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BREAKING: JeM Chief Masood Azhar designated as global terrorist in UNSC with Pakistan China consent

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Actually 1971 was snipping the balls, euthanization will come in time as well.

Even a fly gets to annoy and evade a larger creature, doesn’t take anything away from the power of the beast it’s annoying.

Think I’ll make a meme about it. Lol
An elephant can be killed by an ant getting in its ear.
Only if it gets as far as the tympanic membrane of the ear.
Then the elephant has a fit called a T-ant-drum and drops dead.
70 years. And you got nowhere. Not taken a inch off Kashmir. 1971. You need to hide under the Bangla dhoti's to get that done. Don't forget that was a Bangla effort. Can you do it without teaming with Banglas?

Nah ....

Neutered in 71 that’s all that matters.
How it was done, whether in a clinical setting by a nurturing Vet or whether by an animal shelter in a callous brutal manner is irrelevant.
Result is the same. A “napunsak” cat. Lol

If the Bangla story helps you deal with the impotency, who am I to stop you?
In fact dealing with the reality is the right way to go about it lol

An elephant can be killed by an ant getting in its ear.
Only if it gets as far as the tympanic membrane of the ear.
Then the elephant has a fit called a T-ant-drum and drops dead.

Haha I know bud. And we have never underestimated Pakistanis or your nation. A reason why we consider you a grave threat.
But it is routine for Pakistanis to throw out their misplaced might than be grounded.
I get it, this is PDF and a safe haven for Pakistanis, so I understand its human nature to do so.
Neutered in 71 that’s all that matters.
How it was done, whether in a clinical setting by a nurturing Vet or whether by an animal shelter in a callous brutal manner is irrelevant.
Result is the same. A “napunsak” cat. Lol

If the Bangla story helps you deal with the impotency, who am I to stop you?
In fact dealing with the reality is the right way to go about it lol
you couldn't neuter us even if your life depended on it. 71 was planned and executed by snakes within our own sleeves. Unfortunately, the ISI wa a small org back then headed by a major and primarily tasked with maintaining an eye within the forces. It's a world class org now with an unquestioned budget send headed by a full general that has roots so far up your *** that it can tell you the color of underwear you are wearing and can hit your military commanders where it wants, when it wants! some neutering!

Neutered in 71 that’s all that matters.
How it was done, whether in a clinical setting by a nurturing Vet or whether by an animal shelter in a callous brutal manner is irrelevant.
Result is the same. A “napunsak” cat. Lol

If the Bangla story helps you deal with the impotency, who am I to stop you?
In fact dealing with the reality is the right way to go about it lol

Haha I know bud. And we have never underestimated Pakistanis or your nation. A reason why we consider you a grave threat.
But it is routine for Pakistanis to throw out their misplaced might than be grounded.
I get it, this is PDF and a safe haven for Pakistanis, so I understand its human nature to do so.
you have never underestimated us, aye?
Haha I know bud. And we have never underestimated Pakistanis or your nation. A reason why we consider you a grave threat.
But it is routine for Pakistanis to throw out their misplaced might than be grounded.
I get it, this is PDF and a safe haven for Pakistanis, so I understand its human nature to do so.
We are not scavengers the way Indian media is propagating to
Remember one man's terrorist is another ones freedom fighter.
We do not want a reason to hate our neighbors only if Kashmir issue is solved not by the will of Indian government but by the will of Kashmir people.
When they are manhandled by your forces resistance is born.
And Resistance has many forms.
India should be thankful to benazir Bhutto for handing over 4500 Sikh people list
Involved in Khaalsa. & Thankful to Sharif for handing over instant noodles of Kargil.
We are humans. Your military is curropt and politicians are feeding of by them
And look at average Hindi sleeping on road sides eating once a day.
We should fight poverty. Poverty and instability is enemy of yours.
Not Pakistan.
Look at Scandinavian countries history of Vikings.
They are one of peaceful countries
Educated person in India should understand creating boogieman and then eradicating it in the name of war or terror. Is just BUSINESS of WARMACHINES.
Stay away from them.
Look how much budget you have wasted and how many lives at risk coz of Kashmir.
IF India treat like ELDER brother and let it GO
Size of India won't be smaller.
But it's EGO. PRIDE and NAZI moody policy
That will drown your development Trust me.
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You may be right. Earnestly, I wish that I be proven wrong and you right. But, my sense of history tells me otherwise, which I have expressed in my first response to you. Please, keep in mind that I am above 60 and have followed the history of Indo-Pak relations, for the last about 45 years. I have had the occasion of discussing these issues with many of my Indian friends, at a foreign university, in early 1980s.

You, in your post, have mentioned certain conditions, which remind me of an Urdu/Hindi proverb:

"Na nau mun tail ho ga, na Raadha naachay gi"

You sir obviously come with a lot of experience, and have seen a lot more than I have, so can’t take that away from you. I understand your skepticism to my comments.

I do believe that leadership is the key word, at least for India. And modi is definitely not the man for it nor is creating the right environment to approach peace with Pakistan either.
On the Pakistani side, leadership maybe earnest, but shackled due to the diversified power structure of the country (read army, religious groups).

The conditions I mentioned and I believe you’re referring to the “red lines” as I put them, can only be achieved if the leadership of both countries takes a stand and actually prioritizes peace over perception of their constituents.

But I do hope that in my lifetime India and Pak can come together to be amicable at the least.
Actually, they tried to do something on their own, and got their a** fcuked. Yes, I'm talking about 27 Feb, 2019.
Let's not forget 48 when they tried to take back ajk and got their a** fcuked, 65 when they tried to have breakfast in lahore but ended up getting the a** fcuked b y almost ended up loosing amristar and 99 when they got their a** fcuked by loosing the highest peak in kargil.

india is the only nation perhaps in history that keeps getting a** fcuked by a nation 1/6 its size!
An elephant can be killed by an ant getting in its ear.
Only if it gets as far as the tympanic membrane of the ear.
Then the elephant has a fit called a T-ant-drum and drops dead.

Bunch of ants can be killed with this... great logic..
If someone says that they are ready to kill an innocent for bigger things like whatever , they are I imo
Doesn't that classify half your parliament as terrorists? Coz almost all of them have said violent things against Muslims ...and still continuously do so...

The question is what is he charged with....?
Making India cry...

No the UN was waiting for pakistan to give permission to designate Azhar Masood as a terrorist
Good you finally got it :tup:

Source pls
Source? Reality ...war on terror in Afghanistan was started due to terrorists there...no?

In.Reuters ?
We are not scavengers the way Indian media is propagating to
Remember one man's terrorist is another ones freedom fighter.
We do not want a reason to hate our neighbors only if Kashmir issue is solved not by the will of Indian government but by the will of Kashmir people.
When they are manhandled by your forces resistance is born.
And Resistance has many forms.
India should be thankful to benazir Bhutto for handing over 4500 Sikh people list
Involved in Khaalsa. & Thankful to Sharif for handing over instant noodles of Kargil.
We are humans. Your military is curropt and politicians are feeding of by them
And look at average Hindi sleeping on road sides eating once a day.
We should fight poverty. Poverty and instability is enemy of yours.
Not Pakistan.
Look at Scandinavian countries history of Vikings.
They are one of peaceful countries
Educated person in India should understand creating boogieman and then eradicating it in the name of war or terror. Is just BUSINESS of WARMACHINES.
Stay away from them.
Look how much budget you have wasted and how much lives at risk coz of Kashmir.
IF India treat like ELDER brother and let it GO
Size of India won't be smaller.
But it's EGO. PRIDE and NAZI moody policy
That will drown your development Trust me.

I think your heart is in the right place, and I appreciate you Putting your thoughts out.
I’ll attempt at responding to your points:

Kashmir is strategic, so you can’t put a price on it. India will not let it go, and Pak won’t either. So either accept reality and settle dispute based on ground reality (AJK is Pak, Kashmir Valley is Indian) or we can continue this fight for another 70 years.
Point is, if it is a dispute, there are stakeholders on both sides.
In a negotiation, one cannot assume that the other party is being irrational because both have a case and both believe their POV to be a rational one. If you start with this notion, an environment for negotiation is created. That does not exist because Pak accuses India of human right excess and India accuses Pak of terrorism.

The fight for Kashmir (the land) is yours, NOT for Kashmiris. That’s a moral obligation you as a nation have brought upon yourself, similar to the Palenstinian issue.
So you want to settle and negotiate on land (even outside the current LoC), it can be done, but when you try to use Kashmiris as a negotiating tool to get the whole pie away from India, then the Indian stance also becomes rigid.
This is my perspective on the matter.

We have no interest in torturing Kashmir, but this is not a matter of the will of Kashmiris, it is also the will of 1.4 billion Indians who want Kashmir to be part of India. So it’s not as simple as simply saying we won’t negotiate based on the “needs of the Indian Gov”. The Indian govt by extension represents the will of the Indian people.


ISLAMABAD: The United Nations is all set to declare Maulana Masood Azhar a global terrorist today after a green signal by Pakistan and China. It also comes after the ‘1267 sanctions committee’ of the UN deleted Masood’s linkage with the Pulwama incident and the unrest in the Indian Occupied Kashmir as propagated by India.

Unspotted on Pakistani radar since 2002, Masood Azhar’s organization Jaish-e-Mohammad is already named in Schedule Four by the Government of Pakistan. Since 2008, Pakistan had been blocking the move through China to enlist Masood as a global terrorist. Termed as a ‘technical hold,’ this is was the last blockade on March 13 this year.

Pakistan’s primary objection to Masood’s listing was that he had no link to the Pulwama attack or the ongoing freedom movement in the Indian Occupied Kashmir, asserting that it is an indigenous freedom struggle resisting Indian occupation and that Pakistan would continue with its ‘moral, political and diplomatic’ support to the oppressed people of Kashmir. Kashmiri youth like Burhan Wani and Adil Daar resorted to the armed struggle when they were brutally tortured and humiliated by Indian security forces. Pakistan also offered complete investigation into the Pulwama incident and forwarded a questioner to New Delhi in response to the latter’s dossier. India has still not answered these questions, and resorted to a dangerous armed conflict on February 26 this year when it violated Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by dropping bombs in Jabaa, KP.

Masood Azhar’s listing as a global terrorist was a move sponsored jointly by the US, the UK and France. After Pakistan’s objection, the US took it to the UN Security Council. In view of China’s exercise of veto power, the US reverted to the 1267 committee – deleting Masood’s links to the Pulwama attack from its ban proposal. A ‘technical hold’ could last for six months, extendable to nine months. China has accused the US of scuttling the progress to resolve the issue by taking it to the UNSC and insisted that it should be resolved at the 1267 Committee. Slammed in 2008, 2016, 2017 and 2019, the ‘technical inghold’ by China against Masood Azhar’s listing as a UN-designated terrorist is no more in place. The move could be source of happiness in India and Premier Modi could play it up but it is unlikely to help him get substantial votes as half of the Indian general elections are over.

On the other hand, Pakistan may feel relieved from constant international pressure to act against Masood Azhar. Secondly, Pakistan’s green signal to the UN sanctions regime may help improve its image as a state that has already taken action under its National Action Plan against the proscribed organization.

Why give India a victory without any reason and unilaterally?
Pakistan and China gave win to India have to reason behind that. it's old saying " boti da ka bakra lana " . in near future some massive demand is coming from Pakistan and China.
China was the one that blocked our efforts 4 times before .
This time India mobilized its entire geopolitical clout after the permission from Indian PM.
If China again blocks this time ,except them all other nations would have individually blocked his network .

Excellent Job MEA under GoI
So he really after this one guy to prove his worth that he had to call all his favours in?
you couldn't neuter us even if your life depended on it. 71 was planned and executed by snakes within our own sleeves. Unfortunately, the ISI wa a small org back then headed by a major and primarily tasked with maintaining an eye within the forces. It's a world class org now with an unquestioned budget send headed by a full general that has roots so far up your *** that it can tell you the color of underwear you are wearing and can hit your military commanders where it wants, when it wants! some neutering!

you have never underestimated us, aye?

You’re a potential pedophile based on our previous interactions and have been reported as such. I choose not to engage scum like you. How you’re still on PDF is a mystery.
Continue to bark up a storm, but don’t quote me.
Welcome to my ignore list.
You sir obviously come with a lot of experience, and have seen a lot more than I have, so can’t take that away from you. I understand your skepticism to my comments.

I do believe that leadership is the key word, at least for India. And modi is definitely not the man for it nor is creating the right environment to approach peace with Pakistan either.
On the Pakistani side, leadership maybe earnest, but shackled due to the diversified power structure of the country (read army, religious groups).

The conditions I mentioned and I believe you’re referring to the “red lines” as I put them, can only be achieved if the leadership of both countries takes a stand and actually prioritizes peace over perception of their constituents.

But I do hope that in my lifetime India and Pak can come together to be amicable at the least.

Again, I appreciate your earnest wishes and desire for peace between India and Pakistan. If a large majority of the people, on either side of border, have had the same desire; it would already have had been achieved.

As for my views, on this issue, these are not only based upon my own observations for the past about 45 years, but also my reading of the medieval and modern history of India, particularly in the period from 1885, when Indian National Congress was established, to 1947. The roots of the conflict between India and Pakistan are rooted, somehow, in the cleavage between Hindus and Muslims, which particularly became pronounced, after 1857. Pakistan came into being, because Hindus and Muslims failed to arrive at a political arrangement, for a united India, where the rights of Muslims, being minority, could be preserved. That failure, and the consequent resentment, has crept into the relations between India and Pakistan. Kashmir issue indirectly reflects the same animosity and cleavage.

Still, let's hope for the best.
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