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BREAKING: JeM Chief Masood Azhar designated as global terrorist in UNSC with Pakistan China consent

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Does that means, based on your choice you can declare an innocent as terrorist.
If there is solid proof against someone ....he/she isn't innocent...

Lol yea, you chose to expose yourself to get FATF blacklisted. Nice cope lol

The truth is, under pressure china had to release their technical hold. As the only country left, you had no say in this matter
Well we didn't choose that and FAFT has very little linked to this plus everyone just wants the cry baby India to shut up...

We aren't even sure how true this news is...After all India has been airing such news for years

The reason today no one is giving you the needed money should be more than enough to understand who is making it difficult for you.

Stop day dreaming, why world associated the word terrorism and terrorist with Pakistan should be more than enough to understand where things have gone wrong and who started the dirty game.
stop airing lies like this :

Even America removed that association ....so indian please limit your dictionary for india only not on an international front and
So all of a sudden the proofs started making sense now, which where previously never accepted.
You cannot hide the facts...and cannot silent others by giving undue negative ratings when you dont have answers.
There is no proof just cry baby and it's conditions...we want peace so we will put him on the list cry us a river :enjoy:
Yes, because we knew pakistan is supporting terrorism. We brought all the required evidences and world realized it
The so called "All the required Evidence" was shown the door earlier.
Nopes all this is happening now because of big FATF danda thats hanging up in air to avoid getting into blacklist.
Wonder why no such danda works for Haqqanis !

You wanna believe that he is being banned because You Guys did magic, go ahead..
It also comes after the ‘1267 sanctions committee’ of the UN deleted Masood’s linkage with the Pulwama incident and the unrest in the Indiagn Occupied Kashmir as propagated by India.

@Viny and other indians
See no proof...kindly learn to read ...It may be a luxury in India but it is a basic condition to be able to use PDF effectively

You cannot hide the facts..
Yes we don't hide FACTS we aren't India
if India started playing deep the same game
Ah, people who started Mukti bahini and supported LTTE are saying "wHaT iF wE sTarT tHe sAmE gAme"..
Funny stuff.
All right ! So he is one of those good terrorists. They only become bad when they bite back.

How can you be terrorist, if you never did any terrorism?

Kashmir cause is a legitimate struggle, and he is only a vocal advocate for the Kashmir cause.

You should worry more about men like Burhani Wani and Hezb ul Mujahideen. They are actively fighting g you.
Pakistan also offered complete investigation into the Pulwama incident and forwarded a questioner to New Delhi in response to the latter’s dossier. India has still not answered these questions
@Viny who is hiding what is crystal clear now please learn to read we all can't be your support for the rest of your ignorant life
Whatever we do on US will and pressure, they will never be happy and keep pressing. It is same 'do more' but the tactics have been changed, we should distant more ourselves from USA that will be for more betterment of Pakistan.
Rest don't bother for the nation of humiliation in our east they are destined to be humiliated and will be more - In-shaa-Allah.
US pushed for this move to deescalate the prospects of full-scale war between Pakistan and India; do not judge a book by its cover. US-Pak relations are far from being perfect but to assume that Pakistan have not benefited from this trajectory is absolutely WRONG and FALSE.

There are matters and discussions which are not for public consumption. Allah Almighty knows best.
We have no plans on killing him. His openness will lead to your blacklisting. That’s 100x better than taking out one terrorist.
No blacklisting of Pakistan will happen unless they defeat iran.
JeM publicly claimed responsibility of Pulwama and Masood Azhar released a video threatening incidents like Pulwama and Jihad.

How can the proposal delink Masood Azhar from Pulwama. Seems the article is misleading.
where is the proof that they publicly accepted it?
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stop airing lies like this :

Even America removed that association ....so indian please limit your dictionary for india only not on an international front and

A quick search on google might help, these are probably not indian dictionary
https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/02/15/pakistan-has-no-more-excuses-for-supporting-terrorism/ (from your recent favourite website)

I just showed you the things world outside pakistan sees...if you dont than thats not my problem...your country needs to improve the image.
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