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BREAKING: Cypher Is Leaked By Someone In Pak Military!!

One general with one uncomfortable phone call took us into the war on terror and thanks to that war we lost 80,000 citizens and almost 1000 billion economically.
Then other general arranges a meeting himself so cypher can be handed over to our ambassador and then sits in the same NSC meeting when cabinet discusses the document. He is the same cartoon character who doesn't wanted to give response to the Modi surgical air strike and instead him alongside Faiz Hameed was meeting with Doval in the UAE to arrange the Modi visit to Pakistan without IK knowing.
What sort of chief of army staff's we are employing who are worse then Mir Jaffar and surrendering to the lesser enemy due to the glitter of the dollars. I beginning to have a strong reservations even about our nuclear assets, are these assets are in safe hands and are those assets are going to be used in times of Pakistan hour of need and are not compromised.
After all Yahya was another chief of the staff who lost the East Pakistan and promising us he will go to the war in every jungle, lake and hill and 10 days latter surrendered half of the country. These generals can't be trusted and are not here to defend the country but beef up their off shore accounts.
Still no coverage in Dawn or Tribune. What happened to the days were the Tribune would protest against a media blackout with a blank page?
All of this was known months ago. Nothing in this translation any US role in dismissing Imran Khan.

What is the reason for resurfacing it as if something new ?
All of this was known months ago. Nothing in this translation any US role in dismissing Imran Khan.

What is the reason for resurfacing it as if something new ?
Why else a US official will have problems with a Pakistani PM. if they didn't want to interfere?
Stupids don't understand.
It was obvious for me when I listened to Bajwa's speech on a security conference last year 2nd April 2022. No details of Cypher or anything like that had happened yet. But the panic on Bajwa's face was evident. The way he critisized Russia and did a 180 degree reversal on the policy. Poor guy could not handle a little US pressure. I recalled how General Musharraf was literally shaking on televised speech to the nation describing that Pakistan's face 1971 like situation and accepted all demands of the US. (However that time Musharraf's panic is justifiable as US was really pissed and wanted to bring hell to its enemies. Also it was the lone super-power by far and not had to worry on China or Russia.)

World changed a lot in last 20 years but our Generals never adapted to the new world. The new world is bi-polar world. When US left Afghanistan, Biden said that we don't want to be distracted and we want to be laser focused on China. In such a world, you don't have to fear United States that you tremble in your voice like what Bajwa was doing. Instead shaking and sweating our Generals should leave the matter of foreign policy to more educated folks. Foreign policy in the hands of GHQ is a total disaster.

Yes that was a shocking security conference, our PM was saying we are neutral but the COAS contradicted the PM and condemned the Russian invasion. Behind the scenes they must of had a heated debate which lead to the divorce. The Malaysian summit and other issues didn't help.

What the generals fear is Usa placing sanctions on Pakistan like how they have done to Iran, North Korea and Russia, will Pakistan survive it? If so we would definitely be trailing India in military and falling behind in all fields.
If this is indeed the original text of the cipher. PTI who I believe has clandestinely released this text for its political gains has done a great disservice to Pakistan.

It means Pakistan's diplomatic code can be now deciphered by every intelligence agency out there.

Even if new diplomatic cipher is introduced today. All previous communications sent by Pakistani embassies all over the world can now be deciphered.

Some similar to how Bletchley park broke down all German Enigma codes during WW2, once they knew that each German communication would start with words Heil Hitler.
If this is indeed the original text of the cipher. PTI who I believe has clandestinely released this text for its political gains has done a great disservice to Pakistan.

Did you even read the article?
If this is indeed the original text of the cipher. PTI who I believe has clandestinely released this text for its political gains has done a great disservice to Pakistan.

It means Pakistan's diplomatic code can be now deciphered by every intelligence agency out there.

Even if new diplomatic cipher is introduced today. All previous communications sent by Pakistani embassies all over the world can now be deciphered.

Some similar to how Bletchley park broke down all German Enigma codes during WW2, once they knew that each German communication would start with words Heil Hitler.

The code NEVER left foreign office. PM Imran khan had only received the translated text of the cypher. He discussed same translated message with Nation Security Conference where the DUFFER Bajwa was present too and everyone accepted that message was REAL and so they issued demarche / protest to US for poking in Pakistan's internal matters.
Just cannot imagine this pagal crazy Punjabi Major Adil Raja would be rejoicing this cypher leak - which harms Pakistani interests in the long term giving severe bad name to Army & ISI.

Adil Raja is an anarchist, enough evidence that he acts like a traitor from UK:

Honest Assessment is :

Reading the Cypher, Clearly the then Pakistani Military Establishment and even ex-PM Imran Khan were just working to protect Pakistani interests by having independent policy decisions and staying neutral so that long term have better relations with Russia too, nothing wrong in that having independent policy which the US didnot like at all. Infact Imran Khan as PM spoke truth to its 25 crore people on that day.

What is worrying is the leak of this document and those defending that the Cypher does not exist, including PDM, media, part of the gang within Pakistan, trust of diplomatic relations is broken. Shocking is the leak. This Cypher should not have leaked where anti-state agencies and political gains on Pakistan's interests are compromised. Lack of a severe security platform in Pakistan.
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Just cannot imagine this pagal crazy Punjabi Major Adil Raja would be rejoicing this cypher leak - which harms Pakistani interests in the long term giving severe bad name to Army & ISI.

Adil Raja is an anarchist, enough evidence that he acts like a traitor from UK:

Reading the Cypher, Clearly the then Pakistani Military Establishment and even ex-PM Imran Khan were just working to protect Pakistani interests by having independent policy decisions and staying neutral so that long term have better relations with Russia too, nothing wrong in that having independent policy which the US didnot like at all. Infact Imran Khan as PM spoke truth to its 25 crore people on that day.

What is worrying is the leak of this document and those defending that the Cypher does not exist, including PDM, media, part of the gang within Pakistan, trust of diplomatic relations is broken. This Cypher should not have leaked.

Adil Raja belonged to the same military and came out of same PMA. I think he dramatize / sensationalize too much. I don't like such commentators. You just have to stick with facts and analyze it without sensationalism or long shots.

Anyways, there is no secret in the translated copy of Cypher anymore. No confidential code is leaked. The contents of this letter were already discussed to death and its in Pakistan's national interest to highlight it so no country should ever again try to poke in our internal matters and Army above all should not start panicking and do regime change ops for foreign masters. They should leave the matters of FP to educated people in foreign office.
The timing of the release was a nicely crafted surgical strike on the army leadership duffers… let’s see where things go from here… they don’t look pretty coming out of this as doublt on what was received has now been removed.

Wonder who released it. Wiki leaks were the best.

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