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Breaking: IRGC seized a British tanker

This tanker while sailing in the opposite direction of the waterway, has collided with Iranian fishing ship and without responding to it's calls was escaping.

So Iran's act isn't really a retaliation.
Iranians have a bit of a hurry to be roasted . While everything was going fine they kick themselvew in the back .
We must stand against the worng only if we are capable otherwise we must bow down and let them not exploit you and your country or attack them. Why happened in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Iran is a serious country and acts like a serious country should act...Brits should know that it is not 1953.

Also, whatever Naval force Britain has is small and not enough to deal with Iran in the Persian Gulf if anything.
its not good i dnt want to see an other scenario like iraq war
I wouldn’t go that far:

UK has 20 major surface ships including 6 destroyers and 1 aircraft carrier

Iran has 9 frigates (zero destroyers)

UK has 10 nuclear powered submarines

Iran has 3 Kilo class and 1 Fateh submarine.

NOTE: In this case I won’t consider Iran’s midget subs like ghadir or fast patrol craft as they don’t are major vessels. Just strictly comparing big ships.

So you are correct UK has a sub par Navy, but Iran based on major surface fleet ships is even in worse shape.

Iran likely will need 20 years or more to pass UK on a major surface fleet and that is if Iran starts building destroyers RIGHT NOW. Currently we are still at frigate stage.

So the best former "Ruler of the waves" can deliver is an aircraft carrier with 30 Harrier Jump Jets and few vessels with several Tomahawk cruise missiles....that is not enough to deal with Iran.

Hardly British Navy can survive Iranian speedboats with their swarm attack tactics and anti-ship missiles like Khalije Fars...

British army and air force is also a joke...
Iranians have a bit of a hurry to be roasted . While everything was going fine they kick themselvew in the back .
We must stand against the worng only if we are capable otherwise we must bow down and let them not exploit you and your country or attack them. Why happened in Iraq and Afghanistan.
So what is your opinion about seizure of Grace 1 , how should Iran response the British pirates ?

its not good i dnt want to see an other scenario like iraq war
I also don’t want to see a war . But US /UK
will impose a war if Iran want it or not .
Westerns breach JCPOA but they blaming Iran . UK sized Iranian Oil first not Iran escalate first . US steadily increasing its fire power, I think it is a sign of aggression, today or tomorrow they are going to attack Iran .
This thread was funnier than an episode of Trever Noah. So much shit talk towards the UK armed forces. A lot of it is wishful thinking at best...
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Iran is a serious country and acts like a serious country should act...Brits should know that it is not 1953.

English pirates were fools if they thought they can violate Iranian territorial waters without consequences. Especially after what happend to unprofessional US millitarymen:

Also, whatever Naval force Britain has is small and not enough to deal with Iran in the Persian Gulf if anything.

All English pirates can do is to beg so called USA for help.
Iran is a serious country and acts like a serious country should act...Brits should know that it is not 1953.

Also, whatever Naval force Britain has is small and not enough to deal with Iran in the Persian Gulf if anything.
Never underestimate a dead elephant. Till to day British Navy is capable enough.
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