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Breaking : Iranian missiles hit the waters near US bases in Qatar and UAE

in the US the most fanatical, organized, and politically powerful religious group are evangelical christians.

they act in an almost cult like manner with their devotion to Israel that makes even the most hardened zionist question their own loyalty to Israel.

This evangelical group is arguably the most important voting bloc of the republican party, and guarantee the republicans stay 100% on Israels side. You can see these evangelical operatives like Pompeo and their absolute obssession with destroying Iran on Israels behalf.
And then Iran says why US retaliate.

Iran response should have been same. Just shadow a civil airline. But noo
To harass civila airlines is ok with you but haram military is not. You have you head in the sand
there was a time where groups and countries took cheap shots at the US. because they were afraid of a direct confrontation.

when it comes to Iran and US, the roles have reveresed 180.

its the US too afraid to confront Iran, taking random cheap shots it thinks it can get away with random assaniation,, open acts of state terorr. blowing up soft civilian targets. While Iran Responds with military force directly against the US military pre-announcing it to boot.

if this doesnt tell you how impotent and hopeless the US has become in countering Iran, nothing will.
Just decided to drop few notes about the evangelical Christians and why they support Israel (and this support has nothing to do with liking Israel or the Jews...the story is long and you have to research it yourself but few elements of that I mention).

* The core of the belief is the return of Christ and establishment of true kingdom of Christ over the earth...

* "End Times" and "rupture" The return of Christ will not happen until one prerequisite condition is fulfilled and that is "All of Jerusalem must be ruled by the Jews and the Jewish temple must be rebuilt for the third time ..remember we Persians paid and built that temple for the jews during Cyrus the great"..

So here is the rub...all of Jerusalem must be in the hands of the Jews for the second coming of the Christ..that is why Evangelical Christians are helping and financing Israel to take over all of the Palestinian lands including west bank in order to accelerate the return of the Christ. It has nothing to do with them liking the jews..and as a matter of fact by the time "Armageddon" is finished and the dust settles there would be no Jews left (either killed or forced to convert to Christianity)..As a matter of fact in the 1980s there was a hot debate in Jewish circles about if it was wise to accept help from Evangelical Christians when they knew that at the end they will all be slaughtered or converted and there be no Jews left.. but at the end Jews decided to accept the help!!! remember they have their own stories too just as shia muslims have their religious stories (the return of 12th Imam)...
All these christian judaism talks. Theres a bigger enemy than even White Supremacists and Trump. It is no secret that prominent politicians and Elite financiers in the US do satan worship. It came to light after the feds got possession of Anthony Weiners laptop. Twitter is full of celebrities tweeting about Satanic Child Sacrifices and pedophilia using code words such as Pizza and Pasta. Even the wayfair scandal a couple weeks ago was creepy as hell. Epstein- Maxwell child sex trafficking. In wikileaks, clinton mailed Obama talking about him having sex with girls and little boys. Clinton mailing Huma Abedin about What she calls "sacrifice night" and asked her to get her favourite toy and hammer. Apparently the found a video of Hillary and Huma killing a young girl in Anthony Weiners Laptop. Satanic Symbolism, pedophilia is their religion. They hide behind the cover of being Jews. Are they really Jews or Christians? they are devil worshipping luciferians and this aint no damn conspiracy theory. you will see wat im talking about if u research about the topic. White Supremacists and Evangelical Christians are the least of my worries. Atleast they wont go around and practicing all these dark and evil practises. Also theres a reason why the entire western Jew satanic media hates and despises trump, theres a reason why the whole corrupt establishment, the same establishment which caused so much death and destruction in the world is so much against Trump. I am praying to god trump gets re elected because the only way to defeat these Evil Devil worshipping financial elites is if sumhow these evangelicals win. When u see whats happening today in American cities and what the leftists and black lives matters supporters are doing, and the grotesque godless ideologies they follow, its not so hard to understand who are backing and organizing these people from behind the scenes. Its the enemies of humanity and god that are doing this. I know trump is the enemy of Iran but his enemies are enemies of humanity and of the entire planet.

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