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Breaking: IRGC seized a British tanker

Iran should reply with calm .
Iran not not aggrivate them when they are dying to find a logical excuse to attack you.
And Iran is giving them logical excuse by doing these kinds of things.
No matter how good and right you are, they make a strong narrative against you and attack.

Death is inevitable sir g, Iran is reacting calmly according to the principles which was set by Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib. Personally, I would be very surprised and upset if Iran does not react like the way it is reacting now for their rights.

Those of you who do not understand why I quoted Imam Ali's principles in this issue should read Battle of Siffin where the other army denied access of Euphrates to Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib and his soldiers.

Iranian revolution is based on the ethics, theology and jurisprudence of Ahlul-Bayt and if they do not live up to the ethics and theology and jurisprudence of Ahlul-Bayt then they are no different then Daesh or Kingdom of Saudis and others etc.
british tanker was on the wrong side of the street and were endangering all the ships that were coming out of the persian gulf . what will happen to you if police get you while you are driving on te wrong side of the street in busiest street of your city ?

Iran seized two ships.liberian tanker was allowed to leave after environmental warning.this is crazy.you now have British ship.whag are you doing? I think Europeans wanted to stay with their decision of nuclear deal despite pressure from trump.now you make them your enemy.toi much enemies too handle.war is not good for region.

So the best former "Ruler of the waves" can deliver is an aircraft carrier with 30 Harrier Jump Jets and few vessels with several Tomahawk cruise missiles....that is not enough to deal with Iran.

Hardly British Navy can survive Iranian speedboats with their swarm attack tactics and anti-ship missiles like Khalije Fars...

British army and air force is also a joke...

Again if they are a “joke”, Iran is worse shape.

What you seem to forget though is England is part of NATO. And articles of NATO mean if England goes to war, ALL NATO countries are obligated to go to war including Turkey. Hence why England’s military today is merely a single part in an overarching war machine. It is no longer required to be the war machine.

Besides Iran has worse equipment than Britain in both Navy, Air Force, and Army. Iranian army is mostly young conscripts with 6-12 month of brief military training. Unlike Western countries, the bulk of Iran’s artesh are not salaried soldiers.

So again I’m not disagreeing with initial point, just saying Iran is worse off and doesn’t make sense to throw rocks when living in a glass house yourself.

Pretty sure it is well known that England has fallen greatly from its days of colonist and an Empire.
You seem to not understand the correlation between oil prices and inflation.

Generally higher oil prices (outside of supply shocks) rise as global economic output accelerates. Makes sense, if major world economies are growing rapidly than factories, ships, cars, etc all need more oil to feed the hungry economic machine.

Alongside that if global economic growth is accelerating than naturally wage inflation, price of goods, etc will begin to rise as economies begin to exceed their long term sustainable economic output and “overheat”.

So subdued oil prices that we see today are in part due to result of oversupply of oil markets (fracking technology has led to US production increasing in last decade) while at the same time subdued demand due to slow global economic growth.

Raising the price of oil does not simply lead to increase in inflation especially if you consider inflation metrics that withdraw energy from equation.

Also in a global economy that is dealing with slow growth, raising oil prices can actually end up slowing economic growth output further which ultimately leads to recessions.

Really and you do genius? Yea sure. :lol:

All this drama is ALL about Oil Prices, and nothing else.


Oil prices spike after Iran seizes two tankers
Brent rises 2.1 per cent to $63.23 a barrel amid fears over security of Gulf shipments

Iran is trying to jack up oil prices. Will it work?
I'm saying that it can be beneficial for some nations. Iran has a disagreeable leadership that could sure use an upgrade. Do you not agree? In a war with the west your leadership will fall apart even without a invasion. Bombing Tehran for a few weeks will end leadership as we know it.
Tehran, Tabriz, Isfahan and many cities were under attack by Iraq during the war too...
The WEST have an apparent unspoken 'soft corner' for Iran

Where do you have this from? I’m born in Europe, I’ve lived here all my life, what you say couldn’t be further from the truth.. Did they have a soft corner for Iran when they armed Saddam against us, including with chems? Two weeks ago Britain seized our tanker, the Europeans didn’t raise a word. Now that we returned the favor they were very quick to condemn us and urge us to release it immediately

Tehran, Tabriz, Isfahan and many cities were under attack by Iraq during the war too...
Urmia was under attack too

Again if they are a “joke”, Iran is worse shape.

What you seem to forget though is England is part of NATO. And articles of NATO mean if England goes to war, ALL NATO countries are obligated to go to war including Turkey. Hence why England’s military today is merely a single part in an overarching war machine. It is no longer required to be the war machine.

Besides Iran has worse equipment than Britain in both Navy, Air Force, and Army. Iranian army is mostly young conscripts with 6-12 month of brief military training. Unlike Western countries, the bulk of Iran’s artesh are not salaried soldiers.

So again I’m not disagreeing with initial point, just saying Iran is worse off and doesn’t make sense to throw rocks when living in a glass house yourself.

Pretty sure it is well known that England has fallen greatly from its days of colonist and an Empire.

It not about what kind of equipment you have, but about WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH YOUR EQUIPMENT...HOW CAN YOU USE IT...IS IT USEFUL OR USELESS...British Navy is useless.

Iran is stronger than all of its neighbors except Turkey, and even Turkey can't invade Iran due to mountainous terrain and lack of superiority.....since Iran is secured against its neighbors, there is no immediate need to spend money and build brilliant military with large numbers of advanced equipment.

When it comes to Britain, its military is really small....Ability of Britain to project power is limited and can be useful only against countries like Mali or Somalia, but not against country like Iran.

When it comes to NATO-NATO was a monolith block designed to collectively defend themselves against USSR, since USSR is gone NATOs monolithic nature has gone as well....modern NATO is like League of Nations- it exists but there is no internal unity between NATO countries.....If Britain will have problems with Iran it is most likely that countries like Turkey or Spain or Germany will not fulfill their NATO obligation to join the conflict.
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Death is inevitable sir g, Iran is reacting calmly according to the principles which was set by Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib. Personally, I would be very surprised and upset if Iran does not react like the way it is reacting now for their rights.

Those of you who do not understand why I quoted Imam Ali's principles in this issue should read Battle of Siffin where the other army denied access of Euphrates to Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib and his soldiers.

Iranian revolution is based on the ethics, theology and jurisprudence of Ahlul-Bayt and if they do not live up to the ethics and theology and jurisprudence of Ahlul-Bayt then they are no different then Daesh or Kingdom of Saudis and others etc.
Death is inevitable sir g, Iran is reacting calmly according to the principles which was set by Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib. Personally, I would be very surprised and upset if Iran does not react like the way it is reacting now for their rights.

Those of you who do not understand why I quoted Imam Ali's principles in this issue should read Battle of Siffin where the other army denied access of Euphrates to Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib and his soldiers.

Iranian revolution is based on the ethics, theology and jurisprudence of Ahlul-Bayt and if they do not live up to the ethics and theology and jurisprudence of Ahlul-Bayt then they are no different then Daesh or Kingdom of Saudis and others etc.
Why are you involving religious personalities or religion in this?
And making it as though, the embelem of piousness, the Irani leaders, who has done no harm to the world by using proxies is all well and good and following the examples of our elders.
We Pakistanis have to go no further, then when our youth was radicalized and taken to fight into Syria or India was allowed to attack Pakistan through chahbahr or even iranian own attempts to raise people like uzair baloch to destabilise karachi in short Pakistan.
You belong to a specific class of people only found in Pakistan, that try to be more loyal to Iran, then our own country Pakistan. That is shame. People like you are found everywhere in Pakistan giving examples of iranian grandeur and stuff while half of those things are lies.
All they can do is stop west make them another Syria or Iraq and for that all their army has to do is not show these stupid gimmicks to feed public ego.. The job of a good leader is to save its people from distrustion of war.
Again, wishful thinking. 99% of military experts will agree with me from Russia to the US and in everywhere in between.
I'm German and Italian, they both bowed down to the US and I'm fine with it. They became better politically than during that time. Same goes for Iran.
I'm always amazed at people who take pride in being an underdog. Who are you people??!
[QUOTE="TheImmortal, post: 11631357, member:
What you seem to forget though is England is part of NATO. And articles of NATO mean if England goes to war, ALL NATO countries are obligated to go to war including Turkey. Hence why England’s military today is merely a single part in an overarching war machine. It is no longer required to be the war machine.
Including Turkey? Can you remember when Turkey downed a Russian fighter what was NATO's stance . They leave Turkey in case of a war with Russia.
NATO' s policy was ' no support policy for Turkey ' . So why Turkey will included in a war which is escalated by UK ?
NATO charter is , if any of the member country is attacked , all member will consider it an attack on themselves .

Can you remember Fockland war of 1982 . It was fought by Britain alone and no involvement of NATO .
2003 Iraq invasion, was it fought by NATO ?
Like Iraq invasion , this war will be fought by UK , US and Israel.
British Oil Tanker was a Threat to the Environment
Sat Jul 20, 2019 11:26AM [Updated: Sat Jul 20, 2019 11:40AM ]

The detention of a British-flagged tanker in the Strait of Hormuz is being widely described by the British media as a tit for tat action by Iran in response to Britain’s seizure of the Grace1 super-tanker off the Spanish coast of Gibraltar earlier this month.

But as more information comes to light it appears that the British-owned tanker, Stena Impero, was in breach of international regulations, in addition to posing a threat to the environment in the event of a collision with other vessels in the region, which would have been unaware of its presence due to its transponder having been switched off.

Iran’s legal basis for the detention of the Stena Impero rests primarily on its transgression of laws and regulations pertaining to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLS).

According to an official communiqué released by Iranian authorities, the Stena Impero was on a course in contravention of its legitimate direction of travel.

As the British-flagged tanker was not following the correct path it may be considered to be in breach of section 3 of the UNCLS, which relates to the right of innocent passage.

Under article 18 of section 3, ships are entitled to the right of innocent passage as long as their journey is “continuous” and “expeditious”. In the case of the Stena Impero, the vessel is suspected to have deviated from “continuous” passage by changing course.

An additional breach of section 3 (right of innocent passage), this time under article 19, may have occurred due to the Stena Impero’s collision with a fishing trawler, which may, or could have, resulted in oil leaking from the tanker, thus resulting in an environmental disaster, with terrible consequences for the entire region.

Under article 19, section 3, of the UNCLS, passage is innocent as long as it is not prejudicial to the “peace, good order or security” of the coastal state.

Moreover, the Stena Impero could be regarded as posing a security threat on account of the fact that it had gone “dark”, meaning its transponder was switched off.

Based on these established and emergent facts it would appear that far from being a tit for tat response, the Iranian decision to detain the British vessel was in conformance with the Islamic Republic of Iran’s obligation to uphold laws and norms pertaining to navigation on the high seas.

source: https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2019/07/20/601397/UK-Persian-Gulf

An arab man is telling us how its awesome to be an American slave. and we should start trying it out... im absolutely speechless.. don't know whether to laugh or cry to be honest...


It’s actually quite disturbing ...but I can understand it when I see for instance how the Saudis are in awe of white people at their airports

Iran seized two ships.liberian tanker was allowed to leave after environmental warning.this is crazy.you now have British ship.whag are you doing? I think Europeans wanted to stay with their decision of nuclear deal despite pressure from trump.now you make them your enemy.toi much enemies too handle.war is not good for region.

The British are well known US poo-dles

because of internal conflicts muslims are going down

This is the sad part .... if we were united, we would be a formidable force but alas .... yeh ho na saka aur ab yeh aalam hai... (wait where am I going with this?!! Lol)
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