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Breaking!!! Bahria Town ATTACKED by MOB - FIRE Everywhere

Bhool ja ke is mulk mein insaf milega kabhi. Ye mulk Allah ke azab ka lakh feesad mustahik hai, Tsunami aaye, zalzalay aaen, Logon ko pata chalay ke Khuda ki kaenat hai. Yahan har koi khuda banke beth gaya hai aur hum sab bebas hogaye hain inke chakkar mein.

Even in Natural Disaster, I am 100% sure this nation will sell the dead bodies of their fellow men, This nation and its people are beyond hope, The only solution for this morally dead nation is wiping it out from the face of the earth, then rebuild.
Few questions

First Why ?

if it someones against Malik Raiz or someone specific why are they destroying someone else property,

If Pakistani's were that smart to understand that simple logic we won't be in the situation we are in.
This is expected when u forcefully take lands of villagers paying pennies. I jope the protesters torch malik riaz's mansions.
These are JSQM rats

This is signs of things to come in future. Establishment did a great injustice to Pakistan by giving control of Karachi to Pee Pee Pee and sindhis. They are now emboldened. Expect more violence and that too directly against state in future

Somehow PDF and our establishment will turn this and blame it on Muhajir and MQM, and then this will be used to halt whatever development is happening in Karachi, wait once they are done with blaming Karachi for MQM then they will start with PPP.
Guys, here's a personal story. My late father bought a 10 Marla plot about 20 miles outside Rawalpindi during the 80s. His name came up in 'Qura Andazi' which i believe is like a raffle. The land was acquired by some Rawalpindi Housing Association and plots were being offered at a very reasonable price. Which is understandable as apparently there wasn't even 20 yards of flat surface in it. It was all full of small hills, mounds and ravines, farmers from nearby would graze their Buffalos and Cows on the grounds. The other main advantage was you had the option to pay instalments every six months.
During the course of the period, some charges were demanded for the development of the sector including electric supply and road works. However during 90s before any construction started, the sector shut down and every one thought it was another scam. But when Sheikh Rasheed got elected he decided to intervene.....people were either offered refunds or asked to stay put as the development would be revived....my father opted far latter. Eventually, the development was taken over by DHA. Today my plot sits a stone throw away from the famous Giga Mall. I have been offered well in access of one crore for the same piece of land. The DHA has built roads, put up street lights and has provided other utilities there just like Bharia Town does but on a much grander scale. Does this gives a right to farmers or whoever originally sold land to erstwhile Rawalpindi Hosing Association to turn up and start tearing or burning down all the developments that is happening. The scumbags who damaged or destroyed the BT enclave should be put to sword. No ifs or buts.
Lol no way can DHA ever rival Bahria in infrastructure and facilities, i live in Bahria and have several properties around the area, a couple of them right next to Giga Mall, so i knw the area pretty well, frankly DHA looks like a dump compared to Bahria.
Meh… Double work. o_O

Just do it, lmao.
Lol no way can DHA ever rival Bahria in infrastructure and facilities, i live in Bahria and have several properties around the area, a couple of them in D Mall, the construction Mall right next to Giga Mall, so i knw the area pretty well, frankly DHA looks like a dump conpared to Bahria.

This is very true. Army's infrastructure companies have not been churning out the best quality recently, been degraded rather. Civilian companies on the other hand have been phenomenal.

Bahria Town is really well developed, infrastructure is comparable to Dubai. Their road network around the Bahria icon tower is a prime example of their high standards.
Even in Natural Disaster, I am 100% sure this nation will sell the dead bodies of their fellow men, This nation and its people are beyond hope, The only solution for this morally dead nation is wiping it out from the face of the earth, then rebuild.

A segment of society is beyond all hope. It all went wrong ever since PPP came into power and then Zia.

Destroyed law and order, gave rise to corruption, and left the nation in a big crisis.

The worst of the worst in the nation's history.
Bahria town Sunday deal flat 50% off

Voucher: Jeay sindh


I learned this quote about Rothschilds who say: "when there's blood on the street, buy the property".

This incident is rare and will settle soon InShaAllah. If Property prices are down because of this incident, they are a bargain to purchase.
Lol no way can DHA ever rival Bahria in infrastructure and facilities, i live in Bahria and have several properties around the area, a couple of them right next to Giga Mall, so i knw the area pretty well, frankly DHA looks like a dump compared to Bahria.
And where exactly i said anything to that effect. Lol.
Guys, here's a personal story. My late father bought a 10 Marla plot about 20 miles outside Rawalpindi during the 80s. His name came up in 'Qura Andazi' which i believe is like a raffle. The land was acquired by some Rawalpindi Housing Association and plots were being offered at a very reasonable price. Which is understandable as apparently there wasn't even 20 yards of flat surface in it. It was all full of small hills, mounds and ravines, farmers from nearby would graze their Buffalos and Cows on the grounds. The other main advantage was you had the option to pay instalments every six months.
During the course of the period, some charges were demanded for the development of the sector including electric supply and road works. However during 90s before any construction started, the sector shut down and every one thought it was another scam. But when Sheikh Rasheed got elected he decided to intervene.....people were either offered refunds or asked to stay put as the development would be revived....my father opted far latter. Eventually, the development was taken over by DHA. Today my plot sits a stone throw away from the famous Giga Mall. I have been offered well in access of one crore for the same piece of land. The DHA has built roads, put up street lights and has provided other utilities there just like Bharia Town does but on a much grander scale. Does this gives a right to farmers or whoever originally sold land to erstwhile Rawalpindi Hosing Association to turn up and start tearing or burning down all the developments that is happening. The scumbags who damaged or destroyed the BT enclave should be put to sword. No ifs or buts.

Non of this shit will happen in Pindi Bahria. Its not too late to shift industries and companies HQ to Punjab and KP. Karachi population growth need to be put on hold by making it economically stagnant which is possible if people stop migrating there. Riots like this will become norm in future as Karachi run out of land to build. More villagers will need to be displaced. Infact DHA is expanding to nearby district now.

This is just a start. No such problem in Punjab and KP. In fact KP govt is building housing society named Gandhara which is twice as big as BT Karachi and can be expanded. Look at Lahore Ravi city, 2 times bigger then BT Karachi and no chance of riots in future.
Some people think that what they heard from Mr. X Y & Z is a 100% truth. There are 2 sides of every story.

Here's how things really work in Bahria:

. Malik Riaz uses bribes to get land, its a fact. Appointed government officials ask for bribes to sell him land. He is a billionaire and bribes/commissions/kick backs are a natural part of the procedure since it is Pakistan and nothing works here as per the books. Neither what he does is fair, nor what officials do is fair. Both sides are wrong and corrupt here. Government officials should be kissing his hands and facilitating acquisition of land for him because whatever he develops is a gazillion times better than what government develops for its people (Slums). But unfortunately he is always offered some land that was supposed to be developed since last 30 years by a particular ministry's low cost housing scheme. Nothing of which was ever materialised. When the regime changes, they bombard Bahria town with cases, declare projects unapproved etc. Most of the times they also need bribes. Sometimes it gets settled, other times it lingers on.

2. Many times Malik Riaz's land acquisition department also plays with him. Once they know from insider knowledge that Bahria has decided to develop this particular area. They buy that land on names of friends and relatives and send those people overseas, just to blackmail Malik Riaz and force him to pay much more for that undeveloped, useless piece of land. This land is practically like huge craters! It is not even a flat land! Most of the times huge amount of soil is brought and dumped just to make it even! It is useless piece of barren shite!

3. Often villagers refuse to sell land only because of greed. They want more and more money for it. Much higher than land's real value. This is why sometimes we have villages in the middle of DHA and Bahria both.

4. All this often causes plots handing over delays, location is changed and sometimes the real shape differs shape of the shown map. A lot of people then protest why our plot was changed? Specially those whose plot is now on a less favourable position. Those who end up getting a more favourable plot stay quiet.

5. A lot of people are fooled by property agent and not Bahria town. They think bahria is like a government housing scheme. We will buy plot (file) for 4-5 lacs once and will pay instalments once it becomes expensive, these people will spawn after 10 years of buying a file (piece of paper) and then cry Bahria looted us, sold our plot, we got nothing etc. No, it doesn't work that. Bahria will cancel your file and pay you back after 25% deduction for failure to comply by the rules of contract, if you don't pay instalments on fine you loose your file. They will sell that plot at a premium price themselves. Often property dealers make fool of their own customers in this too.

6. Primary mistake, a lot of people don't visit bahria town offices. They keep dealing with property dealers, who keep milking them. Some of those who visit, are met with insincere staff of sales office who have colluded with property agents and big investors. They hide information for their personal interests.

7. At worst what can happen to a plot in bahria town is, that you get your money back with 25% deduction and it gets stuck for a while. Money gets stuck if Bahria goes in loss for that particular sector/ project because of cases/ litigations etc. In a v.desi fashion often sometimes you have to know people and have sifarish to expedite your process. Otherwise money is usually paid back in an acceptable time frame if you didn't pay instalments on time and Bahria cancelled and sold it to someone else.

8. Malik Riaz is weird because he eats halal but makes it haram first. His model is excellent, but his practises are shady. He advertises and sells land that he hasn't fully acquired yet. Then deals with the shit later. (Islamically its haram to do future trading, you can't sell something that doesn't exist, in very specific cases it was allowed by Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. like farmers can sell their crops when they are not fully ready because they have to buy seeds for the next crop beforehand) Ideally he should only sell what he has already bought and is 100% secure and legal but I'm sure greed gets him. He thinks I can start 5 projects at a time instead of waiting for 1 to finish all the way till end.

9. Malik Riaz is one of the few billionaires of Pakistan that is running Bahria Dastar Khuwans 24/7 free food for the needy. Free dialysis. Free eye operations. Free hearing implants worth up to 10lac+ rupees. He has even given free houses to widows. He does a lot for the needy, some of which is not advertised. But one can question what is this charity worth if he is not earning the right way?

10. The man has a lot of good and bad about him but burning offices is not the way to go. Karachi is already full of shit. Government needs to assist housing societies and give maximum responsibility to them for developing cities. Government can't do shit itself! Let private sector do it! Government should just supervise.

Somethings about Bahria town:

0% line losses. 100% electricity bill recovery. They have their own grid stations and supply ahead. Recently some of this may have changed but for several years Bahria Town Lahore had 100% generator power backup free of cost! They have mega power generators and the fuel cost for those was paid 100% by Bahria, not charge to end user in anyway! Idk if it is still the same? It used to be the same for several years after Bahria town Lahore was made, handed over, people were living there, even under severe load shedding power was still provided for free! During PMLN time when load shedding was 10+ hrs daily in Lahore, Bahria ran generators and people ran ACs on generators without ever being billed for it, thats a huge facility!! When rest of the nation was getting zaleel o khuar running after UPS walas and generators walas, Bahria residents were enjoying bill free air conditioning! The roads, footpaths, greenery maintenance is top notch! The foot paths & roads are more straight, even, well painted, clear road markings, proper cat eyes, everything exceptionally maintained than even some of the most well maintained councils in the West! All mosques are beautifully made and maintained. They have 100% power back up and air conditioning all paid by the society, 30 mins before namaz time ACs are already running full blast to welcome namazis. They have their own fire brigades (better and high tec than what city has), hospitals, ambulances, security, bank branches, petrol pumps, restaurants, cinemas, food courts, gyms, zoo, golf courses and what not! You have to live as per rules & regulations of the society even if you are an owner. If you modify the house without approval, if you do anything illegal there Bahria buys back your house at market rate and kicks you out! It is a city on its own with its own economic opportunities.
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I am back briefly after working all day today and losing track of things. Firstly: When I bought the Iqbal Villa house in BTK, I bought it knowing that that part of BTK was legally protected by the Supreme Court of Pakistan. I could have bought much cheaper in Precinct 10 or more outlying areas but there was a question mark about those places' legal issues. The current dispute seems to be about those 'Goths' (villages) which are beyond the Supreme Court of Pakistan had initially sanctioned and I believe MY purchase is legally protected. I am not worried about my investment. There is a very long, separate thread as to why I decided to invest in BTK on this forum. I knew the risks and yet I did that. @Imran Khan knows well about that thread.

But this thread still brings things to a sharp relief. There can't be peace in a society until there is justice. I would NOT stand for any land grab by anyone depriving poor people of their land unless in cases like Eminent Domain but where rules are followed, and BTK seems to fall into that: A vibrant community contributing billions into the Pakistani economy, employing thousands of people, but more than that, giving a model to other Pakistanis to use the untold thousands of square kilometers to put to productive use. Pakistan has the land and fair-enough natural resources. Use it and lift people out of the rampant poverty. Otherwise, the more the poor people, the more there will be anarchy! My dear departed dad always said that idle mind is the breeding ground of the Devil. Employ people! As I said above, we kids used to go to Kathore, which was a tiny village around BTK, and there was nothing but desert around there. Even Kathore was a scary dark place save for rare street lights!

Also, based on what I have seen so far, the protestors themselves have disowned from the violence. Criminal elements had supposedly sneaked in. But why does it all not remind of the BLM/Antifa violence in the summer of 2020 in America or of the Trumpeters attacking the US Capitol on 6 January 2021--blaming others for the violence???

PS. The following video enrages me!! If Imran Khan does not interfere and rectify this then he will forever lose my respect!!

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