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The bodies of 19 people, charred beyond recognition, are among the 75 bodies that Pakistani officials say have been found at a radical mosque in Islamabad. ..BBC reports.

And?So just becauce the bodies are charred beyond recognition that means they must have been woman/kids
Actually even if they were charred the bone structure would tell if they are women kids or men.
Actually even if they were charred the bone structure would tell if they are women kids or men.

I just find it hard to believe that these guys in lal masjid would hold woman/children as hostages after they have let others go free.
I think the more likely scenario is that these woman stayed behind of there own free will and dragged there children into it.They where either brainwashed,misguided or plain evil only god knows.
Still hope they show proof that there where woman/kids killed by the terrorist and not by the army.
I hope there is a full inquiry into the whole sorry affair and it not brushed under the carpet like kargil or the Hamood-ur-Rahman report.
Mushy death threats

Lal Masjid, Abdul Rashid Ghazi Last message on Geo TV

Lal Masjid, Abdul Rashid Ghazi Last message on AAJ TV

Lal Masjid, Abdul Rashid Ghazi Last message on ARY TV

Abdul Rashid Ghazi Killed

Lal Masjid seige, Shoot to kill order for Journalists.What has the govt got to hide?
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I have just seen the weapons in the mosque......RPG's rifles mines and assorted machine guns.....Now I don't remember that being part of any religious observance that I am familiar with. don't waste your tears on those who died with guns in their hands. If you are going to surrender you don't wait until they are kicking in the door to do....
I have just seen the weapons in the mosque......RPG's rifles mines and assorted machine guns.....Now I don't remember that being part of any religious observance that I am familiar with. don't waste your tears on those who died with guns in their hands. If you are going to surrender you don't wait until they are kicking in the door to do....

Mmmm strange i recall how the mullah was saying once mushy has taken the masjid he will pile guns and ammo in the place to make out that the mullahs has more then a few AK's which he admitted to.
If they had so many weapons how come only 11 pak army died?
If they had so many weapons how come only 11 pak army died?

Mmmm strange i recall how the mullah was saying once mushy has taken the masjid he will pile guns and ammo in the place to make out that the mullahs has more then a few AK's which he admitted to.


1)Why did they even have the "few" AK's?
2)How with those "few" AK's how did they kill 11 highly trained special forces soldiers? If the intent was just kill everyone(for the army) they could have used the non-hostage room clearance drills (throw grenades and clear the room with machine gun fire) If they only had a "few" AK's then believe me it wouldn't have taken 2 days to clear the place. And I remember how those guys had a lot of weapons on display a few days ago not to mention gas masks......
Mmmm strange i recall how the mullah was saying once mushy has taken the masjid he will pile guns and ammo in the place to make out that the mullahs has more then a few AK's which he admitted to.

I remeber reading an interview of Mullah Ghazi in which he told the reporter that he could use his gun to fire small rockets and petrol bombs. He also discussed the cost and preparation of sucide belts.
On various occasions he openly admitted for having links with Bin-Laden.
He was wanted by the Pakistani courts on various accounts.
He practiced violence openly in streets of Islamabad.
He had no right to use Kids for this voilence not even if they wish for it.
His version of Islam was different than that of Imam Kaba, who came all the way to convince him.
He made many wrong choices and paid for them at the end.
He was offered surrender but instead he turned down all offers and choose sucide.
If they had so many weapons how come only 11 pak army died?

11 is the total number of security forces shaheed I believe. That number includes Haroon ul Islam and the two rangers that were killed earlier. Eight SSG died during the actual assault. It took them over thirty six hours to clear the place, thats not what "only 14 Kalashnikov's" will allow you to do. Plus we know that Ghazi lied about those three hundred women he accused the PA of killing. Why would everything else he said also not be mere propoganda to further his "cause"?

Did you see the bullet holes in the walls and ceiling of the mosque and compound? Were the SSG just running around pointing at the walls and firing in the air? The level of damage in the compound clearly indicates that the militants put up one heck of a fight, and we haven't even seen the basement and tunnels yet. I suppose that you could chalk the low amount of casualties down to better training and planning, though personally I think that even eight was too many. The militants got lucky by being able to backtrack and reoccupy positions that were cleared. So far I have heard they did this using the tunnels underneath the complex. We'll have to wait and see if that actually turns out to be the case.

Aaj also had a "senior journalist" (Zahid hamid I think) on their show today. He was talking about his visits to the complex to meet the Mullah bradran, when he was reporting on that Scottish girl's (Molly or something) custody case, and how after one visit he immediately called a friend and told him that the complex was a powder keg waiting to explode, based on the kinds of activities and people he had seen there.
I don't support any cult as there is no place for it in Islam. To understand my stand I can say it was the stand of most of the Islamic scholars including those in MMA, Who did not support the demands of Ghazi Sahab in this way, even though it was for a great cause, Because the way, the time, the movement was not right.
If you think Musharraf is a very good muslim (which he is not,and this I am saying again that he is not, because a true muslim will never ever say that Mustafa Kamal Pasha ataturk is my ideal). If he is that good a muslim then why he is following the law of British and keeping "the Quran, the final revelation, the way of life for the muslims" aside?
If he is that good a muslim then why he is giving a free hand to vulgarity in the society?
Now that he has killed the "Terrorists" and free to go ahead with anything then why he not moving to finish or stop the likes of Aunty Shamim, who are supplying prostitutes in Islamabad and Rawalpindi and destroying the society?
Why he is not implementing Sharia in Pakistan if he is that good a muslim.
Quran states clearly if you are muslims you must accept Islam fully and not in parts.
Quran clearly states that the duty of this Ummah is to "“enjoin what is right and forbidd what is wrong,”.

You leave in a dream wolrd or live expecting a dream world to come your way. The sad truth is that there is nothing like that. Vulgarity / Adultery has existed in this world in way or the other. If you are a good human you will know hw to stay away from it and that is exactly what the folllowing quote from Quran says.

Read the commentaries relating to the verse “enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong” which is related to following verses and chapters.
3:110, 3:114, 7:157, 9:71, 9:112, 22:41, 31:17

Just bcoz you dont go about beheading those commiting adultery doesnt mean you have betrayed god. God asks for you only to discharge your duties not to make sure others discharge their duties.
US has democracy & freedom, do you ever see them showing coffins on CNN? do they ever show you the dead bodies? They never disclosed their casualties during Vietnam, and they are hiding it in todays conflict too.

Wel the dead in Iraq conflicts are widely shown on TV incl CNN.

Pakistani workers dig graves for the dead militants who died in the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, operation at a graveyard in Islamabad July 12, 2007. Pakistanis buried bodies on Thursday from among more than 70 followers of a hardliner cleric.

Pakistani men bury coffins of dead militants who died during the Lal Masjid operation at a graveyard in Islamabad July 12, 2007.

Pakistani men bury a coffin of dead militant who died during the Lal Masjid or Red Mosque operation at a graveyard in Islamabad July 12, 2007.

Pakistani men pray for the dead militants who died during the Lal Masjid or Red Mosque operation at a graveyard in Islamabad July 12, 2007
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