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Abortive act of piracy: IRGC Navy foils US attempt to steal Iranian oil in Oman Sea

The OP says "move it to US". Besides, US considers itself world police. So, for them, it is policing, not piracy. By the way, two centuries ago, both US and British navies also intercepted slave ships in international waters. I guess that is piracy to you, too.
They can consider themselves whatever they want, it has no legal basis and we will take care of our sovereignty.

US is the same country which razed the native Americans and had legal slavery till about one century ago, had official discrimination of black people till few decades ago and unofficial discrimination to this very day.
but yeah, they claim lots of things!
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They can consider themselves whatever they want, it has no legal bases and we will take care of our sovereignty.
Sure. Violating sovereignty would be the right phrase to use. Iranians have every right to defend it. But how is seizing US oil tanker a violation of Iranian sovereignty? Is US oil tanker an Iranian territory? If not, isn't this a violation of US sovereignty by Iran?
Strange. Another thread says Iran seized an US oil tanker. Whose oil tanker is it?!

Sure. Violating sovereignty would be the right phrase to use. Iranians have every right to defend it. But how is seizing US oil tanker a violation of Iranian sovereignty? Is US oil tanker an Iranian territory? If not, isn't this a violation of US sovereignty by Iran?
it seems you have misunderstood what has happened here
it seems you have misunderstood what has happened here
Maybe the OP is misleading already. The title says "Iran seized US oil tanker". How am I supposed to understand? Check this:

Maybe the OP is misleading already. The title says "Iran seized US oil tanker". How am I supposed to understand? Check this:

in this incident there were to tanker , one Iranian that were doing its business when the terrorist Centcom navy tried to in an act of daylight piracy intercept the ship and transfer its cargo to a second ship that previously in an act of treason handed our oil to American ,according to some news Iranian ship were rescued and the second ship is being confiscated
Sure. Violating sovereignty would be the right phrase to use. Iranians have every right to defend it. But how is seizing US oil tanker a violation of Iranian sovereignty? Is US oil tanker an Iranian territory? If not, isn't this a violation of US sovereignty by Iran?
They violated our sovereignty and stole Iranian oil, we took back what was ours from the one who didn't wanted to return it. The one who starts the war is guilty not the one who responds.
They violated our sovereignty and stole Iranian oil, we took back what was ours from the one who didn't wanted to return it. The one who starts the war is guilty not the one who responds.
I see. I think both sides are right. Iran was smuggling oil to US, which violates US law, so US navy took action. Iran of course doesn't recognize US law so they fought back. Best luck for both of you. :)
I personally believe Iran & Turkey must become a formidable nuclear power. I know Eyran already is just a couple screws away but should declare.

Then see the foaming at mouth and heart attacks in the west...
I fully agree with you...but before we discuss this further in any serious way, ask Turkey to exit NATO first. Until that happens, keep hibernatin' please.
IRGC published the footage, enjoy:

I see. I think both sides are right. Iran was smuggling oil to US, which violates US law, so US navy took action. Iran of course doesn't recognize US law so they fought back. Best luck for both of you. :)
Our ship wasn't bound for US, but US acts based on its unilateral sanctions so we are right and they are the pirates.
Our ship wasn't bound for US, but US acts based on its unilateral sanctions so we are right and they are the pirates.
A lot of confusing material. In the quoted Reuter news piece in the OP, there is also these statements:

U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that the Iranian report was not true and there had been no American attempt to seize a tanker.

The American officials said that in reality Iranian forces had seized a Vietnamese-flagged oil tanker last month and U.S. naval forces were just monitoring the situation.

If so, there isn't any US oil tanker involved at all.
The OP says "move it to US". Besides, US considers itself world police. So, for them, it is policing, not piracy. By the way, two centuries ago, both US and British navies also intercepted slave ships in international waters. I guess that is piracy to you, too.
UK litterary invented slavery and for US it is idiotizm even to respond...you may consider your self to be Batman,no one gives a shit..we have UN chapter,international laws and conventions..and even some difference on interpretation exist,still there are widely accepted interpretations that makes things very clear. No one on this world want even try to paint western fake humanitarian interventions as in line with international law,and that include their policing...it is joke of the century,they used it as weapons in time of power vacum,but that time ended long time ago...I mean,claiming that UK and US fought against slavery in time when their whole economy was based on slavery is new level of crembilism....For thos who question what crembilism is..well Crembil is hybrid born from mother moron ,father imbecill and rised close to BBC TV
How do the Americans get away with this sort of day time robbery?

Does that US government link explicitly says "... seeking to forfeit all petroleum-product cargo aboard four foreign-flagged oil tankers ..."? Really? Well not a surprise, that's what Pompeo has told us about US glory, he just forgot to add "robbing in broad daylight" to the list.

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A lot of confusing material. In the quoted Reuter news piece in the OP, there is also these statements:

If so, there isn't any US oil tanker involved at all.
I already put the video link which exposes US lies.

Also since that ship was serving the US government, it's considered a US asset.
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