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I Want video!!!!!!! so that i cans how off to my Pakistani frenzzzzzz!!! :yahoo::bunny:
Great work. If this is the much-talked about K4, I believe it's maximum advertised range of 3,500 km will
be met in the 2nd test...nevertheless it's a very significant achievement. All is left is testing & operationalizing
this missile from Arihant's silo cells and then we'll have a fully functional nuclear triad and an extremely
credible & lethal second-strike capability against Pakistan.

Although achieving a 2nd strike capability against China will be possible only after the 6,500km range
K-5 sea-launch ICBM has been realized.
K-4 (SLBM) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NEW DELHI: India has test-fired a submarine-launchedballistic missile(SLBM) with a "longer range" than that of the existing one of 750-km in the quest towards building a credible nuclear weapons triad.

The new SLBM with a range over 2,000 km, tentatively dubbed K-4, was tested from a submersible pontoon in the Bay of Bengal on Monday. The test came up for discussion in the annual DRDO directors' conference, attended by defence minister A K Antony andnational security advisorShivshankar Menon here on Tuesday, said sources.

The new missile, part of the "K" series of underwater missiles being developed by DRDO, will have to be tested several times, first from pontoons and then finally from submarines, before it can become operational.

While India for long has had land-based Agni missiles and fighters jury-rigged to carrynuclear weaponsfor deterrence, constituting the land and air legs of the triad, the lack of an operational SLBM has been a big operational gap.

The 750-km range K-15 SLBM, which has undergone around a dozen tests from pontoons, is yet to be tested from a submarine. That will happen only after the first indigenous nuclear submarine INS Arihant goes for sea trials later this year.

Though the miniature 83 MW pressurized light-water reactor on board the 6,000-tonne INS Arihant went "critical" on August 10 last year, it is yet to attain the full power needed for the submarine to head for sea trials.

During these 18-month-long extensive "sea-acceptance trials", the 10-tonne K-15 missile -- which can carry a one-tonne nuclear payload - will be fired from the four silos on the submarine's hump. Two more nuclear submarines are being built to follow INS Arihant under the secretive ATV (advanced technologyvessel) project at theship buildingcentre in the naval dockyard at Vizag.

India tests new underwater nuclear missile - The Times of India
We need a 6500km+ SLBM.

Good job to DRDO, but we need to step up. The Aridaman SSBN must have a 6500km ranged missile.
We need a 6500km+ SLBM.

Good job to DRDO, but we need to step up. The Aridaman SSBN must have a 6500km ranged missile.

Let's keep the current pace for missile development, it is one and only area where DRDO have shown some exceptional improvement if I have to say.

As for the Aridaman, is it going to have the same dimensions as Arihant or is it of larger scale?
Launch from a submarine and integration of the three types of capabilities will mean completion of the nuclear triad, which is available only with a few countries like the US, France, Russia andChina.

Why is Britain treated as a black sheep?
Or the news source did not know about it?
lol people here are demanding missiles in excitement as if they are ordering some idly or dosa:D(j/k)

On Topic: Kudos:enjoy: to DRDO!
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