the scene with his ambulances and staff. That was a signal that operation was about to be launched, he said.

He told Dawn that the authorities had sought the services of only six Edhi Foundation ambulances to carry six injured men to the hospital until 1.30pm.

According to him, he had arrived in the capital at his own initiative just a day after returning from New York. He, however, said his wife came here last week after she was directly approached by President Musharraf.

I am a Muslim first but I love Pakistan too. I do not agree with the manner in which Islam was hijacked by these guys and used for their own purposes. Realize that. The guys who faught against these radicals are also believing Muslims and pray five times a day (most of them have beards and have the law on their side). Islam expects one to follow the law of the land and Pakistani law is considerably in line with Sharia. So please do not get taken by the skewed Islamic idelogy of the Madrassa folks here.
I dont justify the extremist element that was within the lal masjid, but how it got dealt with is shameful, the military has blood on its hands just like the extremist do. They were trapped they had no where to go, no route of escape, they could have been captured after they run out of food and other supplies. Muslims are to follow the law of the land, what law in pakistan?. is it lawful to hijack a democratic goverment, torture rape and seek bribery? in pakistan there is no law and law is if you got money, poor man has no chance of justice.

Time to rise and destroy the punjabi scum that dominates pakistani politics and stays in power with its divide and rule strategy, freedom for nwfp and balochistan, we been part of pakistan for too long the land of evil and corruption, time to rise and free our selves.

To hell with quid e azam a worthless drunk who created a nightmare state that we no longer wish to be part of, I pray to Allah that a civil war kicks off in pakistan and balochs and pokhtons gain their freedom.

Oh dear..........Let them get away with it? That was your solution?
They were given ample opportunities to surrender. They used women and children as shields. And they killed policemen.

And these "Peaceful" people had quite a few weapons and explosives. Why was that do you think? It seems you are advocating ignorance and backwardness as a way of life.:disagree:

I dont agree with you, In this particular incident Musharaf was more than right, while this incident does not clear him of the charges you mentioned against, but whatever it maybe he is right in this very particular incident
if you want people of pakistan to be united then have shared power have equal members in the assembly, equal spending on all states, equal employment in army,navy, airforce and various other goverment departments. I am a pokhtoon and when i go punjab people are so ignorant that they call me afghani, even though mardan is in pakistan. We feel like second class citizens and frustraed at lack of equality for pokhtoons and balouch people, so we have chosen to seek independence and insha Allah one day our dream will be a reality for we have endured enough hardship and inequality.
this is not a conspiracy my friend its the truth, i agree with the truth , i will not agree with a lie just because i am a pakistani and my so called country wants me to. i have a mind of my own to decide what i feel is the truth or a lie.
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