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BREAKING: JeM Chief Masood Azhar designated as global terrorist in UNSC with Pakistan China consent

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Well dear this was for acceptance of Pakistanis not Indians :P
One only works within their natural domain....If you accepted it that is why you presented it...so again no it is not accepted ..

Foreignpolicy is not Indian company isnt it. Why would they publish it? Do they publish based on what the nationality of reporter is?
I only talked about the mirch masala bollywood style title...

As for why they published it? Shit sells fast and good....they are a magazine sale brings in money ....you do the maths how many indians clicked on that due to the title and how many actually read it?!

Ok so can you please share the details for which terrorism activities he is being marked as global terrorist if is activities where not outside Pakistan?
I am sorry but I can not tell you this....
None showed any proof just indian claims and Indian authored one of the articles... :pop:

So just coz he is in our country he has to be a terrorist? Wow indians have no limits to B'S? !

He just happens to be in our country doesn't prove him to be a terrorist one more such claim and I will issue you the much deserved warning you have been begging for.....him being on our land is no proof of anything but that he being on our land or not is not even proven. ...kindly do not troll...final warning
Do you happen to have comprehension problem ?
The reply was in regard to terrorism, where you said terrorists are there in pakistan and pakistan is taking action against them. And I asked you to examine why they happen to be in Pakistan?

Where did I say by being born in Pakistan one becomes terrorist?
Seriously, if you want to have a healthy discussion, please keep the bag of hatred aside and discuss.
For some reason i think you feel that every indian on this forum is to ridicule you, and there by you close your eyes to accept anything.

As for why they published it? Shit sells fast and good....they are a magazine sale brings in money ....you do the maths how many indians clicked on that due to the title and how many actually read it?!
So does it hold the truth for F16 reporting too? Shit sells fast?

I am sorry but I can not tell you this....
Ok I take it as ...you have no clues...perfectly ok..
The reply was in regard to terrorism, where you said terrorists are there in pakistan and pakistan is taking action against them. And I asked you to examine why they happen to be in Pakistan?
Cold war...
We helped America ask them ...

For some reason i think you feel that every indian on this forum is to ridicule you, and there by you close your eyes to accept anything.
Prove me otherwise?
Ya as if some Alien came and reported Massod Azhar as terrorist to UN.
You don't need to jubilant... Nothing will change in kashmir for you after that... Then guess who u will blame after masood azhar if palwama type attack happens in future??? Win win situation for pak.. :enjoy:
So does it hold the truth for F16 reporting too? Shit sells fast?
That was based on a report. ..It wasn't shit would have been we lost breached some terms that indians imagined and sanctions are on the way...
Cold war...
We helped America ask them ...
Dont tell me Pakistan was dumb to not to know what they are building...
One cannot hide his mischiefs for long...results do sometimes hit very hard...
Prove me otherwise?
Cannot be proven, unless you wish to see...
Where did I say by being born in Pakistan one becomes terrorist?
When talking about proof you said ask why he in Pakistan....what did you want to say there? How was that proof?
Do you happen to have comprehension problem ?
The reply was in regard to terrorism, where you said terrorists are there in pakistan and pakistan is taking action against them. And I asked you to examine why they happen to be in Pakistan?

Where did I say by being born in Pakistan one becomes terrorist?
Seriously, if you want to have a healthy discussion, please keep the bag of hatred aside and discuss.
For some reason i think you feel that every indian on this forum is to ridicule you, and there by you close your eyes to accept anything.

So does it hold the truth for F16 reporting too? Shit sells fast?

Ok I take it as ...you have no clues...perfectly ok..

It seems you guys are having serious mental problem. Is there any evidence to suggest that MA is linked to FAFT blacklisting.

Both are different things. Didnt Indian tried to list MA in past.

Hafiz Saeed is on the list since 2008 but what impact did that have?
That was based on a report. ..It wasn't shit would have been we lost breached some terms that indians imagined and sanctions are on the way...
Based on what report? Does US released any report?
That was also an article, and what I presented is also an article...

When talking about proof you said ask why he in Pakistan....what did you want to say there? How was that proof?

Where did you see "HE"?

You need to answer yourself,
Firstly how they happen to be in your country?
Secondly why all your neighours have internationaly claimed that terrorists from Pakistan are executing terrorist activities in there country.
Dont tell me Pakistan was dumb to not to know what they are building...
One cannot hide his mischiefs for long...results do sometimes hit very hard..
Not about being dumb but about situation....like how Germans supported Hitler during the war and didn't see killing people as evil....situation...

But that doesn't mean they wanted it to turn up that way....had we joined USER ...There would have been a different headache considering how brutal that regime was....and having Afghanistan next door isn't easy

Cannot be proven, unless you wish to see...
That means no proof...
We wish to see proof we aren't indians who believe abt 300 dead terrorists just coz they believe our land to be filled with them....any shit will fly in India ....Both literally and figuratively

Based on what report? Does US released any report?
That was also an article, and what I presented is also an article...
That was an article based on a report...what you presented was an article written by indian and like you he prob used Wikipedia and like indian public prob didn't need to provide any proof just hearsay and you know whatever the typical indian believes

Where did you see "HE"?
He / they same thing you sell think them being on some soil means it is linked to the govt. Do you also think that American govt sponsors mass shootings? They happen on their soil...The shooters happen to be Americans on American soil right?
Not about being dumb but about situation....like how Germans supported Hitler during the war and didn't see killing people as evil....situation...

But that doesn't mean they wanted it to turn up that way....had we joined USER ...There would have been a different headache considering how brutal that regime was....and having Afghanistan next door isn't easy

That means no proof...
We wish to see proof we aren't indians who believe abt 300 dead terrorists just coz they believe our land to be filled with them....any shit will fly in India ....Both literally and figuratively

That was an article based on a report...what you presented was an article written by indian and like you he prob used Wikipedia and like indian public prob didn't need to provide any proof just hearsay and you know whatever the typical indian believes

Slow down, you have lost all the tracks and running on your path....


Where are you running into 300 terrorist....


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That can't happen to a country like Pakistan.
We are important for world peace. If they lose us, they lose peace.

What’s changed is America getting hammered in Afghanistan....and our refusal to negotiate for American interests.... because it seems our army has decided that the Americans are unfaithful bedfellows and that our interests must now come first.

So the Americans want to punish us for disobeying them.

On a sidenote it’s amazing how helpless the worlds greatest superpower is feeling in Afghanistan....will all their financial & military might.
Not about being dumb but about situation....like how Germans supported Hitler during the war and didn't see killing people as evil....situation...

But that doesn't mean they wanted it to turn up that way....had we joined USER ...There would have been a different headache considering how brutal that regime was....and having Afghanistan next door isn't easy

That means no proof...
We wish to see proof we aren't indians who believe abt 300 dead terrorists just coz they believe our land to be filled with them....any shit will fly in India ....Both literally and figuratively

That was an article based on a report...what you presented was an article written by indian and like you he prob used Wikipedia and like indian public prob didn't need to provide any proof just hearsay and you know whatever the typical indian believes

He / they same thing you sell think them being on some soil means it is linked to the govt. Do you also think that American govt sponsors mass shootings? They happen on their soil...The shooters happen to be Americans on American soil right?

Please stop quoting me...
I surrender ....
I cannot help you with your compressions issues...
Where are you running into 300 terrorist....
Example of how indians belive bs without proof...something limited to India :enjoy:

Please stop quoting me...
I surrender ....
I cannot help you with your compressions issues...
Sigh....typical answer when asked for proof

Adios and don't come back to the thread you won't be missed

continued ....

The US is the biggest hypocrite in the room, they’r trying to hang Pakistan with the FATF...but they themselves train terrorists to carry out regime change and terrorist attacks at the FARM/American soil ....

But in this day and age it’s the one who shouts loudest who wins
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