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BREAKING! Kandahar has been captured!

This much from the HARAM folks under the HARAM masters, and fed with the HARAM money…..

The Ehl-i Sheyatin are domed to the failure sooner or later…..
For the sake of peace will China willing to provide air defense systems to the future ruling power in Afghanistan?

I don't know, but I think military trade will only occur when two countries trust each other, just like China and Pakistan. And I think education and infrastructure should be the top priority investment, not the purchase of weapons.

The government should take good care of your people. As long as there is the support of the people, no enemy can defeat you. If not, buying more weapons will not prevent your failure.

If every Afghan can have a rich dinner in a warm house, if every Afghan child can receive education in school. I believe that every Afghan is willing to abandon his AK47.
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what was your age when Mazar-i-Sharif Anti-Hazara massacre were happen ? its still in memory of every hazara . 1998 is not too far . i dont want a link to remember it .

say him saint OBL you kaffir :lol:
N you was there while they were killing rit? Don't you know how intelligence agencies n media works.. I am going to tell you story of a doctor from gujar khan from my home town . He went there in Afghanistan when talib was ruling there. He higher afgan taxi driver. In middle of journey driver got more greedy and started asking more money. While they were having arguments. There was a man appeared there with broken cloths and carrying woods on head. He asked the reason for arguments. Pakistani doctor told him the story. He asked them if they agree to take him Judge in this matter. They said oky after hearing them he gave the judgment in favor of Pakistani doctor. Afghan refused to accept the decision. Then he showed him his card n he was Defence minister of Afghanistan. That taxi driver left no choice to accept the decision. Why i am telling this story because that doctor was best friend of my late grandfather. So everything you are believing is not true. Look we are grown men and we have brain. We must know what info is true n what info is not true.
LashkarGah has also fallen. So has another smaller capital of a smaller province.
Let’s not forget besides special forces the bulk of the fighting in the initial stages were done by the Northern Alliance who had motivation and will like the TAs, the Americans just rode on their backs. You put one American in battle rotation after 1-2 tour he’s a PTSD patient for life, you can’t hustle a single man for 20+ years in the states they feel they have to much to lose, the Afghans have nothing to live for.
I am talking about the special forces of the ANA right now. The commando units are the only units of ANA that have historically shown some fight. They are too few relative to the size of the country to turn the tide or maintain the status quo though.
Taliban dont care about economy or building a nation, they just want to secure their territory at first and avoid an attack by the chinks, before they can build up their military power but Allah knows best

I do not konw why you think China will invade Afghanistan? Because China has been invaded by foreign troops, we understand the pain and fear of many countries , so we will never interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.
We used to get wet in the rain, so we would send umbrellas to pedestrians instead of splashing water.

Since 1949, we have never sent troops to subvert any country, nor have we used intelligence organizations to subvert any country. Even the USA recognizes this.
Even after North Korea repulsed US troops, we left North Korea immediately without leaving a soldier. And the US military is still in South Korea now.
Don't think China and the USA are the same kind of country.

China and Afghanistan are neighbors. Everyone wants neighbors to be friends, because we will be together for many years.
China is a trading country. Trade needs peace. We hope for peace. We will not be foolish enough to undermine the peace process in Afghanistan.
I do not konw why you think China will invade Afghanistan? Because China has been invaded by foreign troops, we understand the pain and fear of many countries , so we will never interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.
We used to get wet in the rain, so we would send umbrellas to pedestrians instead of splashing water.

Since 1949, we have never sent troops to subvert any country, nor have we used intelligence organizations to subvert any country. Even the USA recognizes this.
Even after North Korea repulsed US troops, we left North Korea immediately without leaving a soldier. And the US military is still in South Korea now.
Don't think China and the USA are the same kind of country.

China and Afghanistan are neighbors. Everyone wants neighbors to be friends, because we will be together for many years.
China is a trading country. Trade needs peace. We hope for peace. We will not be foolish enough to undermine the peace process in Afghanistan.

only way to defeat taliban might be a drone army/air force that works day and night and has no fear
only way to defeat taliban might be a drone army/air force that works day and night and has no fear

Don't you think that is already tried.. Bomb of all mother was utilized. You need to understand the dynamics of war. Without a large ground forces everything is futile and waste of time this is how the US and the Soviets approached the afghan war putting in large numbers. The thing is they have good terrain so conventionally better armed forces like the US or the Soviets failed here because of the terrain it partially negated their advantages and forced them to go high altitude without being able to carry some of the heavy stuff up there just light arms and mostly on foot.. It is a treacherous terrain you can only understand it when you see it with your eyes.. You can't take an AV from one mountain to another there is no road linked it is on foot
Don't you think that is already tried.. Bomb of all mother was utilized. You need to understand the dynamics of war. Without a large ground forces everything is futile and waste of time. The thing is they have good terrain so conventionally better armed forces like the US or the Soviets failed here because of the terrain partially it negated their advanteous and forced them to go high altitude without being able to carry some of the heavy stuff up there just a fire arm.. It is a treacherous terrain you can only understand it when you see it with your eyes

ground drones included

maybe gundams
ground drones included

maybe gundams

The US was even conducting drone strikes inside tribal areas which was even outside of the operation theater they did everything they could inside the operation theater but due to the vast mountains they couldn't do anything. Because they can see drones or jets or helicopters before it arrives. Get out of the and attack again...
How are ANA still alive? I thought their morals would collapse after all that embarassment.

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