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The intensification of fighting between the students of Lal Masjid and the Pakistani army has left hundreds dead and many injured. This has prompted President Musharraf to issue the following provocative statement: "If they do not surrender so I am saying here today that they will be killed. They should not force us to use force. They should come out voluntarily; otherwise they will be killed…" Even before Musharraf's ultimatum, his government was swift to attribute the entire blame for the current crisis on Abdul Rashid Ghazi—the principal of the seminary. However, a close examination of the events preceding the current standoff, suggests that the entire saga has been engineered by the Pakistani government.

For the past six months, the government has tolerated the behaviour of the students whenever they chose to challenge its writ. The accumulation of illegal arms, the abduction of Pakistani socialites and policemen, and the seizure of six Chinese women was met with muted criticism from government officials. Furthermore, these activities were not clandestine, and were planned and executed in full view of ISI's headquarters located in close proximity to the confines of the Lal Masjid. The frequent visit of ISI officials and government representatives negates government claims that it was exploring an amicable outcome— especially when measured against the ferocity of the Pakistani government's response to similar incidents in tribal agencies and elsewhere in Balochistan. So why has the Pakistani government waited so long to barricade the Masjid with military hardware fit for an overwhelming assault.

This question can only be answered in the broader context of the challenges facing Musharraf's rule. At present the Musharraf government has had to contend with both the secular opposition and Islamic forces calling for his removal. The secular forces championed by the Alliance for the Restoration of Democracy (ARD) and Chief Justice Iftikhar have gained momentum and have frustrated America's initiative to get Musharraf re-elected. To diffuse this threat, Musharraf under US auspices has held secret talks with certain leaders of the secular opposition and has deployed force against others. The deaths in Karachi are a manifestation of the latter approach. As far as negotiations are concerned, the US on Musharraf's behalf is already engaged in advanced talks with Benazir Bhutto with aim to break the back of the secular opposition and secure a second presidential term for Musharraf. This also explains Bhutto's recent ambiguous stance on the All Parties Conference (APC) in London, which she has shunned so far.

Whilst the Islamic opposition unhappy with Musharraf's pro-American policies and his neo-liberal attitudes have taken upon themselves to oust him from power. Some have resorted to militancy and others have engaged in protests to vent their anger. But the wellspring of their resentment is fuelled by the religious seminaries which America has identified for secularization or closure. Unlike the secular opposition—where America was keen to compromise and broker a deal— the Islamic forces in the eyes of American policy makers must be secularized at gun point, and any resistance must be crushed. Hence the surrounding of Lal Masjid by the military in the absence of martial law, the humiliation of Abdul Aziz Ghazi on Pakistan television, the abrupt cancellation of talks, the media black out and the announcement of 'surrender or die' as a solution to the crisis is an ominous sign for the future of religious seminaries in Pakistan.

What is transpiring at Lal Masjid has all the hallmarks of becoming a template for Musharraf to deal with other religious schools and institutions— a recipe for civil war. Not to mention that the timing of the crisis suits Musharraf, as it deflects the public's attention away from the secular opposition and the government's disastrous response to the floods in Balochistan.

What is evident is that the utilization of force by the government to deal with both secular and Islamic forces exposes the intellectual bankruptcy of Musharraf's mantra of enlightened moderation. Instead of employing thoughts to battle the ideas of the opposition, Musharraf has resorted to force. The same method has been repeated by Musharraf's allies—America and NATO — under the guise of 'battle of hearts and minds' and both have failed to crush the Islamic movements in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. So what chance does Musharraf have?
Mark from Pakdef said:
There is a very lengthy Hadith-e-Mubarik in which a Sahabi (ra) has a dream in which he sees different very strange and un-explanable things. In the morning The Sahabi (ra) goes to Hazoor Pak (salala ho alaihe wasalam) and inquires about the meaning.

One such thing in the dream is that Sahabi (ra) sees that there is a large group of vultures with big wings, on the wings are written Ayahs of Quran-e-Karim and names of Allah (swt) and they were all eating murdaar which is haraam. He was very shocked to see that something that has pious writings on the wings is eating haraam dead animals.

Hazoor Pak (salala ho alihe wasalam) said that these vultures depict the ulema at the end of time, who will know religion and will recite Quran but will spread violence in the world and do haraam things. They were named "Ulema-e-Soo" by Hazoor Pak (salala ho Alaihe wa Al-e-he Wasalam).

So these are the ulema that are doing haraam things

I concur with him
Ghazi killed in operation silence: Reports

Updated at 1855 PST
ISLAMABAD: The deputy chief of Lal mosque Abdul Rasheed Ghazi has been killed in operation silence lunched against the militants holed up in the Lal mosque, the Interior ministry sources said on Tuesday.

A bullet had hit in a leg of Ghazi during gunfire and he was also asked to surrender after he was injured but he refused and was ultimately killed, some sources said.

Mr. Ghazi was killed in firing by some militants who were hiding along with him when he came out of a bunker and was heading to surrender, the other reports said.

Abdul Rashid Ghazi, a militant Islamic cleric who had vowed to die with his students inside an Islamabad mosque rather than surrender to Pakistani forces, once had a relatively moderate lifestyle.

Ghazi, the deputy leader of the Red Mosque, was holed up in a basement with several women and children on Tuesday after troops raided the compound, officials said. At least 58 people have died in the assault.

The bespectacled, articulate 43-year-old -- who attended a madrassa in his youth -- was remembered as a moderate pupil by a professor at the moderate Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad.

"He was a normal, moderate student who was well adjusted to a co-educational system," Naim Qureshi, one of Ghazi's history professors said.

Ghazi did a master's degree in history in 1987-88. A photo of him and his classmates still hangs on the history department's wall.

"In studies he was okay but I don't remember his grades. I remember that he had a normal beard," Qureshi said, comparing it with the bushy, grey, Islamist-style beard that Ghazi now sports.

Ghazi married into a moderate family and lived a relatively westernised life. He got a government job in the education ministry and also worked with UNESCO, the UN's culture organisation.

"Ghazi used to share jokes, often spoke in English, moved in mixed company and was an active student," said a university friend who asked not to be named.

His father, Abdullah Aziz, who founded the Red Mosque, was so angry about his lifestyle that he handed over his property to his brother, current mosque leader Abdul Aziz.

Abdul Aziz was caught last Wednesday trying to flee the compound in a burqa.

Ghazi completely changed after his father was shot dead inside the mosque by a lone gunman, thought to be from a rival Islamic group. He joined his brother Abdul, who took over the mosque in 1998 and nominated him as his deputy.

Ghazi also established links with Pakistani intelligence services, who earlier had used his father and brother to help foster Islamists who would support the anti-Soviet "jihad" in Afghanistan and the subsequent rise to power of the Taliban.

When the 9/11 attacks took place in the United States, friends said no trace of the "old", westernised Ghazi remained. But he also began to move away from his state sponsors.

Security sources said he had close links with pro-Taliban militants and agitated against President Pervez Musharraf's decision to back the US-led invasion of Afghanistan.

Colleagues said that in 2004 he survived an attempt on his life and since then had always carried a Kalashinkov with him. "You always find an AK-47 in his car, with him in the madrassa and even at his bedside," one colleague said.

By 2007, Ghazi and Aziz had become entirely committed toward turning Pakistan into a Taliban-style Islamic state.

Their students raided music stores and brothels, and kidnapped people allegedly involved in "vice", including seven people from Pakistan's closest ally and biggest military supplier, China.

Since the mosque came under siege a week ago, Ghazi has repeatedly said that he would rather be "martyred" than give in to the government.

Rasool Bakhsh Raees, a professor of political science at the Lahore University of Management and Sciences, said Ghazi was foolish to take on the government in the first place.

"No sane person could think of doing that," he said.
Good such an insane human being with a twisted head is dead
once again for people who have missed, the Gazhi is dead.
once again for people who have missed, the Gazhi is dead.

:pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :cheers:

My respects for those brave soldiers who laid down their lives and a true leader Lt.Col Islam for his bravery and his act of leading from the front lines a true soldier!!!! You have saved your country from a enemy within. :soldier:

It seems Musharraf has taken Pakistan towards anarchy. Nobody can predict the future now.
He has done what US wants. It was the mistake of Abdur Rashid Ghazi to ask for implementation of sharia at the wrong moment for some. However Insha Allah nobody will stop the muslims of Pakistan from destroying the dreams of Musharraf to take Pakistan towards anarchy, atheism, vulgarity, and anti Islamic ideology of Secularism.
May Allah rest the souls in peace of all those who died in that operation for the conspiracy of anti Islamic forces, when the agreement was very close to solve the problem peacefully.
Thanks A.R Rahman for the coverage...'Lal Masjid crisis as it unfolds only on Rahman TV'
what amazes me the most is that some people on this forum are supporting lal masjid, in light of their kidnapping, murdering & terrorism.

And all of them are foreigners; how about placing your own child in the masjid while the crazy mullah call the shots? I am sure then they will see why this action was necessary & majority of Pakistani people are with musharraf.

with all these foreign militants arrested/killed; we have stopped them from turning Pakistan into "Jihadi wagon" & have shattered their dream, This is a lesson to all the terrorist; don't take our patience for weakness.
It seems Musharraf has taken Pakistan towards anarchy. Nobody can predict the future now.
He has done what US wants. It was the mistake of Abdur Rashid Ghazi to ask for implementation of sharia at the wrong moment for some. However Insha Allah nobody will stop the muslims of Pakistan from destroying the dreams of Musharraf to take Pakistan towards anarchy, atheism, vulgarity, and anti Islamic ideology of Secularism.
May Allah rest the souls in peace of all those who died in that operation for the conspiracy of anti Islamic forces, when the agreement was very close to solve the problem peacefully.

I feel for you honestly, I do. For Allah making you so friggin stupid, that you cant even see when your religion that you love so much, is being taken as a political tool by someone, just because he was shouting something that you agree with therefore makes actions made by him legitmate? How.

I feel for those slain army men. They were told to go, and they did No questions asked, no slogans raised, just another day for them in protecting their country from the enemy from outside and the enemy within.

I may be a non-muslim, a indian but i am a human, My blood is same as his. Politics aside, Soldiers are the same in very country, No questions asked .... Terrorist are cowards who pick on soft targets and use kids as human shields
I think it actually goes to show the general extremism prevalent in Pakistan, the legacy of its previous dictators who promoted this.
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