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BREAKING: JeM Chief Masood Azhar designated as global terrorist in UNSC with Pakistan China consent

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To all Pakistanis here claiming that Azhars designation was given after the consent of her need to know one thing.

That they are not in a position to tell the world about anything, at best they don’t have the status in next 50 years.

They will do what they will be told for reasons best known to them.

Good to learn our Indian friends on PDF are not dead.

I think you should be happy, at least now you'll have an audience to trigger.:pdf::D

A lion sleeps after a meal and jackals howl.
To all Pakistanis here claiming that Azhars designation was given after the consent of her need to know one thing.

That they are not in a position to tell the world about anything, at best they don’t have the status in next 50 years.

They will do what they will be told for reasons best known to them.

A lion sleeps after a meal and jackals howl.

Wait for our surprise (Loop)
Pakistan could have punished any Indian spy who is held in your prison and allowed Masod to be declared as teroeist by UN..It would have been a win win for every one..
How so?

A lion sleeps after a meal and jackals howl.
A donkey sleeps after hard labour work too...what your point?

Pigs also sleep after a good meal...so what's new?

Modi never claimed he won something. If else pls quote the source
Pdf indians still going on that they won...
so did Nawaz, so did mushy so did every one else before. What has it changed for us at ground level. It's PA which has the final say on policy matters
Indian media ...only elaborated what they are...The same media has been feeding you shit unchallenged prob that is why you guys cry alot
If you say Indian msm is biased I agree, but same with pak. But definitely I won't agree that they spew bullshit. Your msm isn't even heard anywhere
You won't agree doesn't mean they won't! !

Here is your answer @kris
Quote a source, not another person's feeling
Please take the time to fix your replies it becomes difficult to read...

Oh here is the source you were asking for :


Because you can't

Refresh your memory. China saved you a day.

So that shows we want peace since you admit every PM and president did ask for peace so what are you debating? You could never get Masood on any list before ...what changed? PAKISTAN giving the green signal changed

So does Indian PM's. All we got is backstabbing for peace gestures.....
Did UN or P5 members ask for any green signal
Your pm wants peace? What a joke ...he literally only uttered no I will not pick up the phone...he never came to the table...even Taliban show more effort in wanting peace by at least coming to the table to see the deal!!
Choti choti khushian...for our indian friends...

If they can find Yeti then why not this little happiness too?

dats yer comeback to a BIG diplomatic setback/defeat [semantics] at the highest international body ??
a ****ing yeti ??
really ?? :)

Good to learn our Indian friends on PDF are not dead.
I think you should be happy, at least now you'll have an audience to trigger.:pdf::D

If the large numbers of "think tank consultants" and " moderators" posting in this thread....
trying to provide cover fire for the others.....is any indication.

It sure does paint a picture of the importance of this issue and the impact level.
Masood Azhar should be happy he played India for 10 LONG years.
10 years should be a lot of time for him to tidy up any loose ends.

Masood Azhar must be laughing at the Indians fuming and expending so much effort and diplomatic assets but failed to nail him for 10 LONG years.
So he really after this one guy to prove his worth that he had to call all his favours in?

Actually he was just a negligeble one but he become prime target not because of his worth but the arrogance of China .
It was the Chinese unnecessary interests that worked in favour for us that draws all western powers .
Now end result China had to climb down and Pak citizen become designated global terrorist .
Not to get in the middle of whatever is happening here, but on the same token, aren’t Pakistanis spewing nonsense about a Su 30 being shot down without any proof? Hasn’t that rumor been treated like gospel on this forum at least?
So I ask, how is this limited to Indians?
Pakistanis and Indians are very much alike in these matters, both hypocrites then.
And you’re riding a moral high horse in all this it seems.
Well ask the indians to allow the media to count and have a look at their jets like we invited international journalists.....do the bidding and stop the rumour once and for all...yea?

Actually he was just a negligeble one but he become prime target not because of his worth but the arrogance of China .
It was the Chinese unnecessary interests that worked in favour for us that draws all western powers .
Now end result China had to climb down and Pak citizen become designated global terrorist .
I see...so China is to blame not indian crying?

So western powers attacked him coz China was helping us? ...basically nothing to do with indian crying? Damn I was giving too much credit to the rona dhona

Do you have a choice?
Are you in the UNSC? Not sure how Paks acceptance or not is of any value here.
If we didn't allow....It wouldn't happen ...

India has been trying for years....decade I think and it never materialised we said ok and it was done within 24 hrs how is it not linked with we allowing?
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