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It seems Musharraf has taken Pakistan towards anarchy. Nobody can predict the future now.
He has done what US wants. It was the mistake of Abdur Rashid Ghazi to ask for implementation of sharia at the wrong moment for some. However Insha Allah nobody will stop the muslims of Pakistan from destroying the dreams of Musharraf to take Pakistan towards anarchy, atheism, vulgarity, and anti Islamic ideology of Secularism.
May Allah rest the souls in peace of all those who died in that operation for the conspiracy of anti Islamic forces, when the agreement was very close to solve the problem peacefully.

I think this post applies to you too:

pshamim said:
Please do not shed your tears for a cult leader. Cults have no place in Islam and have damaged Islam tremendously. While you are shedding tears for this terrorists, also remember and save some for many who lost their lives unnecessarily. Please remember them too.

I think your comments about the Military is quite misplaced and emotional. I as a Muslim will never hesitate to give my own life for Islam but never for cults like Al-Qaida, Taliban or their supporters.

Start to differientiate between Muslims and cult members and you will never again cry for these cults once you clearly understand who they are and what they stand for.
what amazes me the most is that some people on this forum are supporting lal masjid, in light of their kidnapping, murdering & terrorism.

And all of them are foreigners; how about placing your own child in the masjid while the crazy mullah call the shots? I am sure then they will see why this action was necessary & majority of Pakistani people are with musharraf.

with all these foreign militants arrested/killed; we have stopped them from turning Pakistan into "Jihadi wagon" & have shattered their dream, This is a lesson to all the terrorist; don't take our patience for weakness.

Mulana fazul UL rehman is declaring it a sad day for Pakistan.as the government butcherd innocent terrorist.And other friends of his are declaring them to be shaheed.:hitwall:
Mulana fazul UL rehman is declaring it a sad day for Pakistan.as the government butcherd innocent terrorist.And other friends of his are declaring them to be shaheed.:hitwall:

he just committed political suicide.
I think it actually goes to show the general extremism prevalent in Pakistan, the legacy of its previous dictators who promoted this.
What are you reffering as extrmisim in Pakistan and what previous dictators?
Hats off to the Pakistan Army for doing this. It was WAAAAAY overdue. Why someone would support thugs and militants is beyond me!
These Mullahs constitute less than 1% of Pakistan but those who support tham are power hungry corrupt politicians.
Who want to grab the seat by hook or by crook but they lack the ability to deal with the complexities of today's Pakistan.
If govt. had not done this operation you would find them criticizing for not doing and now if it is done they are criticizing it otherwise.
Abdul rashid ghazi worked for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization UNESCO.


ISLAMABAD (AFP) - As a student, teachers said he showed no signs of Islamic militancy. Now Pakistani cleric Abdul Rashid Ghazi sleeps with a Kalashnikov by his bed and has vowed to die in his besieged mosque.

The bespectacled, articulate 43-year-old has led hundreds of pro-Taliban followers since his elder brother Abdul Aziz, the head of Islamabad's Red Mosque, was caught trying to flee the complex in a burqa.

Ghazi's early schooling was at a boys-only Islamic seminary but he never opted for the madrassa lifestyle until the murder of his father in 1998 turned his life upside down.

"He was a normal, moderate student who was well adjusted to a co-educational system," Naim Qureshi, Ghazi's teacher at the history department of Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad, told AFP.

Ghazi did his masters in history in 1987-88, and a photo of him and his colleagues still hangs on the department's wall.

"In studies he was okay but I don't remember his grades. I remember that he had a normal beard," he said, comparing it with the bushy, grey, Islamist-style beard that Ghazi now sports.

His teacher said there was little sign of militancy back then. "People do change their lifestyle, after all it's 20 years on now, but it did surprise me," Qureshi said.

Ghazi later married into a moderate family and lived a relatively westernised life. He got a government job in the education ministry and also worked with UNESCO, the UN's culture organisation.

"Ghazi used to share jokes, often spoke in English, moved in mixed company and was an active student," said a university friend who asked not to be named.

His father, Abdullah Aziz, who headed the mosque, was so angry with his lifestyle that he handed over his property to his brother. But Ghazi was not unhappy, the friend said.

However, he completely changed after his father was shot dead inside the mosque by a lone gunmen, thought to be from a rival Islamic group. Ghazi joined his brother, who took over the mosque in 1998 and nominated him as his deputy.

Ghazi also acquired links with Pakistani intelligence services, who earlier used his father and brother to help foster Islamists. The services wanted the Islamists to support the anti-Soviet "jihad" in Afghanistan and the subsequent rise to power of the Taliban.

By the time of 9/11, friends said there was no trace left of the "old" Ghazi. But he also began to move away from his state sponsors.

Security sources said he had close links with pro-Taliban militants and agitated against President Pervez Musharraf's decision to back the US-led invasion of Afghanistan.

Colleagues said that in 2004 he survived an attempt on his life and since then had always carried a Kalashinkov with him.

"You always find an AK-47 in his car, with him in the madrassa and even at his bedside," one colleague said.

By 2007 Ghazi and Aziz had become implacably committed towards turning Pakistan into a Taliban-style Islamic state.

"We are not only challenging Musharraf, we are challenging the system," he told AFP in an interview at the mosque in May.

Their students raided music stores and brothels and kidnapped people allegedly involved in "vice". Disastrously for them, these included seven people from Pakistan's closest ally and biggest military supplier, China.

At least 19 people have now died since clashes erupted at the mosque and security forces surrounded it on Tuesday.

Ghazi at one point offered to surrender if he could stay at the mosque with his sick mother.

But by Friday he was vowing that he would rather be "martyred" than give in to the government, which alleges that he is holding women and children in a basement with him as human shields, a charge he denies.

"Ghazi is a changed man now, more determined and rigid in his ideas. I doubt he will surrender now," the colleague said.
MalayMishra123 said:
I think it actually goes to show the general extremism prevalent in Pakistan, the legacy of its previous dictators who promoted this

Wrong. What it goes to show is that the Pakistan government is willing and able to tackle extremists who threaten the stability of the region. It doesn't show extremism is present, and I believe it is no more present than some of the Hindu fanatics in India aka Bharat - it is just that the Hindu governments let them do what they like, the Pakistani government counters them.
Islamabad, Jang News: US has delivered two more F-16's to Pakistan. The US spokesman also said ten more will be delivered by the end of next year. 10/7/07

Is this payment from the US to the pak army for destroying the lal masjid and killing the students?
Islamabad, Jang News: US has delivered two more F-16's to Pakistan. The US spokesman also said ten more will be delivered by the end of next year. 10/7/07

Is this payment from the US to the pak army for destroying the lal masjid and killing the students?

Link for this?
Mushy death threats

Lal Masjid, Abdul Rashid Ghazi Last message on Geo TV

Lal Masjid, Abdul Rashid Ghazi Last message on AAJ TV

Lal Masjid, Abdul Rashid Ghazi Last message on ARY TV

Abdul Rashid Ghazi Killed

Lal Masjid seige, Shoot to kill order for Journalists.What has the govt got to hide?
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Islamabad, Jang News: US has delivered two more F-16's to Pakistan. The US spokesman also said ten more will be delivered by the end of next year. 10/7/07

Is this payment from the US to the pak army for destroying the lal masjid and killing the students?

wait a minute so for every Haram khore Mullah killed we get f16s.damm i like this deal so i take it f22 raptors for osama and mullah omar problem solved.

for you twisted mind.student cary pen and pencils.when they carry guns and rocketlaunchers they no longer student.and if they attack and kill pak security forces they became enemy of state.but looking forward to those f22 RAptors yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaa.:pop:
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