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BREAKING: JeM Chief Masood Azhar designated as global terrorist in UNSC with Pakistan China consent

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Ugh..I took out the parts of your comments that I agreed with and left the parts I thought were worth discussing where I had an opinion.

Not sure what the issue is.

No issue at all, Mate. I have thanked you twice. We are deliberating. I have seen your point of view and you have mine. And of course, we can continue with this or some other issue, on this forum. Cheers.
Your jet being brought down in front of the entire world is important. The fact that your state lost a ton of credibility in these events - because most people believe it lied about the initial airstrikes and then downing an F-16 - is important. It showed your hijra leader and your public that you can't treat Pakistan like Israel treats Palestine. Same can't be said about Masood Azhar, because no one outside India is claiming he is a state actor.

In the same token, Pakistan is now seen as harboring a terrorist, hand in glove with China while crying hoarse about being a victim of terror. Proofs provided by India were not enough previously for China, but suddenly that changed?
So if credibility is at stake, Pakistan has lost much as well.

But that’s the point I’m trying to make.
Apart from the jingoistic high one gets from either of these pieces of news, practical changes are few to report.

Masood Azhar is not going to be handed to India and will continue to work behind close doors, and India isn’t going to stop its aggression towards Pak, nor give Kashmir freedom because you brought down one Indian jet! India is not defeated, it’s army still stands much larger than yours, as does it’s credibility and value in the world.

Both are inconsequential in the larger scheme of things. What they’re good for is the like of you and other PDF members to get a minor endorphin rush which perhaps other parts of your life may not be catering to. Lol

No issue at all, Mate. I have thanked you twice. We are deliberating. I have seen your point of view and you have mine. And of course, we can continue with this or some other issue, on this forum. Cheers.

Appreciate the decency of your post.
I actually think we are saying the same thing, just expressing it differently.
would rather euthanize than feed.
You been trying to do that for 70 years. Thus far made a fool of yourselves. Look at the spectacle of such mass of humanity as India, soon to be largest county on earth. Instead of playing ball with it's own size like China etc it is reduced in having tangles with tiny Pakistan. My favourite meme.


Who said india win or won ……….. We only fallowed international laws just like normal nations do …. he was involved with 90s and AQ.... That's it...… and for Pakistan ALQ is terrorist organization.
indians don't realize (yet) how they have shot themselves in the foot. this masood azhar was just a punching bag that nawaz sharif used to provide india with an excuse to scream bloody murder but didn't actually anything against the indian occupation. Almost all the freedom fighters in iok are NOT tied any specific "jihadi" org. in return, nawaz sharif protected him in exchange for the much needed street power for him. and we all know how strong of ally nawaz sharif is to india, he is extremely important. even the indian government officials have accepted that they have invested a lot in nawaz sharif. a major source of nawaz sharif's street power just got yanked out from under him and india's closest ally in Pakistan just got cut down even further.

PM Imran Khan wasn't kiddin' when he said that is not gonna tolerate any thuggery.
I guess some understanding has been reached between India & Pakistan through back-channel diplomacy that talks will start on Kashmir issue after the Indian elections.
Masood Azhar is a Ghost. While Kalbhoshan Jhadav is in custody.
Masood Azhar Case Folded today. While Kalbhoshan case gets straight FLUSH.
Wait n Watch.
You been trying to do that for 70 years. Thus far made a fool of yourselves. Look at the spectacle of such mass of humanity as India, soon to be largest county on earth. Instead of playing ball with it's own size like China etc it is reduced in having tangles with tiny Pakistan. My favourite meme.

Actually 1971 was snipping the balls, euthanization will come in time as well.

Even a fly gets to annoy and evade a larger creature, doesn’t take anything away from the power of the beast it’s annoying.

Think I’ll make a meme about it. Lol
Translation: your inner thoughts makes your outer appearance

That is the reason an average Indian is as Ugly as F**k.
Considering your quote above the only thing I can think of the ugliness from the inside creates image apparently the same.
So general consensus seems to be Legit.
No bro
You see the outside world from your inner thoughts.
Just like you see all world red if you have a red cover in front of your eyes..
This proverb came to tell about the character of dharmaraja who said he never saw a bad man in his life while duryodhana said he never saw a good man in his life...

I always say it, it's not the message what you convey but how you convey is most important.... Your choice of words define your nature

Completely different. Pakistanis don't believe that wanting peace is a sign of weakness.
I guess some understanding has been reached between India & Pakistan through back-channel diplomacy that talks will start on Kashmir issue after the Indian elections.
That's very much plausible, and if correct will construe a step in the right direction. Leaders are seperated from the chaff by their ability to react proactively instead of waiting for the right circumstances or a stroke of luck for things to go their way, as some of your esteemed compatriots on PDF seem to believe.
Actually I reckon it can be negotiated, it just needs the right environment and leadership.
It also needs the power brokers to keep an open mind and be sympathetic to each other’s concerns as I pointed out in my previous post.
Everything can be negotiated, one just needs to know the hierarchy of issues that matter to the party and start by trading in small concessions.
Not a bone headed attitude of might is right.

You may be right. Earnestly, I wish that I be proven wrong and you right. But, my sense of history tells me otherwise, which I have expressed in my first response to you. Please, keep in mind that I am above 60 and have followed the history of Indo-Pak relations, for the last about 45 years. I have had the occasion of discussing these issues with many of my Indian friends, at a foreign university, in early 1980s.

You, in your post, have mentioned certain conditions, which remind me of an Urdu/Hindi proverb:

"Na nau mun tail ho ga, na Raadha naachay gi"
Actually 1971 was snipping the balls, euthanization will come in time as well.

Even a fly gets to annoy and evade a larger creature, doesn’t take anything away from the power of the beast it’s annoying.

Think I’ll make a meme about it. Lol
70 years. And you got nowhere. Not taken a inch off Kashmir. 1971. You need to hide under the Bangla dhoti's to get that done. Don't forget that was a Bangla effort. Can you do it without teaming with Banglas?

Nah ....
One question did JeM attacked if ever it attacked, another country than India ?

I heard about JeM since few weeks but never paid attention to this organisation. I had to look for information about it.
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