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BREAKING: JeM Chief Masood Azhar designated as global terrorist in UNSC with Pakistan China consent

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wikipedia is unreliable.
foreignpolicy magazine said that no F-16 is missing and indians hate that magazine. Other magazines have been found guilty of not denying foreignpolicy magazine report. Inshort none of them is acceptable to indians.
shameless scunc !!! isnt it the same media which linked saddam hussain to alqaeda which was later proven wrong ???
What do u want us to believe, do you take us for fools. we know how it works we know how states are labelled as rougue nations. take your randi rona somewhere else

Admins are requested to plz ban this scoundrel for good, we Pakistani do not come here to see their continuous trolling here and ans to them, they are deliberately polluting this forum,
look at his posting history his remarks, all full of shit and trolling
So the threat to table the resolution in Security council instead of 1267 Committee forced China to change her stance.
World outside India doesn't use Wikipedia as a confirmed source of information...

As for the terrorist on our soil...yea we admitted we are cleaning them...they are present hence why we have war against terrorism ...you don't launch such a war against thin air now do you?

We have been infested by these beasts and are dealing with it.....better than denial India who is funding like the ones in Sri Lanka....see the play of words?

Does this mean indian state is sponsoring? Does it not mean India is a terrorist safe heaven where they can train and be exported?
Great initiative from Pakistan, please send him over to India to face the law. Now that floodgates are open, we may see Pakistan acceding to our request of handing back Hafiz Saeed and that Salahuddin guy too.
The so called "All the required Evidence" was shown the door earlier.
Why what happen, all of a sudden they learnt the English and figured out that "All the required Evidence" that they have thrown out of the door earlier is actually the truth?

@Viny who is hiding what is crystal clear now please learn to read we all can't be your support for the rest of your ignorant life
We also know it very well what games Pakistan keep playing with even after all the evidence shown for 26/11 proved, Pakistan is still not taking the required actions. Same goes in Pulwama Case.

It also comes after the ‘1267 sanctions committee’ of the UN deleted Masood’s linkage with the Pulwama incident and the unrest in the Indian Occupied Kashmir as propagated by India.

Ok So for his charity works he is been marked as global terrorist?
Pakistani media kept telling we are winning 1971 war...same goes in this case too...
Yea can't expect a better title from an indian:

Pakistan Has No More Excuses for Supporting Terrorism
A murderous attack in Kashmir rocks relationships throughout Asia.

We also know it very well what games Pakistan keep playing with even after all the evidence shown for 26/11 proved, Pakistan is still not taking the required actions. Same goes in Pulwama Case.
We know how much indians know abs how much is hidden from them....Feb 2019 showcased that to the whole world!
Ok So for his charity works he is been marked as global terrorist?
So he is not linked to the attacks but India still crying ...This should be a question to India actually to answer why they crying?
World outside India doesn't use Wikipedia as a confirmed source of information...
What about forbes, foreginpolicy etc...probably they also doesnt matter until there is something anti india...

As for the terrorist on our soil...yea we admitted we are cleaning them...they are present hence why we have war against terrorism ...you don't launch such a war against thin air now do you?
You need to answer yourself,
Firstly how they happen to be in your country?
Secondly why all your neighours have internationaly claimed that terrorists from Pakistan are executing terrorist activities in there country.

We have been infested by these beasts and are dealing with it.....better than denial India who is funding like the ones in Sri Lanka....see the play of words?

When entire Sri Lanka was burning, did any country in the world raised finger on India?
Was india placed under any watch list for terror activities?
Wasnt it India that sent its forces to fight against LTTE?

Does this mean indian state is sponsoring? Does it not mean India is a terrorist safe heaven where they can train and be exported?

Prove it at global level, you have been crying so high for Modi, what stops you to go UN or any international forum and get him designated as global terrorist. Forget about rest of the world, at least you can get it done by your government? Like how indian government declared MMA and HS terrorists.
Pakistani media kept telling we are winning 1971 war...same goes in this case too...
Well indian media kept telling 300 terrorist dead in an attack that first wiped them clean then didn't attack just wanted to pass a msg so 300 were not killed and then some minister goes creative and claims attack was not air but from land....and abhi just used harry potter magic apparition to appear on Pak soil....Take your pick :enjoy:
Well, timing is not good. This will boost modi stance in election

good observation...there are reports that he has instructed his team to ready plans to accomplish in 100 days .one years , three years etc...even before the election is over...its like he already knows the results or something...many people like me are scratching our heads already.
wikipedia is unreliable.
foreignpolicy magazine said that no F-16 is missing and indians hate that magazine. Other magazines have been found guilty of not denying foreignpolicy magazine report. Inshort none of them is acceptable to indians.

Well dear this was for acceptance of Pakistanis not Indians :P

Yea can't expect a better title from an indian:

Pakistan Has No More Excuses for Supporting Terrorism
A murderous attack in Kashmir rocks relationships throughout Asia.

We know how much indians know abs how much is hidden from them....Feb 2019 showcased that to the whole world!

Foreignpolicy is not Indian company isnt it. Why would they publish it? Do they publish based on what the nationality of reporter is?

So he is not linked to the attacks but India still crying ...This should be a question to India actually to answer why they crying?
Ok so can you please share the details for which terrorism activities he is being marked as global terrorist if is activities where not outside Pakistan?
What about forbes, foreginpolicy etc...probably they also doesnt matter until there is something anti india...
None showed any proof just indian claims and Indian authored one of the articles... :pop:

Firstly how they happen to be in your country?
So just coz he is in our country he has to be a terrorist? Wow indians have no limits to B'S? !

He just happens to be in our country doesn't prove him to be a terrorist one more such claim and I will issue you the much deserved warning you have been begging for.....him being on our land is no proof of anything but that he being on our land or not is not even proven. ...kindly do not troll...final warning

Secondly why all your neighours have internationaly claimed that terrorists from Pakistan are executing terrorist activities in there country
Which neighbours? Afghanistan where terrorism can't even be stopped by America? Last I heard your neighbour Sri Lanka is the one complaining about your terrorist connections....

When entire Sri Lanka was burning, did any country in the world raised finger on India?
Was india placed under any watch list for terror activities?
Wasnt it India that sent its forces to fight against LTTE?
Lolz....Sri Lanka said terrorist trained in India. ...that is one country that said it as your request the country effected said it not random media reports that can't be identified but officials....

As for LTTE ...Sri Lanka didn't appreciate you sending them and then pretending to help....

As for being placed on any list.. wait for it ...when our man Modi wins India will check all the banning lists...
Well dear this was for acceptance of Pakistanis not Indians :P
We know indians never accepts the dead until forced to give a number.
Secondly the writer of the report is known to have closed links inside pentagon. She said that US counted F-16s, Pakistan said that the event took place, but because it goes against indian narrative and indians are people with tiny brains and bigger ego, so they never accepted the defeat on every level.
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