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Breaking: Asad Umar axed!

On a lighter note....since the decision has been made lets appoint our very own @BHarwana as the next finance minister...
He failed to declare Pakistan as interest free country.

That ain't happening any time soon mate. We can only wish for removal of Ribah. But eh...the powers that be have their ways, and we are completely at the mercy of the Ribah based financial system right now.

I jut hope some day some "man" will stand up in Pakistan, and kill Ribah from our so called "Land of the Pure".
This decision might help PTI win elections but has truly taken away hopes of reforms..ofcourse the ministry is just a symbolic post its man behind it but the symbolic post has a meaning
Dr Farhan K Virk‏ @FarhanKVirk 2m2 minutes ago
Dr Farhan K Virk Retweeted Saad Maqsood
آپ کو مجھے ذلیل کرنے کا آج مکمل حق ہے. آج کسی پٹواری نے بھی گالیاں نکالنی ہیں تو نکال لے. میں بلاک نہیں کروں گا. میں خود تپا بیٹھا ہوں
If the news is true,
the loyalty of people like Asad Umer is to ministry and not his leader.
That ain't happening any time soon mate. We can only wish for removal of Ribah. But eh...the powers that be have their ways, and we are completely at the mercy of the Ribah based financial system right now.

I jut hope some day some "man" will stand up in Pakistan, and kill Ribah from our so called "Land of the Pure".

man its not that hard. actually its constitutional as well. you can search my post on the first instance of the new government and imf. and i said imf is needed by the government not pakistani public.

adhay log zakaat maaf kara lete hain to sood ki kia baat hai.. phir ayaashi karo murde ka gosht khao. bachiyaan nachwao for softpower. who gives a damn
The same old faces will return whether it is Tarin or Ishrat or Salman Shah...Waah re Pakistan...teri qismat
Stock exchange will crash now and dollar about to rise massively now. International investment will now take a hit too. Uncertainty in govt policies is clearly depicting. Mini crisis for pti govt moving foward. No one will like to take this thankless position. Probably some technocrat will be given the charge.
If the news is true,
the loyalty of people like Asad Umer is to ministry and not his leader.
He was offered another monistry and he refused
I respceted asad umar more than imran khan..i am pretty confident that same mistakes as before will be repeated and end result will be no different than before..yeah sure IK will win the next election but reforms will not happen
@Retired Troll @zulu @Verve @Reddington @Khafee @Mentee @Areesh @VCheng

Unfair to blame the FinMin... he resisted and pervailed in saving Pak from default. Took some difficult decisions.

IMF considered him to be 'arrogant' because he challenged them on going soft on #EconomicTerrorist Isaq $ and NS regime... practically looking the other way. IMF doesn't like independent thinking.

FinMin actually did quite good... the comms Min didn't promoted him... I strongly believe ComMin is part of #CriminalEnterprise

Regardless, the countdown has now begun for Interim Setup.

This setup is going to last between 2 to 3 years. Now you will see Pak State coming into play.
No. No one in uniform.

Pak is too important to be left into hands of NS gang/Zardar gang/#Diesel gang....

Would be better if IK desolve the current #CriminalParliment and go out with honour and not stick to the chair of PM.

The fact is IK cann't delvier anything in the current setup. IK should now do the necessary.
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