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Abortive act of piracy: IRGC Navy foils US attempt to steal Iranian oil in Oman Sea

UK litterary invented slavery and for US it is idiotizm even to respond...you may consider your self to be Batman,no one gives a shit..we have UN chapter,international laws and conventions..and even some difference on interpretation exist,still there are widely accepted interpretations that makes things very clear. No one on this world want even try to paint western fake humanitarian interventions as in line with international law,and that include their policing...it is joke of the century,they used it as weapons in time of power vacum,but that time ended long time ago...I mean,claiming that UK and US fought against slavery in time when their whole economy was based on slavery is new level of crembilism....For thos who question what crembilism is..well Crembil is hybrid born from mother moron ,father imbecill and rised close to BBC TV

UK invented slavery ?? Please what planet are you on ? A lot of societies from Islamic to Mayan practiced slavery. What the British did was to introduce a racial and commercial component to it ?
I already put the video link which exposes US lies.

Also since that ship was serving the US government, it's considered a US asset.

A Panamanian registered tanker taking oil to USA is not a American asset
Good, Now our government should sue these slave owning, racist, backwards savage genocidal, modern day pirate, lower that pig muricans for trying to steal our oil in the international court of justice.
I see. I think both sides are right. Iran was smuggling oil to US, which violates US law, so US navy took action. Iran of course doesn't recognize US law so they fought back. Best luck for both of you. :)
it depends , if you consider any sovereign nation who is wiling to buy Iranian oil is is part of US then yes but we wont accept such definition.
by the way the only Iranian oil which recently found its way into the USA was the oil they stole several month ago
UK litterary invented slavery and for US it is idiotizm even to respond...you may consider your self to be Batman,no one gives a shit..we have UN chapter,international laws and conventions..and even some difference on interpretation exist,still there are widely accepted interpretations that makes things very clear. No one on this world want even try to paint western fake humanitarian interventions as in line with international law,and that include their policing...it is joke of the century,they used it as weapons in time of power vacum,but that time ended long time ago...I mean,claiming that UK and US fought against slavery in time when their whole economy was based on slavery is new level of crembilism....For thos who question what crembilism is..well Crembil is hybrid born from mother moron ,father imbecill and rised close to BBC TV
Nonsense. Slavery is a very ancient institution that goes back to thousands of years. Dude, you really need to learn more about human history.
it depends , if you consider any sovereign nation who is wiling to buy Iranian oil is is part of US then yes but we wont accept such definition.
by the way the only Iranian oil which recently found its way into the USA was the oil they stole several month ago
I thought the right word you should use is "robbed", not "stole". Anyway, this thread of conversation is just filled with inaccurate nonsense that makes it really really confusing.
Strange. Another thread says Iran seized an US oil tanker. Whose oil tanker is it?!

No contradiction...US was trying to steal Iranian oil from Iranian oil tanker by pumping the oil from the Iranian tanker to the US tanker ..the operation was stopped by IRGC naval units and Iran got both tankers and the oil to the Iranian shores.
A Panamanian registered tanker taking oil to USA is not a American asset
when it do it under USA order and deliver an oil which bounded for some other country the the pirates .
well I consider them USA asset
Nonsense. Slavery is a very ancient institution that goes back to thousands of years. Dude, you really need to learn more about human history.

I thought the right word you should use is "robbed", not "stole". Anyway, this thread of conversation is just filled with inaccurate nonsense that makes it really really confusing.
well , this time it was robbing but the four tanker several month ago , I guess could be categorized as stealing
No contradiction...US was trying to steal Iranian oil from Iranian oil tanker by pumping the oil from the Iranian tanker to the US tanker ..the operation was stopped by IRGC naval units and Iran got both tankers and the oil to the Iranian shores.
US also claimed that it is an oil tanker flying Vietnamese flag.
US also claimed that it is an oil tanker flying Vietnamese flag.
Obviously US will make the story so they do not look guilty . As usual in every case they are the good guys and everyone else is the guilty party..I will wait for Iranians to release the videos..so the whole story becomes more clear..
New info says US had truly used the pirates disguise to capture the Iranian oil tanker in the Oman sea and transfer it's oil to a new tanker, but after IRGC captures the second vessel, they dropped the mask and tried to take it back directly.

Army of pirates.

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I fully agree with you...but before we discuss this further in any serious way, ask Turkey to exit NATO first. Until that happens, keep hibernatin' please.
If Turkey wants to become a nuke power NATO or NATO is irrelevant they will become one. If NoKo can stick NPT to US where the sun doesn't shine and go full fledge I don't see any issue with good old Turkey. Now shoo..
If Turkey wants to become a nuke power NATO or NATO is irrelevant they will become one. If NoKo can stick NPT to US where the sun doesn't shine and go full fledge I don't see any issue with good old Turkey. Now shoo..
Turkey has done nothing serious against US, yet thanks to US sanctions, it's currency has already lost it's value. For a country like Turkey with about $100 billion of foreign debt and a completely dependent industry that would be a suicide.
Turkey has done nothing serious against US, yet thanks to US sanctions, it's currency has already lost it's value. For a country like Turkey with about $100 billion of foreign debt and a completely dependent industry that would be a suicide.

Turkeys living standards, resources, literacy is way better than India, Pak, NoKo.. If these countries can do it I don't see any reason why Turkey cannot.. The rest is all noise blah blah blah...
when you consider the fact the USA navy started by several pirate who were doing business in Caribbean sea and Atlantic ocean when they joined Washington and Co. in fighting the British navy you won't be surprised by such moves.
Amreeka only understands one lingo and understands quite well.. Its call dunda, it has done wonders in the past.
This is a developing incident but by all accounts seems like a humiliating US losers failure as usual. According to Farsi media (Mehr, Fars and Tasnim) and regional accounts, the US pirates were trying to steal oil from a large Iranian tanker about 120 nautical miles in the Sea of Oman. The Sepah heliborne special forces landed on the tanker and took over and were soon joined by several Sepah fast attack missile boats and the US pirates backed off and did not want to start a shooting war. The tanker is now in safe Iranian hands in the Persian Gulf waters. Several US losers helicopters and destroyers were involved but ended up with total humiliation. Iran will show videos of the incident soon.
Iran says foiled US navy’s attempt to seize tanker in Sea of Oman
Iranian state TV describes the incident as a failed attempt to ‘steal’ oil
Iran's state TV said U.S. forces used helicopters and warships to try to block a tanker carrying Iranian oil in the Sea of Oman. Iran's English-Language Press TV said the tanker was back in Iran's territorial waters.

Giving details of the reported incident, Press TV said the elite Guards had reacted "promptly" when the Iranian oil tanker was detained in the Sea of Oman.

"Members of the Guards naval forces carried out a heliborne operation on the detained tanker's deck, gained control of the vessel, and directed it back toward Iran's territorial waters," the television reported.

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Navy reclaimed a cargo of oil that American military forces had stolen from an Iranian tanker in the Sea of Oman.
The Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting announced on Wednesday that the IRGC Navy forces have thwarted a pirate operation and theft of Iranian oil by the Americans.
The US forces reportedly confiscated an oil tanker in the Sea of Oman that was carrying Iranian exported oil, transferred the oil cargo to another tanker, and moved the ship towards an unknown destination.
In the meantime, the IRGC naval forces carried out a heliborne operation above the tanker’s deck, took control of the vessel, and steered it towards Iran’s territorial waters, the report said.
Afterwards, the US forces chased the oil tanker with several helicopters and warships, but their attempt ended in failure after the IRGC’s decisive and firm action.
The American forces once again tried to block the oil tanker’s path with more forces and additional warships, but their attempt ended in failure again.
The oil tanker is reportedly in Iran’s territorial waters at present, the report added.

IRGC Navy Foils US Attempt at Oil Theft

Sepah Navy Special Force - Wikiwand440 × 754

On November 3rd, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) thwarted an alleged attempt by the United States to intercept and seize an oil tanker.

The vessel is reportedly back in Iranian territorial waters.

The US military confiscated the Iranian tanker loaded with crude oil in the Sea of Oman, which connects the Arabian Sea with the Strait of Hormuz, and intended to unload its shipment to another tanker and direct it to an unknown destination.

The IRGC Navy reacted promptly and carried out a heliborne operation on the “stolen” ship’s deck, gained control of the vessel, and directed it back toward Iran’s territorial.

Then the American forces pursued the tanker by helicopters and warships but failed to capture it.

The Mehr News Agency said Iranian rapid-response speedboats had overwhelmed the American forces, and that footage would be published shortly. It reported that the US had tried to block the movement of the tanker by placing warships in its way.

The US barred Iranian oil exports as part of the crippling series of sanctions it imposed on Tehran following former president Donald Trump’s unilateral decision to abandon the 2015 nuclear pact, which put constraints on Iran’s atomic ambitions. The US also threatened to sanction any country that purchased Iranian oil.

Iran has vowed to continue exporting oil despite the sanctions. On a number of occasions, the US has successfully intercepted and seized vessels carrying Iranian oil.

Just two days earlier, Iran’s Navy reportedly thwarted an attempted “pirate attack” on an oil tanker sailing for the Gulf of Aden, south of Yemen and past the Red Sea, according to Iranian media reports.

The report claimed the pirates tried to hijack the vessel but were scared off by the warning shots, which is in line with many attempted pirate attacks.

This is not the only reported instance of Iranian naval forces repelling pirate attacks on their ships in the region. In mid-October, state television reported that five pirate ships attacked two oil tankers, but were scared away by Iranian forces.

Absolutely amazing, If true... Now lets see what spin will amreeka (<= Note spelling mistake intentional :) ) and its sidekicks will come up with.
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Turkeys living standards, resources, literacy is way better than India, Pak, NoKo.. If these countries can do it I don't see any reason why Turkey cannot.. The rest is all noise blah blah blah...
That very living standard is why Turkey can't take a bold move against US. With a serious sanctions, Turkey's dependent economy and industry will shut down over night, they wont be able to buy or sell anything in international market. the whole glory will collapse overnight. and as I said add to it $100 billion debt.

riots and chaos will take down the government immediately.
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