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Musharraf gets a pat from Bush

By Anwar Iqbal

WASHINGTON, July 11: A day after troops carried out an operation against Lal Masjid in Islamabad President Gen Pervez Musharraf received a pat on the back from no less a person than US President George W. Bush for being a “strong ally” in the war against terror.

“Musharraf is a strong ally in the war against these extremists. I like him and I appreciate him,” Mr Bush said, while giving his unqualified support to the Pakistani leader on Tuesday in Cleveland, Ohio.

Although Mr Bush’s visit to the city was aimed to promote alternative energy, he availed a question from a Pakistani-American to convey his unqualified support for Gen Musharraf.

He started by saying that Pakistan was a strong ally in the war against terror but stopped half-way through his sentence and replaced it with ‘Musharraf,’ calling him “a valuable ally in rejecting extremists”.

Mr Bush said it’s important for the United States to ‘cultivate’ allies like him.

The US leader, however, also remembered his pledge to promote democracy in the Islamic world while expressing his support for Gen Musharraf.

“I'm of course, constantly working with him to make sure that democracy continues to advance in Pakistan. He's been a valuable ally in rejecting extremists. And that's important, to cultivate those allies,” he said.

At the State Department, Spokesman Sean McCormack refused to compare the storming of the Red Mosque with the raiding of the Golden Temple in Amritsar by Indian security forces in 1984.

“I'm not going to try to make any linkage between these two events. I think you have to deal with them in their own right and their own unique circumstances,” he said.

“The Pakistani security forces have gone in there after exercising a great deal of patience and restraint in offering every possible opportunity for innocents … in the mosque to leave”.

The Pakistani forces, he said, also offered the militants who “threatened to use violence, an opportunity to resolve the situation peacefully”.

The militants, he noted, used children as human shields, rejecting “any number of opportunities” Pakistani authorities offered to them to end the stalemate without violence.

Mr McCormack also denied US playing any role in the Pakistani operation to flush out the militants.
What about all those human shields made up of woman and children.
How come not a single body of a woman or a child has been found.
Or was that all bullsh*t as i said in a earlier post just to defame the mullah even more.
Reminds me of the tactic the india army use's when ever it receives dead bodies of its soilders it always says they have been mutilated.
What about all those human shields made up of woman and children.
How come not a single body of a woman or a child has been found.
Or was that all bullsh*t as i said in a earlier post just to defame the mullah even more.
Reminds me of the tactic the india army use's when ever it receives dead bodies of its soilders it always says they have been mutilated.

The bodies of 19 people, charred beyond recognition, are among the 75 bodies that Pakistani officials say have been found at a radical mosque in Islamabad. ..BBC reports.
What about all those human shields made up of woman and children.
How come not a single body of a woman or a child has been found.
Or was that all bullsh*t as i said in a earlier post just to defame the mullah even more.
Reminds me of the tactic the india army use's when ever it receives dead bodies of its soilders it always says they have been mutilated.

The Army today confirmed that 39 of the bodies pulled out of the mosque had been aged under 18, but it did not say how many of those were girls. However, a few dozen female students were reported to have been trapped in the madrassa by running battles. The Army claimed that militants had been deliberately holding them hostage.

Maj. Gen. Waheed Arshad pointed inside a small, charred, windowless room where he claimed a suicide bomber with five or six hostages inside had blown himself up during the assault. He said the victims' corpses were charred beyond recognition.
World given first glimpse inside bloody Red Mosque after siege

Pakistan was braced for a wave of terror attacks by pro-Taleban extremists today after the gruesome, blood-splattered remains of Islamabad's Red Mosque - emptied of Islamist militants by the Army earlier this week - were revealed to the world for the first time.

As the Army led journalists around the largely burnt-out holy site and Islamic school for girls, revealing wide-ranging destruction within the compound, officials confirmed for the first time that 75 militants had died during the Army's siege of the site, situated yards from the Pakistani Presidential complex.

Of those pulled out, 19 were so badly burned in fires which raged through the mosque during the fighting that Major General Waheed Arshad told journalists that they could have been of "any gender, any age". 11 soldiers were also killed in the fighting.

In a move that will further fan the flames of potential Islamist anger today, it appeared that some young women in the mosque's neighbouring madrassa may have been killed.

The Army today confirmed that 39 of the bodies pulled out of the mosque had been aged under 18, but it did not say how many of those were girls. However, a few dozen female students were reported to have been trapped in the madrassa by running battles. The Army claimed that militants had been deliberately holding them hostage.

As reporters were shown around the mosque today, what little remained of the building and its madrassa made grim viewing.

In one room within the madrassa which was almost completely black and smelled of acid and burned flesh, a Pakistani Army soldier told reporters that a suicide bomber had blown himself up, killing five. Another room used as a pharmacy within the madrassa was also completely destroyed, after another militant appeared to have blown himself up.

In the mosque's basement where the chief cleric Abdul Rashid Ghazi died, the walls were splattered with blood and covered in bullet holes. On the wall of one of the basement rooms, someone had written the Urdu message in chalk: 'Oh God. Give us a martyr's death.'

Another room in the basement appeared to confirm the militants' claims that they were heavily armed, and that they had planned wide-ranging attacks if they faced an Army assault.

It was filled with heavy weaponry, including six heavy machine guns, four rocket-propelled grenade launchers and dozens of ammunition rounds, anti-tank mines and two unexploded suicide vests, as well as dozens of assault rifles.

Gas masks, electronic scanners and scores of jihadi DVDs were seen to lie among the weapons while improvised devices including petrol-filled Molotov cocktails made from Pepsi and Sprite bottles and hand-made grenades were also seen, along with a ceremonial sword.

Guiding journalists around the complex, the military gave their version of the fighting which had caused such destruction. The Army said it had started in the red-walled mosque itself on Tuesday with militants firing at soldiers who climbed up onto the roof. The battle then moved into the girls’ school and the living quarters of Abdul Rashid Ghazi, whose death proved to be the turning point of the conflict. An army spokesman did not mention whether any girls were caught up in the fighting.

Ali Durrani, the Pakistani Information Minister, said that despite the threats of revenge and a fear of terror attacks, the Government had won the battle and scored an important victory against rising extremism in Pakistan. “It is definitely the militants who have lost. They had a place like this in the heart of Islamabad, but now they don’t have it any more," he said.

The country's pro-Western President, General Pervez Musharraf, was set to give a television address to the Pakistani people later today in which he was expected to call for calm.

However, at the funeral of Abdul Rashid Ghazi, his brother Abdul Aziz told around 2,000 mourners that the siege would lead to an "Islamic revolution" in the country. Mr Aziz fled the mosque earlier this week dressed as a woman.

Later, the first two attacks by Islamists against Government and Army targets were confirmed with three police officers reportedly killed by a suicide car bomber in north-western Pakistan, and two Government officials dying in a further attack near the Afghan border.
I think this post applies to you too:

I don't support any cult as there is no place for it in Islam. To understand my stand I can say it was the stand of most of the Islamic scholars including those in MMA, Who did not support the demands of Ghazi Sahab in this way, even though it was for a great cause, Because the way, the time, the movement was not right.
If you think Musharraf is a very good muslim (which he is not,and this I am saying again that he is not, because a true muslim will never ever say that Mustafa Kamal Pasha ataturk is my ideal). If he is that good a muslim then why he is following the law of British and keeping "the Quran, the final revelation, the way of life for the muslims" aside?
If he is that good a muslim then why he is giving a free hand to vulgarity in the society?
Now that he has killed the "Terrorists" and free to go ahead with anything then why he not moving to finish or stop the likes of Aunty Shamim, who are supplying prostitutes in Islamabad and Rawalpindi and destroying the society?
Why he is not implementing Sharia in Pakistan if he is that good a muslim.
Quran states clearly if you are muslims you must accept Islam fully and not in parts.
Quran clearly states that the duty of this Ummah is to "“enjoin what is right and forbidd what is wrong,”.
Read the commentaries relating to the verse “enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong” which is related to following verses and chapters.
3:110, 3:114, 7:157, 9:71, 9:112, 22:41, 31:17
Mr Kbagdadi 1st of all as a muslim one should 1st correct him/her self then try to correct others. Do u want a society like iran where women wear hijab coz they are forced to do so and yet they were skirts at home. Quran is no doubt the final revelation buts its the muslim people who have to think which way they should fellow and that is the only reason the quran states very clearly the ways of good and evil. Just by government imposing islamic laws doesnt mean that the country will get islamic. I hope u got my point.

Exact number of people killed will never be released by military, just like in Kargil conflict casualty figures were not disclosed because of so called national security, also death figures in the earthquake were grossly underestated. This is what happens when there is dictatorship & no freedom of information.
Exact number of people killed will never be released by military, just like in Kargil conflict casualty figures were not disclosed because of so called national security, also death figures in the earthquake were grossly underestated. This is what happens when there is dictatorship & no freedom of information.

US has democracy & freedom, do you ever see them showing coffins on CNN? do they ever show you the dead bodies? They never disclosed their casualties during Vietnam, and they are hiding it in todays conflict too.
Exact number of people killed will never be released by military, just like in Kargil conflict casualty figures were not disclosed because of so called national security, also death figures in the earthquake were grossly underestated. This is what happens when there is dictatorship & no freedom of information.

Ghazi, what kind of freedom did we have under BB, or Nawaz? One state run channel whose khabarnama was primarily devoted to showing gluttonous ministers unveiling plaques for "roads" and "tubewells" :cheesy:

My point being that things usually progress slowly, and change occurs over time. It is not possible to snap your fingers and go from a repressive, corrupt state to a land of "milk and honey". Comparatively speaking, almost every single sphere of the country has shown improvement under this government. Most macro economic indicators are positive and showing signs of continued growth, the presence of a relatively free media (though filled with untrained and amateurish "journalists"), its ability to report with increasing criticism on the Government; these are all things we NEVER had before. Its far from perfect, but your claim just does not hold water when you look at the same issues you pointed out in previous governments.

As far as underreporting the casualty numbers, especially civilian ones, you need to back up your statement with some sort of evidence. Ghazi was also claiming that 300 women and children were killed in one day by the PA, and buried in a mass grave by the mullahs, nothing of the sort has been found. Ghazi's supporters outside and all the "conspiracy theorists" quickly pounced on this and started blaming the govt. The same types of people are now floating around numbers of almost a thousand killed. These mullahs have been caught lying time and time again. How gullible are you?
I read from news paper today that there're foreigners inside Lal Masjid. can anyone prove it?
Mr Kbagdadi 1st of all as a muslim one should 1st correct him/her self then try to correct others. Do u want a society like iran where women wear hijab coz they are forced to do so and yet they were skirts at home. Quran is no doubt the final revelation buts its the muslim people who have to think which way they should fellow and that is the only reason the quran states very clearly the ways of good and evil. Just by government imposing islamic laws doesnt mean that the country will get islamic. I hope u got my point.


Islam wants to correct an individual as well as the society and definitely not any one of them.
In the light of so many clear cut verses of Quran and authentic Ahadith (sayings of Prophet(PBUH) It becomes crystal clear to correct ownself as well as the society and its obligatory.
On the point of Iran why the Prorhet(PBUH) then set up a state with all the laws from family to foreign policy and economy when he found Madina as a fertile land for the purpose, while the muslims were still weak and in minority.

However here is the main point which u argued that one should correct him/her self first. But this is more easily achievable only when one gets a surrounding Islam wants to provide.
Otherwise if u are living in an atmosphere full of vices then its becomes more and more tough and that even for the persons really want to be good. Moreover human behaviour is such that the vices attract him very easily while he find it really difficult some time to do virtue.
If one studies the Quran, Hadith and Seerah with even simple understanding he/she will never dare to say (and put his/her iman in danger) that,"its the muslim people who have to think which way they should follow".

As a true muslim what will you say regarding the route followed by Prophet(PBUH) and his Companions(RA), when the Final Prophet(PBUH) wrote the letters to various rulers(Incl. then Super powers Iran and the Roman Empire) to invite them to accept the way of Allah and be muslim so that they will be successful in this world as well as in the life hereafter. Within few years time the great and God fearing Companions followed the same route and offered 3 things to those who did not accept : Islam, Jiziya or Sword, so that the law of Allah Almighty must prevail in Allah's own land since he is the creator and one must follow him and should not make any partner to him.
Ghazi was living in fools heaven, he might be thinking Ayatullah of Pakistan. Govt provide him phone for negotiation , instead he start calling media. A leader can be that ****?.
As far as foreigner concern, in last moment Ghazi admit, there foreigner in the mosque, afganistan, sudan, auzbics. etc. May be there is place for fools in the world, but no place for fool leader, who jepdize his whole clan...
I read from news paper today that there're foreigners inside Lal Masjid. can anyone prove it?

as far as i have heard and read, an african(nationality unknown) and two uzbeks have been identified among the dead
Yes all of these guys are from the Zarrar Company. They go in with full armour and Kevlar helmets. Even then there is no guarantee against how the 7.62 rounds get in. Brave souls as they were the first ones in.. May God grant them the choicest eternal abode in Paradise. Amen.

Sum-Ameen, They were indeed brave souls and it looks like officers were leading there teams from front.

How did UAV helped or provided which was not possible with helicopters.
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