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BREAKING: JeM Chief Masood Azhar designated as global terrorist in UNSC with Pakistan China consent

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according to the decision, he had not been linked to pulwama attack, meaning he is not a terrorist.
only santions will be:
a) he can't keep weapons
b) his assets would be freezed

1 - India will he happy
2 - Pakistan has other Masood Azhars in its stable
3 - the games go on
So the threat to table the resolution in Security council instead of 1267 Committee forced China to change her stance.
Never underestimate china
You can't simply arm twist them.....
Why what happen, all of a sudden they learnt the English and figured out that "All the required Evidence" that they have thrown out of the door earlier is actually the truth?

We also know it very well what games Pakistan keep playing with even after all the evidence shown for 26/11 proved, Pakistan is still not taking the required actions. Same goes in Pulwama Case.

Ok So for his charity works he is been marked as global terrorist?
Pakistani media kept telling we are winning 1971 war...same goes in this case too...
No the UN was waiting for pakistan to give permission to designate Azhar Masood as a terrorist
Finally Indians are coming out after 2 months. Welcome back ! Keyboard warriors.
So he is not linked to the attacks but India still crying ...This should be a question to India actually to answer why they crying?
The question is what is he charged with....?
Feed him to the fishes
and India did the same with Kashmiri Mujaheedin Maqbool Butt and Afzal Guru, indians buried them in Tihaar jail after their Shahdet (Hanging). So we have solid reason to doing that
@Areesh bahi Mubarak hou gum shuda hashrat al araz apney apney billo sai bahir a gaye hain:lol:
india's major asset nawaz sharif about loose a major source of his street power!
May be after Kulbhshan hanging india will stop terrorism activities in Pakistan
It just adds oil to fire, and what image will it give to Pakistan at international stage, that too when a case is running in ICJ
Which neighbours? Afghanistan where terrorism can't even be stopped by America? Last I heard your neighbour Sri Lanka is the one complaining about your terrorist connections....

Lolz....Sri Lanka said terrorist trained in India. ...that is one country that said it as your request the country effected said it not random media reports that can't be identified but officials....

As for LTTE ...Sri Lanka didn't appreciate you sending them and then pretending to help....
Source pls

We know indians never accepts the dead until forced to give a number.
Secondly the writer of the report is known to have closed links inside pentagon. She said that US counted F-16s, Pakistan said that the event took place, but because it goes against indian narrative and indians are people with tiny brains and bigger ego, so they never accepted the defeat on every level.
First India being under a democratic govt has no luxury of hiding facts.
You just can't simply hide the casualties. You have to pay for the pensions of the soldiers families
Second FP article only gave a shady info about the f-16 count by pentagon officials. They never commented about f-16 from turkey. They just published news.
India as a rebuttal put forward it's version again no bellington etc contradicted
It just adds oil to fire, and what image will it give to Pakistan at international stage, that too when a case is running in ICJ
icj, after the u.s shunning it altogether, has lost all value. they mean nothing...on top of that, india's case has been pathetically presented.
You don't need to jubilant... Nothing will change in kashmir for you after that... Then guess who u will blame after masood azhar if palwama type attack happens in future??? Win win situation for pak.. :enjoy:

You should be in highest administration post in your country for this level of thought.... Oh wait
What will you tell about your nation when As UN designated terrorist walks free in your nation??

icj, after the u.s shunning it altogether, has lost all value. they mean nothing...on top of that, india's case has been pathetically presented.
Again, according to whom??
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