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BREAKING: Manchester Arena blast - Several dead after explosion at concert

The time of the year when pakistanis pray that the prep is not a pakistani.
BBC has already called it a terror attack.
They are very selective in calling incidents terror . The mumbai killers are referred to as gunmen by bbc.
Frankly i feel very little empathy as uk has a policy of hosting terror groups of many countries with the condition that they commit no crimes in uk.
We dont care what his nationality is only indians are obsessed over it
Why do muslims keep doing this ?
Rip to those who dies and condolence to their relatives.
Its a act of terror.i am as muslim condemn attack on innocent civilians.
But if you ask like this whg muslim keep thus then i will ask why Britain Christian make Israel on Muslim land.
Why they didn't gave them land in Europe.
Why Christian America attack on iraq because false reports of wmd and killed thousands of iraqis.
Why Christian America attack lybia?
Why Christian interfering in matters of every Muslim country in the world?
I condemn attack on civilians.its not jihad.
But if they want jihad they should attack western forces every where like in Afghanistan.
But not attack on civilians.
@شاھین میزایل
Not saying Stampede is not possible, but they are claiming an explosion is made up.

Stampede may contribute to some casualty, but there are DEFINITELY something traumatic like a bomb to create these type of injury

View attachment 398602

How the clothes ripped up and blood bled.

View attachment 398603

Blood Splatter suggested that blood is spray on by kinetic force.
I think @jhungary post makes sense. Moreover I have had the unfortunate luck of seeing such blood splatter previously as well. Mumbai Train blasts. I was at next station. My frnds and I along with few other volunteers ran towards the mangled boggie to help the people. We didn't had the slightest idea what we had signed up for. That was gruesome. And having seen the aftermath first hand, I can say he is correct...

if they want jihad they should attack western forces every where like in Afghanistan.
You are still advocating for violence and not restraint?
All election campaigning suspended

Jeremy Corbyn has confirmed that Labour will join the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and SNP in suspending campaigning for the 8 June general election.

In a statement this morning, the Labour leader says:

I am horrified by the horrendous events in Manchester last night. My thoughts are with family and friends of those who have died and been injured.

Today the whole country will grieve for the people who have lost their lives.

I have spoken with Andy Burnham, the mayor of Manchester, who has fully briefed me on the operational response in the city.

I would like to pay tribute to the emergency services for their bravery and professionalism in dealing with last night’s appalling events.

I have spoken with the prime minister and we have agreed that all national campaigning in the general election will be suspended until further notice.

Source: The Guardian


Manchester explosion: Theresa May suspends all election campaigning (The Independent)
Rip to those who dies and condolence to their relatives.
Its a act of terror.i am as muslim condemn attack on innocent civilians.
But if you ask like this whg muslim keep thus then i will ask why Britain Christian make Israel on Muslim land.
Why they didn't gave them land in Europe.
Why Christian America attack on iraq because false reports of wmd and killed thousands of iraqis.
Why Christian America attack lybia?
Why Christian interfering in matters of every Muslim country in the world?
I condemn attack on civilians.its not jihad.
But if they want jihad they should attack western forces every where like in Afghanistan.
But not attack on civilians.

And here's go terrorist defenders yee you just cry its not muslims fault those are not muslims etc but in the end you grupe all Christinas in one pot. You one sick person.

Sick fuk... to attack children.

And like allways:
Islamic State supporters celebrated on social media on Tuesday after a blast at a concert venue in the north of England killed at least 19 people, although the militant Islamist group has not formally claimed responsibility.
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RIP. I hope scum bags and facilitators are brought to justice. At times like these one needs a death penalty for all the scumbags who were involved in this slaughter of innocent.
Looks to be more like a bomb attack. Even confirmed as a suicide attack from latest reports.

Well, that was from before official statement came out.

There were some member on the first few pages saying this is made up and casualty is due to stampede and not bombs attack (They were saying people pops the balloon and trigger a stampede)

What I said is simply interject that the wounds these people suffer does not looks like stampede, it looks like traumatic wounds.
I prefer when the culprits are identify , you hang them by the b@lls and than put a bullet in their Dirty Arseholes
That's inhumane. :o:. Very creative thinking though. :tongue:

#pray for Manchester

@mike2000 is back

RIP. I am sure the traitors and killers will soon identified and caught.
We are ready for humanity. My deep condolences.
Not yet sure it's terrorist related though. We might have to wait for more information before drawing conclusions.
RIP to the victims.
The EU has already started mass deportations of muslims, specially wahabbi/ sunni types. The issue is not that only these new immigrants doing all the terror. A significant number of terror attacks have been done by born and raised EU muslim citizens. Half of ISIS cadres are EU sunni wahabbi's, deliberately funneled by the NATO intelligence agencies to SyRaq, so they hopefully die there and never make it back home to the EU. This is a fact!
Can we please puts check on typical irani rash of sectarian BS please @waz @Jungibaaz
Reprted for promoting sectarian agenda of world sanctioned terrorism promoting govt

@waz Reported to taking cheap shot. The hatred fills Hindu is her to score ganga brownie points during such tragedy
What amazes me is that each time something like this occurs the authorities always come out saying "we were watching him" . However, they never make the arrest before. I blame incompetence and an unwillingness to forgo the "human rights" portion...

Arrest all those "under watch" now! & prevent future attacks from happening.

It's been happening for years now...
True. However, it's because we have laws against detaining someone without charge or solid evidence. That's also the drawback of being a real democracy ruled by law. In fact even when there evidence a case can still take years and cost millions for the culprit to be sentenced. Our laws are so complex so much so that we sometimes have to report sone of these islamic extremists to the U.S. For a speedy trial likewe did with hate preacher Abu qatada.
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I am in Manchester actually talking to people who were there. You are in some other country so my opinion is more well informed than yours.
Stop trying to be the know all. Whatever it was , bomb explosion or otherwise, peoples opinions are divided.
Specially the videos posted show no smoke or fire

I don't care if you are the king of England, you were in Manchester, so what? Are you there? If you were not there when it happens, then your words are not more informed than mine. Because all we can offer is conjecture and guess, as you, as well as I, both were NOT AT THE SCENE

I said from my own experience, these injury is NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN GET FROM STAMPEDING. I have been in Counter Intelligence, I have been a few bomb blast, debriefing to know what a bomb injury looks like. I am telling you what I know, like it or not, it ain't up to you.

PS. The Greater Manchester Police had already called this is terrorist attack, and it was triggered by Suicide IED. I don't understand what is your argument for??

The videos are from the arena where the concert took place. The explosion was in the foyer, not visible in any footage, where the entrance and merchandise sales were. This is the largest event arena in Europe.

If a bomb being detonate in a crowded place, the sound would be muffled and since the people around the ground zero would absorb the shock wave, both noise and smoke may not be visible. Plus, it was a concert venue, noise level may cover the bomb blast.

But in case it detonated within a bunch of people, detonation can be without smoke, fire or noise.
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