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Breaking: Iran detains U.S navy soldiers entering Iranian territorial waters

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Are you aware that in those parts of the world (not only in Iran), humiliating US is considered to be one of the most honorable acts that can ever be committed by humanity? This is just a fact I am reporting, I am not saying it is good or bad, but that is how things are for US in many parts of the world.
Am I aware ? Yes. Do I care ? No.

By the way, how would have US acted if a Cuban or Russian ship was just getting close to US coast, not even in US territorial waters just close, you know what I mean. Surely US would not have threatened to nuke the whole planet and humiliate the humanity along with 200 million other species. Would it? Oh wait a minute, I remember now: Cuban Missile Crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh wait for a minute...There were MISSILES involved.

And the last time US float-ables floated in Iranian waters, Iran paid the price dearly: Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That was an accident.

And please spare me the usual 'high tech' Aegis criticism.

That was when US navy had been rented to Mr Saddam Hossein, the honorary citizen of Detroit, the industrial capital city of United States. Since then US killed Saddam and Detroit both. But the history is still there.
All Senor Hussein had to do was be nice in the ME.

And Iranians have a very long memory.
Selective ones at that...

Looky here...Have the balls to admit you are glad that Iran took the propaganda route. You need every boost you can get.
Yes...Iran have the right to investigate their vessel but what Iran did was outright humiliation for the US in general and to the sailors in particular.
I think you're one of the few humiliated ones. As a typical Iranophobe might say, "They Cultist Barbarian Mullah's with Nukes". So it would of been expected for the Americans to be slaughtered and hung on cranes, while crowds burn American Flags chanting "Death to America!" :crazy:

I can understand Iranians making a big deal out this, but it's nothing to Americans.
Am I aware ? Yes. Do I care ? No.

Oh wait for a minute...There were MISSILES involved.

That was an accident.

And please spare me the usual 'high tech' Aegis criticism.

All Senor Hussein had to do was be nice in the ME.

Selective ones at that...

Looky here...Have the balls to admit you are glad that Iran took the propaganda route. You need every boost you can get.

You cared enough to come to this thread. Spare us your tears.

US boats are also armed to teeth and manned by trigger happy zombie heads. They do not carry chocolate and crewed by bulimic models.

Yeah, US can go and kill innocent civilians all over the world in millions and then claim it was all "accident". No wonder in most of the world, your humiliation is a much sought after commodity. With mentality such as yours, perpetuating hatred and vile darkness, no other outcome can be expected. But tell me this, how come it is almost always an immigrant or his son who is trying to over-prove his American patriotism? For example a South Vietnamese trying to prove that he is more American, than he really is? Is it some kind of compensation mechanism trying to prove to his buddies in the bar that he is as "white" and "European" as them? :lol:

Saddam was an American puppy who started his career as a thug for hire by CIA. He died at the hand of his master trainers.

Iran does not need to do anything anymore, propaganda or otherwise. The victories are themselves coming to Iran. Such is Iran's greatness. You have been checkmated in Middle East. It is either Iran or Isis. There is no other option left.

I think you're one of the few humiliated ones. As a typical Iranophobe might say, "They Cultist Barbarian Mullah's with Nukes". So it would of been expected for the Americans to be slaughtered and hung on cranes, while crowds burn American Flags chanting "Death to America!" :crazy:

I can understand Iranians making a big deal out this, but it's nothing to Americans.

His feelings are hurt. He is just letting some steam off here. His secretary of state has officially thanked Iran. And he is hurt.
You cared enough to come to this thread. Spare us your tears.

US boats are also armed to teeth and manned by trigger happy zombie heads. They do not carry chocolate and crewed by Bulimic models.

Yeah, US can go and kill innocent civilians all over the world in millions and then claim it was all "accident". No wonder in most of the world, your humiliation is a much sought after commodity. With mentality such as yours, perpetuating hatred and vile darkness, no other outcome can be expected. But tell me this, how come it is almost always an immigrant or his son who is trying to over-prove his American patriotism? For example a South Vietnamese trying to prove that he is more American, than he really is? Is it some kind of compensation mechanism trying to prove to his buddies in the bar that he is as "white" and "European" as them? :lol:

Saddam was an American puppy who started his career as a thug for hire by CIA. He died at the hand of his master trainers.

Iran does not need to do anything anymore, propaganda or otherwise. The victories are themselves coming to Iran. Such is Iran's greatness. You have been checkmated in Middle East. It is either Iran or Isis. There is no other option left.
You know that what I said about courtesies vs the laws is correct.

As someone who actually have served in the military, I have no problems going out on a limb and say that I bet that even the Iranians who were there knew that what they were doing was at least unprofessional, if not outright wrong.

And now you have to bring my origin into this. No problems with that. It is typical behavior I get over at irandefense.
You know that what I said about courtesies vs the laws is correct.

As someone who actually have served in the military, I have no problems going out on a limb and say that I bet that even the Iranians who were there knew that what they were doing was at least unprofessional, if not outright wrong.

And now you have to bring my origin into this. No problems with that. It is typical behavior I get over at irandefense.

When you are disrespectful to others, you should forget about them respecting you.

And spare us your professionalism and "correct" way of doing things. As if US is not a trigger happy, lawless and completely unprofessional force. From Abu-Gharib to bombing hospitals, to bombing embassies to shooting down airliners to killing innocents to torturing people to assassinations, coups and every other imaginable crap. And you are now here, complaining about professionalism.

You must be joking.
As if US is not a trigger happy, lawless and completely unprofessional force.
No, we are not. Look at your own Iranian military for trigger happy, lawless and completely unprofessional behaviors. Nobody sees any military in the ME as true professionals.
IRGC spokesman rejected those alleged immediate release claims and said we will interrogate the american soldiers, if it has been really an accident we will threat them differently, yet if they have been on an intelligent or other irrelevant mission, we will take the necessary actions.
سردار شریف:تفنگداران آمریکایی تخلیه اطلاعاتی می‌شوند

just a pro west president.

Whos running your military? The IRGC or your President? Like I said, he wanted to resolve this issue quickly even though the IRGC contradicts your Presiden't plan to return the American personnel quickly.

It is not about returning them, which I am sure Iran will do as a magnanimous humanitarian gesture.

The implication that comes out of this is, for US supported Arab absolute monarchy dictatorships in the region. When they see their master humbled and play accordingly with Iran, they get the message loud, clear and strong.

Or they see the return of American personnel in a matter of hours with their boats and equipment also as a clear and strong message that Iran wants to resolve the issue quickly before it gets out of hand and Arab govts. take advantage of that.
Whos running your military? The IRGC or your President? Like I said, he wanted to resolve this issue quickly even though the IRGC contradicts your Presiden't plan to return the American personnel quickly.
matters like this are decided in the supreme council of national security and president is on top of that.
If it was Ahmadinejad, he would hold them for a while, confiscate their equipment, wrap them up in a suite and then send back in a plane, as he did in the previous time (the wet pants), and when it's Rohani he promises their freedom even before the investigations.
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When you are disrespectful to others, you should forget about them respecting you.

And spare us your professionalism and "correct" way of doing things. As if US is not a trigger happy, lawless and completely unprofessional force. From Abu-Gharib to bombing hospitals, to bombing embassies to shooting down airliners to killing innocents to torturing people to assassinations, coups and every other imaginable crap. And you are now here, complaining about professionalism.

You must be joking.

completely unprofessional force? :lol:

please enlighten me with who you think has a "professional" force
You see a threat , you go for it .

fortunately , IRIN seems to roll like that and thats exactly how you get to get a country as safe as Iran .

just take a look around Iran !!! everywhere is a freakin' mess !!


I admire your confidence with which you deal with any country. That is a sign of a civilizational power and not some random country who was able to twist and turn its way to the top.

Sovereignty must always be guarded.

Respect to Iran from India. :)
The sovereignty of the country should be protected at all costs. There is simply no excuse otherwise.
Wow, just wow. :)


From what i saw, Turkish media was highly supportive of Iran in this issue.
matters like this are decided in the supreme council of national security and president is on top of that.
If it was Ahmadinejad, he would hold them for a while, confiscate their equipment, wrap them up in a suite and then send back in a plane, as he did in the previous time (the wet pants), and when it's Rohani he promises their freedom even before the investigations.

Different president different policies.
When you are disrespectful to others, you should forget about them respecting you.

And spare us your professionalism and "correct" way of doing things. As if US is not a trigger happy, lawless and completely unprofessional force. From Abu-Gharib to bombing hospitals, to bombing embassies to shooting down airliners to killing innocents to torturing people to assassinations, coups and every other imaginable crap. And you are now here, complaining about professionalism.

You must be joking.

I mean this in all seriousness... how are you a think tank? To call the US military a lawless and unprofessional force is rich, when you have not defined what you mean by 'professional' (as by the standard definition they are clearly professional) and they clearly have laws and regulations which they must follow.

that you mention coups and the US military together tells me you don't even have your agencies straight. How can you be an analyst when you have shown no clue of the difference between the CIA and the Pentagon? They are both separate and distinct organizations.

Hopefully your following posts show why you are considered an 'analyst', because I have seen nothing differentiating you from any other poster.
You know that what I said about courtesies vs the laws is correct.

As someone who actually have served in the military, I have no problems going out on a limb and say that I bet that even the Iranians who were there knew that what they were doing was at least unprofessional, if not outright wrong.

And now you have to bring my origin into this. No problems with that. It is typical behavior I get over at irandefense.

Is an American talking about courtesies? A country that bombs without abandon, sanctions, arrests and tortures foreigners, and is constantly involved with Regime changes is talking about courtesies?? We have arrested sailors, investigated, and released promptly.

Wow, just wow. :)


From what i saw, Turkish media was highly supportive of Iran in this issue.

You guys shot down a plane, we just arrested and released.

No one was critisizing Turkey for caring about its borders. It was the shooting down act that seemed unnecessary provocative.

I mean this in all seriousness... how are you a think tank? To call the US military a lawless and unprofessional force is rich, when you have not defined what you mean by 'professional' (as by the standard definition they are clearly professional) and they clearly have laws and regulations which they must follow.

that you mention coups and the US military together tells me you don't even have your agencies straight. How can you be an analyst when you have shown no clue of the difference between the CIA and the Pentagon? They are both separate and distinct organizations.

Hopefully your following posts show why you are considered an 'analyst', because I have seen nothing differentiating you from any other poster.

USA shot down an Iranian passenger flight. Is that professional? No other major army has ever had such an "accident". Whether it was an accident or not, it definitely shows that the army isn't professional, correct? That want CIA, it was Pentagon, correct?

Also, the reaction after it wasn't professional. Is it a sign of professional NOT to apologize for such incident? Is it professional to give a medal to the person in responsible for that " accident"?
Actually...You are wrong.

Of course, there are international laws, but BEFORE you exercise the laws, it is expected that you exercise courtesies, especially professional courtesies and even more so since this is on the seas where navigation and travel are much more difficult than on land.

If it is clear that the trespassers have no ill intentions and that they proved that the violation was accidental, professional courtesies between seamen, especially military seamen, asks that you render assistance, as best you can, and allow or even that you escort the trespassers out of your territorial waters.

Yes...Iran have the right to investigate their vessel but what Iran did was outright humiliation for the US in general and to the sailors in particular.

Well lets be realistic here, the fact that they were released so expeditiously is a positive step in the right direction, but neither the US nor Iran are buddy buddy, is it surprising that they would use this for domestic propaganda to satisfy the hardliners for the actual outcome of releasing them?

Is the fact that they detained the crew for hours before releasing them really a humiliation considering what could have happened?

I still think it turned out well and will disappear into the background. It illustrated the power of diplomacy where if a similar incident happened 4 years ago the outcome could have been much much different.
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