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Breaking!!! Bahria Town ATTACKED by MOB - FIRE Everywhere

Well, I am getting my feet wet all of a sudden trying to understand this because of my investment in the Baharia Town Karachi. Otherwise, I have not cared for the Pakistani politics much in decades.
I am going to post a video here which summarizes things quite well. It's in Urdu but I will give a summary of what I have understood so far based on this and other videos.

So Baharia Town Karachi (BTK) is a new gated community around Karachi. It is considered part of Karachi city. A multibillionaire guy Malik Riaz (MR) bought a good bit of fairly barren land which now becomes BKT. MR, allegedly, paid too little money to buy the land to Asif Ali Zardari (AAZ) who effectively rules the province of Sindh. People realized that MR has essentially bribed AAZ to get the land cheap. The matter went to the Supreme Court of Pakistan (SCP). MR offered Rs. 200+ billion. But the SCP made him pay Rs. 450+. The matter got settled. But BTK wants to expand beyond that. And I don't know if they have acquired the land for the expansion or not but some villagers have been protesting and there was some violence trying to dislodge them. That needs to be investigated with no mercy shown to MR if he is indeed doing that. Once again, SCP can settle it.

BUT... all this is against the backdrop of Sindh's rural and urban divide, going back decades. Rural Sindhis have been losing to the Urban Sindhis on economic front but not through some carefully crafted machinations by the Urban Sindhis but due to the nature of their societies: One is largely feudal dominated while the other is not only more urbane but also more educated and Upwardly Mobile. So despite spending trillions in Rural Sindh since at least early 1970s, the plight of the Rural Sindh has not changed much. The level of corruption and incompetence is huge in Rural Sindh. They say in America that you can't fix stupid, true, but add to that you can't fix morally bankrupts either.

The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) of which AAZ is the supreme leader, has ruled Sindh most of the time since 1970s and sometime even in the Federal Govt. But they have not dented Rural Sindhis' plightful situation much. Trillions have gone into Rural Sindh but not much to show for. Their medical colleges are Diploma Mill. Women are mostly confined. It is a repressive, retrogressive society where Sindhis--whom I genuinely regard as among the best of Pakistan because of their peaceful, humble nature--are in a perpetual state of backwardness.

It's a long story to tell. I had been a witness to all that growing up in Pakistan through the 1980s. The current crisis, as the following video would show, has its roots in AAZ's attempts to retain power in Sindh by using The Sindh Card--a blackmail to the State of Pakistan that we would secede or at least cause anarchy unless allowed to retain the power in Sindh. AAZ is mobilizing people to threaten the State of Pakistan. The Urban Sindhis are in direct threat because of that and they too are mobilizing and there is a supposed to be their show of strength on Friday; and they are also capable of violence given their history! Add to this power lust of PPP, there are literally tens of billions of $$ at stake in BTK: Cause anarchy, people sell cheap, MR or others would buy, and sell at higher prices....

They say 'follow the money trail'. I'd add or 'follow the power trail' in case of Pakistan.
[Quickly typed]

Thank you for taking the time to clarify and explain things for me.
Well, I am getting my feet wet all of a sudden trying to understand this because of my investment in the Baharia Town Karachi. Otherwise, I have not cared for the Pakistani politics much in decades.
I am going to post a video here which summarizes things quite well. It's in Urdu but I will give a summary of what I have understood so far based on this and other videos.

So Baharia Town Karachi (BTK) is a new gated community around Karachi. It is considered part of Karachi city. A multibillionaire guy Malik Riaz (MR) bought a good bit of fairly barren land which now becomes BKT. MR, allegedly, paid too little money to buy the land to Asif Ali Zardari (AAZ) who effectively rules the province of Sindh. People realized that MR has essentially bribed AAZ to get the land cheap. The matter went to the Supreme Court of Pakistan (SCP). MR offered Rs. 200+ billion. But the SCP made him pay Rs. 450+. The matter got settled. But BTK wants to expand beyond that. And I don't know if they have acquired the land for the expansion or not but some villagers have been protesting and there was some violence trying to dislodge them. That needs to be investigated with no mercy shown to MR if he is indeed doing that. Once again, SCP can settle it.

BUT... all this is against the backdrop of Sindh's rural and urban divide, going back decades. Rural Sindhis have been losing to the Urban Sindhis on economic front but not through some carefully crafted machinations by the Urban Sindhis but due to the nature of their societies: One is largely feudal dominated while the other is not only more urbane but also more educated and Upwardly Mobile. So despite spending trillions in Rural Sindh since at least early 1970s, the plight of the Rural Sindh has not changed much. The level of corruption and incompetence is huge in Rural Sindh. They say in America that you can't fix stupid, true, but add to that you can't fix morally bankrupts either.

The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) of which AAZ is the supreme leader, has ruled Sindh most of the time since 1970s and sometime even in the Federal Govt. But they have not dented Rural Sindhis' plightful situation much. Trillions have gone into Rural Sindh but not much to show for. Their medical colleges are Diploma Mill. Women are mostly confined. It is a repressive, retrogressive society where Sindhis--whom I genuinely regard as among the best of Pakistan because of their peaceful, humble nature--are in a perpetual state of backwardness.

It's a long story to tell. I had been a witness to all that growing up in Pakistan through the 1980s. The current crisis, as the following video would show, has its roots in AAZ's attempts to retain power in Sindh by using The Sindh Card--a blackmail to the State of Pakistan that we would secede or at least cause anarchy unless allowed to retain the power in Sindh. AAZ is mobilizing people to threaten the State of Pakistan. The Urban Sindhis are in direct threat because of that and they too are mobilizing and there is a supposed to be their show of strength on Friday; and they are also capable of violence given their history! Add to this power lust of PPP, there are literally tens of billions of $$ at stake in BTK: Cause anarchy, people sell cheap, MR or others would buy, and sell at higher prices....

They say 'follow the money trail'. I'd add or 'follow the power trail' in case of Pakistan.
[Quickly typed]

Don’t get your feet wet, Many of us have invested good amounts there.

Thanks to the khooni jihalat of sindhis who fucked up this place yesterday because all they care of is themselves and money. Pakistan doesn’t mean anything to these sindhis and they are ultra nationalist daakos by blood mostly.

(Sorry to say, Don’t mind the good ones, But this is what a majority of your people have made their reputation)

Just from my reference, At least 18 people have invested there, Lakhon logon ki investment hai. Aise nai jaegi bhai InshaAllah.

Dont worry.
Well, I am getting my feet wet all of a sudden trying to understand this because of my investment in the Baharia Town Karachi. Otherwise, I have not cared for the Pakistani politics much in decades.
I am going to post a video here which summarizes things quite well. It's in Urdu but I will give a summary of what I have understood so far based on this and other videos.

So Baharia Town Karachi (BTK) is a new gated community around Karachi. It is considered part of Karachi city. A multibillionaire guy Malik Riaz (MR) bought a good bit of fairly barren land which now becomes BKT. MR, allegedly, paid too little money to buy the land to Asif Ali Zardari (AAZ) who effectively rules the province of Sindh. People realized that MR has essentially bribed AAZ to get the land cheap. The matter went to the Supreme Court of Pakistan (SCP). MR offered Rs. 200+ billion. But the SCP made him pay Rs. 450+. The matter got settled. But BTK wants to expand beyond that. And I don't know if they have acquired the land for the expansion or not but some villagers have been protesting and there was some violence trying to dislodge them. That needs to be investigated with no mercy shown to MR if he is indeed doing that. Once again, SCP can settle it.

BUT... all this is against the backdrop of Sindh's rural and urban divide, going back decades. Rural Sindhis have been losing to the Urban Sindhis on economic front but not through some carefully crafted machinations by the Urban Sindhis but due to the nature of their societies: One is largely feudal dominated while the other is not only more urbane but also more educated and Upwardly Mobile. So despite spending trillions in Rural Sindh since at least early 1970s, the plight of the Rural Sindh has not changed much. The level of corruption and incompetence is huge in Rural Sindh. They say in America that you can't fix stupid, true, but add to that you can't fix morally bankrupts either.

The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) of which AAZ is the supreme leader, has ruled Sindh most of the time since 1970s and sometime even in the Federal Govt. But they have not dented Rural Sindhis' plightful situation much. Trillions have gone into Rural Sindh but not much to show for. Their medical colleges are Diploma Mill. Women are mostly confined. It is a repressive, retrogressive society where Sindhis--whom I genuinely regard as among the best of Pakistan because of their peaceful, humble nature--are in a perpetual state of backwardness.

It's a long story to tell. I had been a witness to all that growing up in Pakistan through the 1980s. The current crisis, as the following video would show, has its roots in AAZ's attempts to retain power in Sindh by using The Sindh Card--a blackmail to the State of Pakistan that we would secede or at least cause anarchy unless allowed to retain the power in Sindh. AAZ is mobilizing people to threaten the State of Pakistan. The Urban Sindhis are in direct threat because of that and they too are mobilizing and there is a supposed to be their show of strength on Friday; and they are also capable of violence given their history! Add to this power lust of PPP, there are literally tens of billions of $$ at stake in BTK: Cause anarchy, people sell cheap, MR or others would buy, and sell at higher prices....

They say 'follow the money trail'. I'd add or 'follow the power trail' in case of Pakistan.
[Quickly typed]

In Forex/Crypto trading, We use HODL (Hold on for dear life), a common word in crypto.

This is a designed situation and maybe MR is directly involved in the destruction. Maybe he thought, “ The entrance gate doesn’t look good, Let’s demolish it and make something new once again. Taking advantage of the situation, And also the people who are holding files of out of bound plots, Trying to create a panic situation so that people can accept whatever money they are getting and exit the market.

But don’t you forget, Money speak, MR is the king in the end
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Just from my reference, At least 18 people have invested there, Lakhon logon ki investment hai. Aise nai jaegi bhai InshaAllah.
Dont worry.

I am not worried about my investment. Too many people are living in BTK already in properties where the Supreme Court of Pakistan itself has legalized the properties. IF the assumption that MR is somehow involved in the violence on his own largest project--which I find hard to believe--then BTK is in serous trouble in short term but the project will not go away.
What should worry every patriotic Pakistani is that this has the potential to really blow up: The Urban/Rural Sindh divide has been huge since Mumtaz Bhutto introduced the Languages Bill giving parity to Urdu and Sindhi in Sindh--sometime in the 1970s. I remember as a child in the 1970s, there was already graffiti on the streets of Karachi saying 'Lets make Karachi a Province!'. Sot it is about a 50-year history of mutual distrust between the two communities and now the power-needs of AAZ are going to make PPP be openly on the side of the Sindhi nationalists.
I am not worried about my investment. Too many people are living in BTK already in properties where the Supreme Court of Pakistan itself has legalized the properties. IF the assumption that MR is somehow involved in the violence on his own largest project--which I find hard to believe--then BTK is in serous trouble in short term but the project will not go away.
What should worry every patriotic Pakistani is that this has the potential to really blow up: The Urban/Rural Sindh divide has been huge since Mumtaz Bhutto introduced the Languages Bill giving parity to Urdu and Sindhi in Sindh--sometime in the 1970s. I remember as a child in the 1970s, there was already graffiti on the streets of Karachi saying 'Lets make Karachi a Province!'. Sot it is about a 50-year history of mutual distrust between the two communities and now the power-needs of AAZ are going to make PPP be openly on the side of the Sindhi nationalists.
You should write an article on the Urban-Rural divide in Sindh. You seem well informed on the topic. It would clear things up and improve discussions on this forum regarding the situation in Karachi and Sindh.
You should write an article on the Urban-Rural divide in Sindh. You seem well informed on the topic. It would clear things up and improve discussions on this forum regarding the situation in Karachi and Sindh.

I think I should-- some first hand experiences, some anecdotal accounts and they go back half a century. I am old enough to have memories of the 1971 War--but don't call me 'Chacha'. Haha!

But I will not spare anyone per my understanding of Pakistan's history: Neither the Bhuttos, nor the Sharifs, nor the MQM, nor the Sindhi Nationalists like G.M. Sayyad, AND nor the Pakistani Establishment. All of them did so much wrong since the early 1970s to poison the wells of Sindh, which was a land of Sufi Islam and of tolerance. The result is that, while Urban Sindhis may be crying over things, the Rural Sindh is not better off--perhaps even worse!

A video by Haroon Rashid-- and since ethnicity is important in this discussion, he is a Punjabi political observer but is one of the greatest voices for the Urban Sindhis. He has started to talk about BTK violence after minute 8 and pulls no punches and confirms this is a political 'blackmail' by AAZ against the State of Pakistan and that if AAZ is not careful then a Governor's Rule is around the corner--similar the warning given by Shaheen Sehbai in the video above:

Police brutality in Sindh is legendary.

Supreme court should be moved to revisit the Bahria case with a larger bench. There is foul play here by the government. Both federal and provincial.
Police brutality in Sindh is legendary.

Supreme court should be moved to revisit the Bahria case with a larger bench. There is foul play here by the government. Both federal and provincial.
You being serious on this one indicates you have also “thoked” your investment here ?
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