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BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

Yes dear she said it but guess what ??? :)

BBC has edditted that interview of BB soon after she was killed.

Now you can understand what the hypocrate world is up to.

Jana please tell me more about this why did they do that it is very interesting..
please why why why.....???
Pashtuns of Afghanistan are not completely different people to Pashtuns of Pakistan. They have the same customs, the same religion, the same ethnic group, and so on. A minority of nationalists on both sides. Only difference between each, is the color of their passport.

Salim, this dream of Pashtun independence you have, is a wet one. Both camps are happy to be Afghan or Pakistani. They can still be Pashtun, and do as they please.

You are absolutely correct about the Pashtuns as I am trying to indicate.

However,you are trying to catch the bull by the the non existing beard in the later part of your post.

Where am I saying that I have a dream of Pasthun independence? All I am saying is that the ethnicity is one with local variance. And Icecold is trying to project that I am the "Ugly American" (hopefully you have read the book) and like Ambassador Sears of the book, who knows nothing of what he is doing and talking about or about the local culture and social norms.

What a laughable contention that the Pakistani Pastuns are a different race from the Afghan Pashtuns.

Do read this book "Ügly American" and you will realising that handling people like Awaaz is just the way Americans handled South Asia. Talking high from the nose in the air will not win anyone over. Arrogance is the best way to lose friends and win enemies.
Jana has cleared this point!

I am afraid Jana does not always deal with facts.

She lets her journalistic flair take over facts at times.

Her profession tells her to sell the point that the editor wants her to sell. Hence, she is trained to be a wee bit elastic in her views.

Thats your way of taking things, you are entitled to your view however facts are different. By the way pakistan is more interested in IPI project which means no money at all for the US. Does it ring any bell. Its now IP only since india couldnt bare the pressure.

Pakistan maybe interested in the IPI, but the situation on the ground indicates otherwise.

Ok, maybe i'm not good in english, though i try to be. Anyhow look marring someone on the other side and getting passport of that nationality for instance a pakistani becoming indian or vice versa, how does it incline to the fact that we are one. When i mentioned being one was as a whole in larger context. Afghanis are not pathan's, speaking the same language doesnt make them one. Afghanis somehow want to link themselves to the pathans and want to protay that they share same values and stuff like that, but thats their view, and pathans majority of them dont give a damn about it. Simple

The Afghans on the other side of the Durand lines are not Pathans? What are they? And I am not talking about the Tajiks and the Hazaras.

Yes really. I'm sitting in pakistan with pathans both in my family and friends. I know because i come in contact on daily basis with them, may i know how did you come to this consclusion of yours? media i guess and your are "basing yourself on that knowledge challanging me!:disagree:

Read my post and you should get it.

Consider i'm worse;)

If you say so.

I wouldnt be saying so if i were you


Are you the type who failing to convince, use the pistol to end all discussion?;)
I am afraid Jana does not always deal with facts.

She lets her journalistic flair take over facts at times.

Her profession tells her to sell the point that the editor wants her to sell. Hence, she is trained to be a wee bit elastic in her views.

Again your personal opinion. However i do not agree.

Pakistan maybe interested in the IPI, but the situation on the ground indicates otherwise.

Kindly state those ground realities as well, because you are the only person alive on earth who knows about it, rest assured no one in pakistan. Besides kindly do read the pakistan economy thread, and you will find exactly in which project pakistan is more interested in and that is the very reason when i mentioned in my earlier post that US does not want to let pakistan breathe easy because US does not want pakistan to carry on with the IP project no matter what, they even went to an extent saying that we have made it very clear that pakistan should not move with the project otherwise there will be concequences. However we did and so we are facing what we are today.

The Afghans on the other side of the Durand lines are not Pathans? What are they? And I am not talking about the Tajiks and the Hazaras.

Afghans in pakistan at one time started to call them selves as pathans of peshwar, they even went saying that peshwar should had be ours because we speak the same language. This is servely disliked by the actual pathans of the pakistan and i do know a few cases where afghani's were actually beaten by the pathans. Moreover pathans even did not like to talk to afghans in pashtu.

Read my post and you should get it.

Maybe if it wouldnt had been written in charl's dicken style i would had.:lol:

If you say so.

Feeling good arnt you.



Are you the type who failing to convince, use the pistol to end all discussion?;)

No i am not convincing you anything, i dont need to, i'm just telling you the facts that you being an ex army officer and that too from india seems to ignore it, and that is however not your fault, since you are trained to do so.
Deleted as it is off topic.


Start the IPI topic and I will post articles to answer your queries to the best of my abilities.
Sunroof injury couldn't kill Bhutto: Toyota official

Former Pakistan premier Benazir Bhutto could not have been fatally inured even if she did hit her head on the sunroof lever of her Land Cruiser, says an official of the Toyota that manufactures the vehicle.

"We are convinced that it can't be a lever (that caused the fatal head injury) but we are still looking into more details," the official told IANS, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

According to the official, the lever could not have caused the head injury as it was installed inside the vehicle and was at least six centimetres from the edge of the sunroof.

At the same time, he did not dispute the fact that there could have been bloodstains on the lever. "This is understandable. If she was hit in the head by a bullet, bloodstains could have been left on the lever."

Government spokesman Javed Iqbal Cheema said that Bhutto was killed after she hit her head against the sunroof lever of her Toyota Land Cruiser as it left the Liaqat Bagh in the twin city of Rawalpindi after addressing a rally.

Cheema did not dispute the fact that three bullets were fired and followed by a bomb blast but claimed that neither the bullets nor shrapnel from the explosion hit the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) leader.

Instead, Cheema said Bhutto had stood up from the sunroof to wave to her supporters and dashed her head on the lever when she tried to duck after hearing the gunshots.

Cheema had justified his claim by saying that there was blood on the lever. Toyota officials held a meeting in Karachi after Cheema's statement.

PPP leaders have ridiculed Cheema's assertion, saying that many of Bhutto's associates saw the bullet wounds on her.

PPP information secretary Sherry Rehman, who supervised the ritual of bathing Bhutto's body, said there were clear bullet wounds on her head.

She said the bullet seemed to have been fired from left side and came out of the skull on the right.

i see 2 thing
either india or the us is say this bcos

Indian cooperation
bhutto dead - instability - question of the safety of nukes - america go in neutralize - india gets kashmir

bhutto dead - instability - question of the safety of nukes - america go in neutralize - no more 'islamic bomb' - pact with saudi arabia down the drain - israel is free to do as it wants/no obstacles
i see 2 thing
either india or the us is say this bcos

Indian cooperation
bhutto dead - instability - question of the safety of nukes - america go in neutralize - india gets kashmir

bhutto dead - instability - question of the safety of nukes - america go in neutralize - no more 'islamic bomb' - pact with saudi arabia down the drain - israel is free to do as it wants/no obstacles

Can some one please shoot:sniper: me.
I support A.Rehman

She came back to Pakistan under a deal with Mush.

US and Coy wanted her to take care of their interests in democratic way.

She had a lot of curruption and remain abroad for 8 years.

Although I reject killing but she would have been procecuted
Well a guy in a bbc news report commented on how the US and UK giving BB all this support was bound to make her a target.

It was also unfair that a single individual candidate was recieving this much international attention and praise when in reality the people of Pakistan should have been making such decisions.

Furthermore the BBC presentatation of her assasination was incredibly biased. Watching their reports one would think the only party in Pakistan is PPP.

The dynastic and feudal power dominace of Bhutto is anathema with notions of democracy yet in the West BB is hailed a the great defender of democracy.

I am afraid Jana does not always deal with facts.

She lets her journalistic flair take over facts at times.

Her profession tells her to sell the point that the editor wants her to sell. Hence, she is trained to be a wee bit elastic in her views.


:) Not exactly Sir Ray.

I leave behand my profession on the forum.

Above All You are living in India and can only talk about Pushtuns and marriages acorss Pak-Afghan border by reading it from the Same Profession "Journalism" which you call total lies so one should not consider whatever you as truth as per your own words whatever newspaper say is not truth.

So if you were living in this part of the world and could have tell by personal experience that marriages between people of Pakistan and Afghanistan were ever common or in large number then i would have accepted.

Whatever i told you is based on facts as i live in NWFP and i know how much my Pushtuns marry the Afghan Pushtuns.

There is hardly even 5 % Pakistani Pushtun women marrying Afghan Pushtuns. While simillarly only some Pushtun men from my side marry Afghan women and that too not neccesarily Pushtun Afghan women :)
BTW i myself am an Editor at my paper so i do not need to be ordered to do anything by anyone ;)
I failed to understand why some people are still trying to confuse things. by now we must be having no doubt that there was shooting as well as bombing.

The main thing all need to understand what could be the real motive behind the assassination.

AS when if i am not wrong, any investigation is started in any crime the first thing that is ascertain is the motive behind any such thing.

In this case we all need to find out who could be benifted by her killing the most.

Im somewhat agreeing with Anjomoon as the worse if someone could have from this killing is Pakistan.

Its seems more conspiracy to creat more problems for Pakistan for some greater intrests by some other players
One learns of people and civilisation not only from the media, but by reading books and treatise by scholars.
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