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BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

Scotland Yard team lands in Pak for probe
5 Jan 2008, 0000 hrs IST,AFP

RAWALPINDI: A British police team arrived in Pakistan on Friday to help probe the killing of Benazir Bhutto, following President Pervez Musharraf’s admission that he was not happy with his country’s handling of the investigation.

The detectives from an elite anti-terrorism team at Scotland Yard flew in amid raging controversy over the assassination of the opposition leader, which sparked a wave of bloody unrest and forced the postponement of elections. "The team from Scotland Yard has arrived and they left the airport in a private vehicle," a senior official at Islamabad airport, which is in the neighbouring city of Rawalpindi, said.

Around six suited men believed to be the British team were ushered out of the terminal and into a white minibus.

Interior ministry spokesman Brigadier Javed Cheema said earlier the Yard team was flying in "to help Pakistani investigators with their probe into the assassination of Benazir Bhutto."
Scotland Yard team lands in Pak for probe-Pakistan-World-The Times of India
Musharraf ordered her murder, coward general killed a women. But the leader lives on Jia Bhutto.

He has now ordered that Electricity, Gas and Ata are taken from the people so that the people forget Benazir and talk about the basic needs.
But the basic need is Democracy.
Musharraf ordered her murder, coward general killed a women. But the leader lives on Jia Bhutto.

He has now ordered that Electricity, Gas and Ata are taken from the people so that the people forget Benazir and talk about the basic needs.
But the basic need is Democracy.

Hon sir,

If you really think that Mushararf knew if and when BB will stand up thru the sun roof of the bullet proof car and ordered some idiot to blow himself up and another idiot to be present just when BB stood up so that he could shoot then you deserve my sympathy for using your backside to think instead of your grey cells.

Musharraf may be guilty of incompetence for not being able to forsee possible shortage of atta, do you think that Musharraf has also a line with Allah so that there would not be enough winter rains rains this year; causing Tarbela to produce just 200 MW electricity instead of 2000 MW intalled capacity??

It was Musharraf who ensured that BB was cleared of the corruption charges so that she could participate in the elections. Musharraf had every thing to gain by BB remaining alive nothing by her been shot dead. However with many Pakistanis not using their brains but being carried away by emotions; who needs enemies??

" Hooey tum dost jiskey, Dushman usks aasmaan kyon ho"
Agreed that the crisis hovering on Pakistan are of natural and human mixed nature.

But if anyone is able to kill BB and then hide it from the eyes of the world ----> Military Establishment

Musharaf had noting to gain with her in the PM seat or her party in the PM ship with BB playing her cards. BB and CIA where like 2 eyes on the same face.

Its was a good decision to neutralize BB as for the coming months Pakistan will again gain Stability. The aftermath we are witnessing these days will be forgoten soon ...Coming 3 months will change a lot in the overall scenario..
Benezir definetly became the victom to loyalty of Mushraff regime to US foriegn policies, as she has fallen between the crossfire of vested interst lead by US.
Niaz, in simple terms Musharraf is a traitor and traitor cannot see the stability otherwise he will be put down that why a traitor always looks for his benefits which is to put PCO on the country and then murder the second most powerful object which is a leader.
Benezir definetly became the victom to loyalty of Mushraff regime to US foriegn policies, as she has fallen between the crossfire of vested interst lead by US.

Propaganda, she only did negotiations with both powers and how does that translate she had a interest with both.

The only people who are having interest form the US is Musharraf and the band of triators who mounthly earn 100 million from the US aid.
Propaganda, she only did negotiations with both powers and how does that translate she had a interest with both.

Where did I claim anything like above? I just only claim that Benejir fallen as an innocense victom to the crossfire of US vested interst and Loyality of Musaraff regime to fulfill US's ambition of gaining strong foothold in middile east through Afganistan.

The only people who are having interest form the US is Musharraf and the band of triators who mounthly earn 100 million from the US aid.

Niaz, in simple terms Musharraf is a traitor and traitor cannot see the stability otherwise he will be put down that why a traitor always looks for his benefits which is to put PCO on the country and then murder the second most powerful object which is a leader.

I would not call mushy a traitor but a fully qualified idiot,the guy is a walking disaster.
The buffoon is under the illusion that without him the country will sink just like all the military dictators before him thought.
The sooner the guy is ""dispatched" the better for pakistan.
I find accusing Mushrraf in such strong terms without justifications to back such claims is a bit dodgy in content, apart from being a trifle unfair.

While many would find Musharraf not perfect, one must also pause and wonder as to who is perfect.

None, actually.

One wonders what you mean by 'despatched'.
Al Qaeda assassinated Benazir: report​

By Our Special Correspondent

LONDON, Jan 13: Evidence amassed by Scotland Yard detectives points towards Al Qaeda militants being responsible for the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, Sunday Times said quoting British officials.

But the ST report also quoted Scotland Yard insisting that its task was not to establish who killed her but only how she died.

“Even that is not straightforward. They cannot examine the body, and the crime scene and Bhutto’s vehicle were both scrubbed within hours,” said the author of the report Christina Lamb.

Ms Lamb recalled that Musharraf’s interior ministry had released a transcript of a purported telephone conversation between Mehsud and a militant cleric in which, though Bhutto’s name was not mentioned, he appeared to congratulate him on the death, saying: “Fantastic job. Very brave boys, the ones who killed her.”

“The transcript was met with scepticism. Critics pointed out Mehsud had previously been working with the Pakistan military, receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars and that if the country’s intelligence services could tape his conversations, they should be able to capture him,” said the ST report.

However, according to the same report, British and American officials, who have examined the transcript, say they believe it is genuine and share Musharraf’s view that Mehsud is behind most of the suicide bombings in Pakistan.
Al Qaeda assassinated Benazir: report -DAWN - Top Stories; January 14, 2008
CIA blames extremist for Bhutto killing
By PAMELA HESS, Associated Press Writer

1 hour, 6 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - The CIA believes a Pakistani tribal leader's network was behind the assassination of former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, according to U.S. intelligence officials.

Baitullah Mehsud is an extremist with strong ties to al-Qaida and is based in the federally administered, lawless tribal area of Pakistan, along the Afghan border. He has been blamed for an organized campaign of assassinations of Pakistani officials and suicide bombings in the country.

The CIA arrived at the conclusion that Mehsud was behind the Dec. 27 killing of Bhutto shortly after it occurred, according to an intelligence official who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

The Washington Posts first reported the CIA's take on Friday, in an interview conducted with CIA director Michael Hayden. "This was done by that network around Baitullah Mehsud. We have no reason to question that," Hayden told the Post.

The government of Pakastani President Pervez Musharraf has blamed Bhutto's death on Mehsud, but some of her political party and family members have questioned those assertions. There have been complaints that the government failed to provide her enough security and vague allegations that elements within the government might have been involved in the assassination.

Bhutto was a secular politician popular in the U.S. and other Western countries for her opposition to hard-line Islam. Mehsud has denied involvement in her death.

CIA blames extremist for Bhutto killing - Yahoo! News
Pakistan arrests teen suspect in Bhutto plot: officials 48 minutes ago

ISLAMABAD (AFP) - Pakistani police have arrested a teenager who was allegedly part of a five-man squad in the plot to kill opposition leader Benazir Bhutto last month, security officials said Saturday.


The suspect, 15-year-old Aitezaz Shah, was arrested from the northwestern city of Dera Ismail Khan on Friday while planning a suicide bombing over the Muslim festival of Ashura, they said on condition of anonymity.

Shah told interrogators he had been part of a back-up team of three bombers who were tasked with killing former premier Bhutto if the original December 27 attack by two men had failed, the officials added.

Interior ministry spokesman Iqbal Cheema did not confirm the arrest.

"It is not in my knowledge so far," Cheema told AFP.

Bhutto was assassinated in a gun and suicide bomb attack at an election rally in Rawalpindi. Pakistan's government and the CIA have blamed Al-Qaeda and tribal warlord Baitullah Mehsud for her killing.

Shah, originally from the southern city of Karachi, went for training last year at a camp run by one of Mehsud's commanders in the tribal border region of Waziristan, the security officials quoted him as telling investigators.

He allegedly said the attackers in the team that killed Bhutto were called Bilal and Ikramullah -- the same names mentioned in an alleged telephone conversation between Mehsud and another militant the day after Bhutto's death.

The tape was released the day after her killing by Pakistan's interior ministry.

Shah's whereabouts at the time of the attack were not immediately clear. One security official said he was in Rawalpindi, the city where Bhutto was killed, while another said he was in the tribal area of Waziristan.

"The suspect was not in Rawalpindi at the time of attack on Bhutto. The boy told interrogators that he was in South Waziristan," a top police official quoted him as telling the interrogators.

One of the officials said Shah was arrested during a security check when he arrived in Dera Ismail Khan by taxi from the North Waziristan tribal area, which borders Afghanistan.

He allegedly told officials that he came to collect a suicide jacket for an attack at the US consulate in Karachi but the programme was changed because of tight security for Ashura, which takes place on Sunday.

Instead he was ordered to launch an attack during an Ashura procession by the minority Shiite sect on Sunday, the officials said.

A spokesman for Taliban militants in Pakistan rejected the allegations, saying that the boy arrested in Dera Ismail Khan had no link with the group.

"We are not involved in the attack and this information is meant to defame us," the spokesman Mohammad Omar said in telephone calls to reporters in Peshawar.

"He is not our man and we know nothing about him" Omar said adding that its purpose was to give credence to a CIA report about involvement of Baitullah Mehsud in Bhutto's assassination

Pakistan arrests teen suspect in Bhutto plot: officials - Yahoo! News
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