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Breaking! narendra Modi admitted that there was no surgical strike in pakistan

In India ? these strikes happened
India always maintained it did not attack Pak or Pak army, we did surgical strikes on militants, not sure why you are being purposefully ignorant here
How you people find ways to amuse own self!!
BTW It was not in Pakistan.He is right..
these people think that surgical strikes cant be invisible and secret that was the whole point of it that target doesnt know it was under any threat before and after the attack and best part is that they dont even know it actually took place
a Bollywood movie starring Saif Ali Khann will set the record straight and shut up these nay Sayers

As much as I want to go out of this thread, you pull me in.

Discuss this with me on antoher thread and I'll tell you that Kashmir is NOT part of India. It is a disputed territory. And India is occupying it illegally.
Yes I know all that. UN resolution about referendum and all that. And who is the UN to tell India what to do when the rights were transferred from the king to the Republic by a legal instrument under the Indian Independence act.

Claim it then take it to UN or attack
The meaty parts are already with us. Rest is barbaric country. you may keep that for the time being.:-)
Yes really Indians are jumping after that and PM NS voes never to see his face in the mirror


I really think that it was the context. If another Pakistani (=Muslim) had said it, he would probably have grumbled and made some very takfiri noises and gone away in a monumental sulk. But if you or I says it, he feels offended. Standard.

And, just to clarify, I don't really think that unless someone beside him were egging him on, he would actually kill. It isn't easy to kill, believe me.

Now will you edit that damn' remark? Please?
Age really comes with a lot of wisdom, will start deleting those now, thanks for replying back
Please edit your post, or you'll get rated for personal abuse. Right now.
Couldn't find out the post, guess already taken out by the mods, sorry again to get you involved in all this shit, you deserve better
Trolls from both side of the border need to be calm .......visiting pak indian threads on pdf is like sitting at a tea stall and listening to illiterate street wanabee chavs......
both members have been reported for personal insults
Sorry, if i have offended you in any way, was not my intention
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