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Breaking: IRGC seized a British tanker

Same for shipping to Mediterranean Sea.

So seizing that Iranian ship was like seizing the whole entire Iranian fleet.
Iran doesn't need to sail in Mediterranean. Iran has land route to that area and worst case can use the shipping route from Caspian to Black sea. Britain is going to lose this game if the continue.

I know from the very beginning, as the order was given by the leader himself!!, shit will get soon very serious, and we can see it now, the command was executed :)

We will probably see Iranian missiles launching at the British ships soon.

stop playing dumb.

Iran said so. Even shows it on the map.

Iran doesn't need to sail in Mediterranean. Iran has land route to that area and worst case can use the shipping route from Caspian to Black sea. Britain is going to lose this game if the continue.

And yet you lost a ship going to the Med.
Wait a minute, what happened to all of that super duper England warships, what happened to American and it's allies patrolling warships, was all that just a Hollywood show? :lol:



Look at those smiles - how cute.

The WEST have an apparent unspoken 'soft corner' for Iran because they do not want to hand over the Middle East to Arabs on a silver plate. This will go against their 'divide and rule' policy for the region. Iran is keeping the situation interesting for them.

Donald Trump is not a member of neocon Bush family; he is also bluffing with Iran, to secure a better deal with Iran than JCPOA. This is all about Presidential elections.
Wouldn't matter if Iran is losing each ship then as you said.
Iran doesnt have ships to "lose" since Iran technically has no oil to export legally. catch up bro, stop playing dumb.
Iran doesnt have ships to "lose" since Iran technically has no oil to export legally. catch up bro, stop playing dumb.

So Iran never lost any ships at all if it has nothing to export? So whats the worry?
Iran doesn't need to sail in Mediterranean. Iran has land route to that area and worst case can use the shipping route from Caspian to Black sea. Britain is going to lose this game if the continue.
Besides, Iran has never been afraid of UK. Iran only fears US(other than Russia and China IF there is serious adversity in their relationships). I already said this before and now we are seeing it.

So Iran never lost any ships at all if it has nothing to export? So whats the worry?
THe point is this : If UK + US consider Iran "rogue", they cant stoop down to the level of the rogue player(seizing ships illegally) and do what the rogue/criminal is doing. You cant be good police and do crime at the same time. thats the point. If you're doing piracy/ illegal actions like the criminal you chase, you're no better.
We will probably see Iranian missiles launching at the British ships soon.

Iran said so. Even shows it on the map.

And yet you lost a ship going to the Med.
That was before this game started. Now just sit back and watch.

Only a short 60 years ago when Iran decided to nationalize its own oil, British navy blockaded the Persian gulf to not let any Iranian oil pass through, God the tables have turned!
Besides, Iran has never been afraid of UK. Iran only fears US(other than Russia and China IF there is serious adversity in their relationships). I already said this before and now we are seeing it.

Wouldn't make the same mistake. Argentina thought the same. UK and its small fleet and no U.S. intervening.

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